Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Essbase Error Messages

Created: Nov 19 2008 14:16:54
##1001000 Unable to Open Report File [%s] on Server
##1001001 Unknown Command [%s] in Report
##1001002 Incorrect Syntax for Range Format in Report
##1001003 Unknown Member [%s] in Report
##1001004 Incorrect Format Following [%s] in Report
##1001005 Unknown Member [%s] in Report
##1001006 Unknown Item [%s] Ignored in Report
##1001008 Unknown Member [%s] in Reset Command in Report
##1001009 Unknown Member [%s] in Zoom Command in Report
##1001010 Unknown Member [%s] in Zoom In Command in Report
##1001011 Currency Command in Report and No Currency Database Set
##1001013 Unknown Member [%s] in Dimend Command in Report
##1001014 Unknown Member [%s] in Page Command in Report
##1001015 Unknown Member [%s] in Row Command in Report
##1001016 Unknown Member [%s] in Column Command in Report
##1001022 Extractor debug input: [%s]
##1001023 Not Enough Memory to Complete Command
##1001025 Not Enough Memory to Complete Command
##1001026 Incorrect Syntax in Row Command in Report
##1001027 Incorrect Syntax in Row Command in Report
##1001028 Incorrect Syntax in Column Command in Report
##1001029 Incorrect Syntax in Column Command in Report
##1001030 Incorrect Syntax in Page Command in Report
##1001031 Incorrect Syntax in Page Command in Report
##1001032 Column Width Exceeded 255 Columns in Report
##1001033 Missing Closing Brace in Report
##1001058 Incorrect Asymmetric Report, [%s] Records Processed
##1001059 Unrecognized Relationship Code in DdbSelMbrs [%s]-ignored
##1001060 Formats Too Long, Ignoring Format [%s] in Report
##1001062 Member [%s] From Same Dimension As Previous Member
##1001063 You do not have sufficient access to perform a lock on this database
##1001064 You do not have sufficient access to perform a read on this database
##1001065 Regular Extractor Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
##1001069 Missing parenthesis in <Link Command.
##1001070 Unknown Latest Member for [%s] in Report
##1001071 Unmatched parenthesis in [%s] command in Report
##1001072 Syntax error in <LINK Command
##1001073 Members from different dimensions are selected in the <LINK command.
##1001074 Syntax error in <LINK Command.  Number of arguments exceeded the maximum of [%s].
##1001075 The report contains an Attibute Aggregation member with no Attribute members present.
##1001076 Member [%s] is not an attribute member.
##1001077 Invalid date format in <Link Command
##1001078 Cannot form a valid attribute value from [%s]
##1001079 Dimension [%s] does not have any base members
##1001080 Report parser internal error near [%s]. Cannot continue processing.
##1001081 Report parser error at [%s]. Not enough memory to continue processing.
##1001082 Report scanner error. Error in Scanning command [%s] in report.
##1001083 Report parser error. Cannot have more than one RESTRICT command per script.
##1001084 Report parser error. Cannot have more than one ORDERBY command per script.
##1001085 Report parser error. Cannot have more than one TOP command per script.
##1001086 Report parser error. Cannot have more than one BOTTOM command per script.
##1001087 Report parser error. Missing left parenthesis at [%s].
##1001088 Report parser error. Missing right parenthesis at [%s].
##1001089 Report parser error. [%s] should be a numeric value.
##1001090 Report parser error. [%s] should be a positive integer value greater than zero.
##1001091 Report parser error. [%s] exceeds the [256] maximum number of columns allowed in a report.
##1001092 Report parser error. [%s] should be a @DATACOL()
##1001093 Report parser error. Syntax error at [%s].
##1001094 Report parser error. Member [%s] not found.
##1001095 Report parser error. Top of Stack is reached. Command too long at [%s].
##1001096 Report parser error. Missing Comma near [%s].
##1001097 Report parser error. Illegal command operations near [%s]. Cannot continue processing.
##1001099 Report parser error. Unknown token [%s].
##1001100 Invalid member selection command for relational member
##1001102 Incorrect header in Report
##1001103 Regular Extractor Elapsed Time for [%s] : [%s] seconds
##1001104 Unexpected end of file in Report
##1001200 Report error. Not enough memory to continue processing.
##1001201 Report error. The DATACOL() argument [%s] in the ORDERBY command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [%s] in the report.
##1001202 Report error. [%s] in the ORDERBY command is not a row member.
##1001203 Report error. The DATACOL() argument [%s] in the TOP or BOTTOM command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [%s] in the report.
##1001204 Report error. [%s] in the TOP or BOTTOM command is not a row member.
##1001207 Report error. The DATACOL() arguments [%s] and [%s] in the TOP and BOTTOM commands do not match.
##1001208 Report error. The DATACOL() argument [%s] in the RESTRICT command must have a value between [1] and the max number of columns [%s] in the report.
##1001209 Report error. TOP or BOTTOM returned rows argument value should be greater than 0.
##1001210 Report error. Row Grouping member is not the same in the existing TOP, BOTTOM and ORDERBY statements.
##1001211 Report error. The number of Columns in the Report exceed the allowed maximum of [%s].
##1001212 Invalid field name [%s] in <SelectMbrInfo command
##1001213 Invalid operator or value in expression involving [%s]
##1001214 The UDA Command Does Not Support Attribute Dimension Members.
##1001219 Unable to resolve member [%s] in the Hybrid Analysis Relational Source
##1001220 Ignoring all Hybrid Analysis spanning commands in the report. Spanning has been disabled. See the essbase.cfg file
##1001222 Cannot Execute the Hybrid Analysis Report, All Dimensions Could not be Ordered based on Output Order. Try the Report by Adding A Row Specification
##1001250 Report Writer Sparse Extractor method will be executed
##1001251 Sparse Extractor method is setting SUPMISSINGROWS on
##1001252 No sparse row dimensions exist in the report. Optimization is not performed in Sparse extractor method
##1001253 Report Writer Sparse Optimization method will be enabled up to row dimension [%s]
##1001301 Report execution aborted. Sort buffer limit of [%s] rows have been exceeded.
##1001401 Regular Extractor Big Block Allocs -- Dyn.Calc.Cache : [%s] non-Dyn.Calc.Cache : [%s]
##1001402 Report script contains unknown member [%s] in New Alias-Member Name command
##1001403 Invalid option [%s] in MATCHEX command
##1001404 No option supplied for MATCHEX command
##1001601 Command [%s] available only for Duplicate Member Name Databases
##1001602 Invalid Level/Generation name [%s] argument for DESCENDANTS command
##1001603 LEAVES command is not applicable for dimension on cols [%s]
##1001604 Invalid argumet [%s] for LEAVES command in Report
##1001605 LEAVES command is applicable in case of ASO storage only
##1001606 Argument [%s] for LEAVES, is not part of stored hierarchy
##1001607 LEAVES command can not be combined with any other selection command for members within same dimension
##1001608 LEAVES command is incompatible with command SORTROWS
##1001609 LEAVES command has invalid member [%s] which is attribute/calculated/dynamic member
##1001610 In case UPTO argument descendants will include root member [%s] also
##1001611 Invalid argument [%s] for DESCENDANTS command, expecting AT/UPTO
##1001612 Arguments [%s] & [%s] for DESCENDANTS command are from two different dimensions
##1001613 [%s] command not supported within <LINK Command.
##1001614 Argument [%s] results in generation/level which is closer to dimension root than [%s]
##1001615 There are no descendants for [%s] at generation [%s]
##1002000 Unable to Open Ascii File [%s]
##1002001 Reading Ascii Data File [%s]
##1002002 Expecting Section Keyword and Received [%s] Instead
##1002003 Database Outline not Loaded for Database
##1002004 Unable to Load Database Outline Without SETDB Command
##1002005 Unable to Load Ascii File [%s]
##1002006 Ascii File [%s] Loaded
##1002013 Unable to load UTF-8 encoded file [%s] in non-Unicode mode application
##1002014 Locales [%s] and [%s] are not compatible
##1002022 Config Parameter [%s] Too Low, Setting to Minimum [%s]
##1002023 Config Parameter [%s] Too High, Setting to Maximum [%s]
##1002030 Database Name [%s] Has Invalid Characters, Name Must Be Valid File Name
##1002031 Database [%s] Has Already Been Created
##1002032 64K Memory Segment Limit Prevents Creation of Another Database Context
##1002034 Unable to Create Member Locking Semaphore
##1002035 Starting Analytic Services Server - Application [%s]
##1002076 Unable to Update Server Configuration Information
##1002077 Error Reading Server Configuration Information
##1002080 Loading System CFG File [%s]
##1002081 Processing System Command [%s]
##1002082 Unknown System Config item [%s] Ignored
##1002083 System CFG File [%s] Load Completed
##1002084 Missing System Config File [%s], Using Internal Defaults
##1002086 Unable to Open Spreadsheet Log File [%s]
##1002087 Unable to create Spreadsheet Log Semaphore
##1002088 Starting Spreadsheet Log [%s] For Database [%s]
##1002091 Must specify either session or system
##1002092 Must specify one of enable|disable|dump|reset
##1002093 %s
##1002094 Unable to create Last Rpl Semaphore
##1002095 Connection was terminated
##1002096 Operation cancelled at user request
##1002097 Unable to load database [%s]
##1002098 Timed out waiting for request queue
##1002099 Essbase Kernel initialization (EssSmInit) failed. (userid = [%s] password = [xxxxxxx]).
##1002100 Application [%s] init (EssSmAppInit) failed.
##1002101 Application [%s] creation (EssSmAppCreate) failed.
##1002102 Illegal combination of reset values %d
##1002104 Unable to create Performance Statistic Mutex
##1002105 Attempt to register database for statistics gathering failed
##1002107 Invalid barrier synchronization type: %d
##1002108 Cannot change owner for file: [%s] to [%s]
##1002110 File path [%s] is too long.
##1002111 Unable to initialize Hybrid Analysis for [%s]
##1002112 Unable to convert outline [%s], verification failed
##1002113 Outline paging file [%s] not found
##1002114 Converting outline [%s] to outline paging file
##1002115 Saving outline file [%s] as [%s]
##1002116 Checking existence of outline paging file [%s]
##1002117 Outline paging file [%s] found: %s
##1002118 Checking existence of outline file [%s]
##1002119 Outline file [%s] found: %s
##1002120 Error [%s] in MaxL DML initialization for database [%s].  Feature disabled.
##1002121 Data Mining Not Licensed
##1002122 Aggregate storage applications ignore disk volume settings in essbase.cfg
##1002124 Error - Unable to allocate memory during database load
##1002125 Time Intelligence initialization failed for database [%s].
##1002126 Unable to create Database Semaphore
##1003000 Unknown Item [%s] in Data Load, [%s] Records Completed
##1003001 Duplicate Members From Same Dimension On Data Record, [%s] Records Completed
##1003003 Unable to Continue Data Load After Item [%s], [%s] Records Completed
##1003004 Incorrect Number Of Column Members In Symmetric File After [%s] Records Completed
##1003005 Incorrect Number Of Column Members In Asymmetric File After [%s] Records Completed
##1003006 Unknown Text File Type After [%s] Records Completed
##1003007 Data Value [%s] Encountered Before All Dimensions Selected, [%s] Records Completed
##1003008 With Data Value [%s], Too Many Values In Row, [%s] Records Completed
##1003010 Data Value [%s] Does Not Match #Missing Value in Database, [%s] Records Completed
##1003011 Data Value [%s] Does Not Match #Invalid Value in Database, [%s] Records Completed
##1003012 Data Value [%s] is Greater Than Value in Database, [%s] Records Completed
##1003013 Data Value [%s] is Less Than Value in Database, [%s] Records Completed
##1003014 Unknown Member [%s] in Data Load, [%s] Records Completed
##1003015 Member [%s] is from the same dimension as members defined in Header Name, [%s] Records Completed
##1003022 Unable to Open Data File [%s]
##1003023 You have insufficient access privileges to perform a lock on this database
##1003024 Data Load Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
##1003025 DATAERRORLIMIT reached [%s]. Rejected records will no longer be logged
##1003027 Unable to open file [%s]
##1003028 File [%s] is password protected and could not be read
##1003029 Encountered formatting error in spreadsheet file [%s]
##1003030 Unable to load file [%s]; see server logfile for details
##1003031 Commit at record [%s] during arithmetic data load
##1003032 Input line too long near record [%s]
##1003034 Invalid member [%s] in data column
##1003035 No data values modified by load of this data file
##1003036 Cannot load data. Member name too long: [%s]
##1003037 Data Load Updated [%s] cells
##1003038 Dataload queue overflow on node [%s]
##1003039 Cannot load data. Implied shared member [%s] does not have a real child
##1003040 Parallel dataload enabled: [%s] block prepare threads, [%s] block write threads.
##1003041 Data Unlock Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
##1003042 Loading UTF-8 data to UTF-8 server, no internal conversion needed
##1003043 Loading non UTF-8 data to UTF-8 server, internal conversion to UTF-8 triggered
##1003044 Unable to perform optimized data load for file [%s]
##1003046 Binary data load failed
##1003047 Data Load maximal record size [%s] exceeded near record [%s]
##1003048 Loading Unicode-encoded data to non-Unicode mode application is not supported
##1003049 Loading data to non-Unicode mode application with locale header different from the server locale is not supported
##1003050 Data Load Transaction Aborted With Error [%s]
##1003051 Data Load Elapsed Time for [%s] with [%s] : [%s] seconds
##1003052 Data Load Elapsed Time for [%s] : [%s] seconds
##1003053 Data Load Elapsed Time with [%s] : [%s] seconds
##1003054 Unable to perform operation when number of data load buffers is [0]
##1003055 Aggregate storage applications ignore update to derived cells. [%s] cells skipped
##1003056 Data load updated [%s] cells in buffer [%s]
##1003057 After update trigger execution failed for data load update
##1003058 Data load buffer commit elapsed time : [%s] seconds
##1003059 Operation [Clear Data Combinations] not supported for aggregate storage applications. Please modify the data load rules file
##1003060 Operation supported only for aggregate storage applications
##1003061 Unable to create thread [%s] during parallel dataload
##1003062 The Dimension Infomation not found for column [%s]. Cannot load data
##1003063 The input data is not in proper dimension order as in rule file [%s]
##1003064 Member [%s] is a duplicate member in the outline. Error loading record [%s]
##1003065 Data load stream contains [%s] zero and [%s] #MISSING cells
##1003066 Error while processing member [%s] in rules file.  Column [%s] is a date column, and its field name must be the name of a date dimension.
##1003067 The date format for column [%s] is not recognized.
##1003068 Data Load dry run will update [%s] cells
##1003069 Data Load Error: No data is loaded as the user does not have permission
##1003070 Invalid option specifed for buffer commit operation; buffer(s) will be aborted
##1004000 Continuation Character Must Be Last Character on Line [%s]
##1004001 Extra { in Invalid Combination [%s]
##1004002 Extra { in Invalid Combination [%s]
##1004003 Processing Invalid Combination Group: [%s]
##1004004 Unknown Member [%s] in Invalid Combination
##1004005 ! Operator Not Implemented Yet. Ignored
##1004006  '-' No Previous Member or Non-Matching Dimensions-Ignored
##1004007 Unknown Item [%s] in Invalid Combination
##1004008 Only '-' Operator or Space Allowed Between Members of Same Dimension
##1004009 ! Operator Not Implemented Yet. Ignored
##1004010  '-' No Previous Member or Non-Matching Dimensions-Ignored
##1004011 Unknown Item [%s] in Invalid Combination
##1004012 Internal Error: Invalid Return from GrpTok
##1004013 Start Member Out of Range in Dimension [%s]
##1004014 End Member Out of Range in Dimension [%s]
##1004015 Start Member Out of Range in Dimension [%s]
##1004016 End Member Out of Range in Dimension [%s]
##1005000 Ascii Backup: Failed to open [%s].
##1005002 Ascii Backup Completed. Total blocks: [%s]. Elapsed time: [%s].
##1005009 Ascii Backup: Writing block [%s].
##1005017 Unable to write information to export file [%s] due to insufficient free space on that drive
##1005018 I/O failure writing to export file [%s]. Check the Essbase server log and the system console to determine the cause of the problem
##1005021 Unable to create error file [%s]
##1005022 Error writing to error file [%s]
##1005023 Validate: total errors found [%s], total blocks with errors [%s]
##1005024 Validate: no errors found during validation
##1005025 Validate: errors were logged to file [%s]
##1005029 Parallel export enabled: Number of export threads [%s]
##1005031 Parallel export completed for this export thread. Blocks Exported: [%s]. Elapsed time: [%s].
##1005032 Parallel export failed due to status [%s]
##1005033 Parallel export error: Failed to open input file [%s].
##1005034 Parallel export: Error after reading [%s] export filenames from input [%s].
##1005035 Parallel export error: Export filename too long.
##1005036 Parallel export cancelled for this export thread due to error [%s] encountred by other threads. Blocks Exported: [%s].
##1005037 The path for $ARBORPATH/app/app_name/db_name/ is too long
##1005038 Copying LRO (win. app.): Failed to write to [%s].
##1005039 Ascii Backup: Failed to close [%s].
##1005040 Cannot create directory [%s]
##1005041 Binary LRO does not exist: [%s]
##1005043 Validate: The database outline is empty
##1006002 Unable to Store Information In Page File
##1006004 Unable to Read Information From Page File
##1006006 Failed to bring block into the memory. Data cache is too small. Please increase the data cache size.
##1006010 Invalid block header: Block's numbers do not match
##1006015 Not Enough Memory to Allocate the Data Buffer Cache.  [%s] aborted
##1006016 Invalid block header: Illegal block type
##1006023 Data cache is full.  Please increase the data cache size for database [%s].
##1006024 A valid outline must already have been loaded in order to initialize the Data Block Manager component of the Essbase Kernel.
##1006025 Data cache size ==> [%s] bytes, [%s] data pages
##1006026 Data file cache size ==> [%s] bytes, [%s] data file pages
##1006027 Locking the data cache pages into physical memory.
##1006028 Turning off cache memory locking due to lack of physical memory.  Using virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the data cache.
##1006029 Turning off cache memory locking due to insufficient privileges.  Using virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the data cache.
##1006030 Failed to bring a data file page into cache.  Data file cache is too small.  Please increase the data file cache size.
##1006031 Data file cache is full.  Please increase the data file cache size for database [%s].
##1006032 Invalid stored logical data block size [%s].
##1006034 Waiting to swap a data file cache page for database [%s].  Performance could potentially be improved by increasing the data file cache size.
##1006035 Error [%s] encountered while waiting for completion of a data file cache flush for database [%s].
##1006036 Data cache output transfer buffer for database [%s] is unavailable.
##1006037 Error encountered while waiting for an in-transit data page of database [%s].
##1006039 Error encountered while waiting for an in-transit data file page of database [%s].
##1006040 Unable to flush to disk a data block within database [%s].
##1006041 A read from file [%s], %s.
##1006042 Completion of a read from file [%s], %s.
##1006043 A write to file [%s], %s.
##1006044 Completion of a write to file [%s], %s.
##1006045 Error [%s] encountered while attempting to create or extend a data file for database [%s].
##1006046 A read from file [%s], %s.
##1006047 A write to file [%s], %s.
##1006048 An attempt to set the file pointer for file [%s], %s.
##1006049 Unable to generate the data file name for file [%s] for database [%s].
##1006050 For transaction [%s], %s.
##1006051 For database [%s], the Input Transfer Buffer and the Output Transfer Buffer have been freed.
##1006052 Data cache input transfer buffer for database [%s] is unavailable.
##1006053 Error encountered while waiting for initialization of a data block of database [%s].
##1006054 Error encountered while waiting to fix a data file page of database [%s].
##1006055 Error encountered while waiting to access the data file buffer pool of database [%s].
##1006056 Error encountered while waiting for initialization of a data file page of database [%s].
##1006057 Error encountered while waiting for a data file page of database [%s] that is involved in a data block transfer.
##1006058 Could not open Compression Debug File [%s].  [%s] aborted
##1006059 Invalid block header: Illegal block type -- Please use the IBH Locate/Fix utilities to find/fix the IBH problem
##1006060 Invalid block header: Block's numbers do not match -- Please use the IBH Locate/Fix utilities to find/fix the IBH problem
##1006061 Could not decompress ZLIB buffer [Error: %s].  [%s] aborted
##1006062 Could not decompress ZLIB buffer [Size: %s].  [%s] aborted
##1006064 Reducing cache memory pages from [%s] to [%s] due to a lack of virtual memory.
##1006065 Reducing file cache memory pages from [%s] to [%s] due to a lack of virtual memory.
##1006066 Resulting cache memory size [%s] is below the minimum [%s].
##1006067 Resulting file cache memory size [%s] is below the minimum [%s].
##1006068 Invalid transaction status for block -- Please use the IBH Locate/Fix utilities to find/fix the problem
##1006069 Data cache size ==> [%s] Kbytes, [%s] data pages
##1006070 Data file cache size ==> [%s] Kbytes, [%s] data file pages
##1007034 Unrecognized Token in DdbInfoRet--Ignored
##1007035 Unknown Member [%s].
##1007042 Actual Dimension Sizes = [%s]
##1007043 Declared Dimension Sizes = [%s]
##1007044 Restructuring Database [%s]
##1007045 Restructuring of Database [%s] Failed
##1007046 Restructuring of Database [%s] Succeeded
##1007047 Restructuring of Database [%s] is not needed
##1007066 Database Restructuring canceled by user [%s]
##1007067 Total Restructure Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
##1007068 Invalid Update Command
##1007069 Restoring Data for Database [%s]
##1007070 Data restore for database [%s] failed. Essbase could not restructure the database. Restore the database from archived files.
##1007071 Restoring Data for Database [%s] Succeeded
##1007072 Member [%s] tagged as <REFER does not have a member to refer to
##1007073 Member [%s] may not be tagged as <LABEL
##1007074 Invalid Member Tag (LABEL/REFER) in the Outline
##1007075 Member [%s] tagged as <REFER must be in the dimension # [%s]
##1007080 Unable To Find Or Close [%s] For Database [%s]
##1007082 Cannot restructure [%s] with a currency database mapping in DB [%s]
##1007083 Dimension build failed. Error code [%s]. Check the server log file and the dimension build error file for possible additional info.
##1007084 Member [%s] can not be tagged as SHARED or LABEL
##1007087 Removing tag <LABEL from the member [%s], as it does not have any offsprings
##1007088 Unable to rename [%s] for database [%s]
##1007089 Unable to open [%s] for database [%s]
##1007090 Unknown member name [%s] in Outline Query
##1007100 Dimension name is missing in Outline Query for NamedGen/NamedLevel
##1007101 Generation name is missing in Outline Query
##1007102 Level name is missing in Outline Query
##1007104 Search String missing in ESS_SEARCH/ESS_WILDSEARCH/ESS_WILDSEARCH_SHORT Outline Query
##1007105 UDA String missing in Outline Query
##1007106 Unknown Query Option [%s] in Outline Query
##1007107 The name [%s] is not a Dimension name in UDA Outline Query
##1007108 Null Wild Card Search String
##1007110 MEMBERSONLY and ALIASESONLY are mutually exclusive in Outline Query
##1007112 Unable to change the permission of the file [%s] for database [%s]
##1007113 Cannot write the new outline file during the restructuring of [%s]
##1007114 Cannot write the new outline change log file
##1007115 Dimension name is required for Gen Names.
##1007116 No dimension is tagged as Time dimension for virtual time series.
##1007117 Cannot Write the New Outline File During the Restructuring of [%s]
##1007118 Loading New Outline for Database [%s]
##1007119 Loading New Outline for Database [%s] Failed
##1007120 Loading New Outline for Database [%s] Succeeded
##1007121 Error writing outline change log file for database [%s]
##1007122 Restructuring LRO index and catalog for Database [%s]
##1007123 Restructuring LRO index and catalog for Database [%s] Succeeded
##1007124 Restructuring LRO index and catalog for Database [%s] Failed
##1007125 The number of Dynamic Calc Non-Store Members = [%s]
##1007126 The number of Dynamic Calc Store Members = [%s]
##1007127 The logical block size is [%s]
##1007128 Invalid attribute value type
##1007129 Invalid attribute operation code
##1007130 Invalid output structure format requested
##1007132 Building Dimensions Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
##1007134 Input member [%s] not found
##1007137 Member [%s] is not converted from implied share. Its real child does not exist
##1007138 Member [%s] is converted from implied share, but cannot find its real child
##1007141 One or more restructuring operations on the outline can cause member [%s] to not be used to drill into Hybrid Analysis Relational Source
##1007142 Query [%s] can not span relational partitions
##1007143 Cannot restructure aggregate storage outline [%s] with data
##1007144 Error opening dump file %s
##1007145 Independent members must be members of the specified independent dimensions
##1007146 Invalid inputType/outputType combination in QueryAttributes
##1007147 Error in QueryAttributes: %s
##1007148 Unrecoverable error in attribute-only restructure.  Queries for attribute associations may return incorrect results.  Run a full restructure to fix this problem.
##1007149 In order to restructure Database [%s] all data must first be cleared
##1007150 Unable to load database, locales [%s] and [%s] are not compatible
##1007151 Wrong incremental dimension build sequence
##1008006 Unable to Free Memory for [%s] in [%s].
##1008010 Read Failed
##1008021 Named Pipe Create Failed
##1008022 Pipe Create Failed
##1008023 Named Pipe Connect Failed
##1008024 Named Pipe Disconnect Failed
##1008025 Named Pipe Peek Failed
##1008028 Pipe Read Error
##1008029 Pipe Write Error
##1008030 Pipe Open Failed
##1008031 Pipe Close Failed
##1008036 Find First Failed
##1008037 Find Next Failed
##1008039 Find Close Failed
##1008089 Error receiving data from Agent
##1008090 Timed out receiving data from Agent
##1008091 Error sending data to Agent
##1008092 Timed out sending data to Agent
##1008093 Invalid data type for conversion
##1008106 Exception error log [%s] is being created...
##1008107 Exception error log completed -- please contact technical support and provide them with this file
##1008108 Essbase Internal Logic Error [%s]
##1008109 Unable to Reallocate Memory for [%s] in [%s].
##1008111 Unable to Reallocate Memory for [%s] in [%s].  Refer to the Application Log for details.
##1008112 Memory Allocation error codes: O/S error = [%s], O/S return code = [%s].
##1008114 Allocation request for [%s] bytes of virtual memory.  Percentage of memory in use is [%s%%].
##1008115 Total physical memory is [%s] bytes.  Available physical memory is [%s] bytes.
##1008116 Total swap space is [%s] bytes.  Available swap space is [%s] bytes.
##1008117 Total virtual memory is [%s] bytes.  Available virtual memory is [%s] bytes.
##1008118 Memory page size is [%s] bytes.  Allocation granularity is [%s] bytes.
##1008119 Memory page size is [%s] bytes.
##1008122 Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory for [%s] in [%s].
##1008124 Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s], because of insufficient quota.
##1008125 Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s], because of insufficient privilege.
##1008130 Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory for [%s] in [%s].  Refer to the Application Log for details.
##1008132 Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s], because of insufficient quota.  Refer to the Application Log for details.
##1008133 Unable to Lock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s], because of insufficient privilege.  Refer to the Application Log for details.
##1008139 Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s].
##1008140 Unable to Free Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s].
##1008141 Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s] for reallocation.
##1008142 Unable to Free Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s] in reallocation.
##1008143 Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s].  Refer to the Application Log for details.
##1008144 Unable to Allocate Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s] for reallocation.  Refer to the Application Log for details.
##1008145 Unable to Free Aligned Memory for [%s] in [%s] in reallocation.  Refer to the Application Log for details.
##1008146 Unable to Unlock the Allocated Memory [%s] in [%s].
##1008147 Unable to Allocate Memory for [%s] in [%s].
##1008148 Unable to Allocate Memory for [%s] in [%s].  Refer to the Application Log for details.
##1008149 \r\n*** Abnormal shutdown request entered ***\r\nAre you sure you want to forcibly shutdown the application [1-yes,2-no]?
##1008150 \r\nThe abnormal shutdown request is aborted, the application will continue processing\r\n
##1008151 \r\nSystem is busy.  The application will re-attempt the abnormal shutdown request.\r\n
##1008152 \r\nSystem is still busy.  The abnormal shutdown request is aborted,\r\ntry again later.\r\n
##1008153 A core file may get generated in [%s]
##1009000 In NavLev, Illegal Request - Member [%s], Level [%s]
##1010002 Not Enough Memory to Complete Command
##1010003 The data block size of database [%s] exceeds the limit [%s]
##1010004 Total possible blocks of database [%s] exceeds the limit, which is [2^52], or [%s], for each of two dimension groups
##1010007 Maximum Actual Possible Blocks is [%s] with data block size of [%s]
##1010008 Maximum Declared Blocks is [%s] with data block size of [%s]
##1010011 Failed memory allocation using FS pool. [ %s ] aborted.
##1010013 First group (sparse dimensions from [1] to [%s]) has [%s] actual and virtual member combinations
##1010014 Second group (sparse dimensions from [%s] onwards) has [%s] combinations, which exceeds the limit of [2^52]
##1011078 Client Sent Packet Larger Than Allowed Size. Sent: [%s]  Max is [%s]
##1011079 Output Record > Allowed Size: [%s]  Max is [%s]
##1011080 Null String Encountered During Replace--Terminating
##1011081 Requested String Replacement Operation With [%s] Would Exceed Max Chars : [%s]
##1011082 Tried To Remove Column Which Does Not Exist: [%s] Terminating.
##1011083 Tried To Insert Too Many Columns: Max is [%s] Terminating.
##1011092 Parser: No memory to copy token
##1012000 Invalid Syntax - Not a CALC command [%s]
##1012001 Invalid Calc Script syntax [%s]
##1012002 Could not find the named list [%s]
##1012003 Named list [%s] is not of STRING data type
##1012004 Invalid member name [%s]
##1012005 Invalid dimension name [%s]
##1012009 Variable name [%s] too long
##1012010 Redeclare Variable name [%s]
##1012011 Variable name [%s] conflicts with member name
##1012012 The array variable range specifier [%s] is not a dimension
##1012013 Calc Script Error - Unexpected End of File reached
##1012015 CALC ALL cannot be used in restricted calculation
##1012016 Cannot calculate dimension member [%s] with restricted member [%s]
##1012017 Cannot calculate dimension [%s] with restricted member [%s]
##1012018 Redeclared dimension [%s] in AGG command
##1012019 Calc Script block delimiter [%s] not balanced [%s]
##1012020 Aggregate command [AGG] cannot be used within a restricted calculation block
##1012021 Calc Script command [%s] is incomplete
##1012022 The CALC command [%s] is not supported at this moment
##1012023 Aggregating on Dense Dimension [%s] is currently not supported
##1012024 Cannot aggregate dimension [%s] with restricted member [%s]
##1012025 No Currency Database has been set on this database
##1012026 [%s] command can only be fixed on a CURPARTITION member
##1012027 No dimension is tagged CURPARTITION, [%s] command cannot be fixed on any member
##1012028 [%s] command must be fixed on a CURPARTITION member
##1012029 Invalid target range [%s] of DCOPY command
##1012030 DATACOPY command [%s] cannot copy data to itself
##1012031 DATACOPY command [%s] is conflict with Range Fix
##1012032 When CURPARTITION is tagged, DATACOPY command [%s] can only be used to copy a whole Currency Partition
##1012033 Currency Conversion is not available with this server, calc command [%s] is not supported
##1012034 Variable [%s] not declared
##1012035 Variable [%s] must be of VAR type
##1012036 Calc Script block command [%s] does not end with [%s]
##1012037 Custom calculation is not allowed for [%s] share member [%s]
##1012038 The constant [%s] assigned to variable [%s] is not a number
##1012039 The constant [%s] assigned to array variable [%s] is not a number
##1012040 Too many initial constants assigned to array variable [%s]
##1012041 [%s] is not a valid currency type member
##1012042 Substitution variable [%s] doesn't exist.
##1012043 Calculation is not allowed for virtual member [%s] in the Calc script.
##1012044 Invalid fix member count [%s] when converting from Bitmap
##1012045 Unable to convert bitmap to fix member in function [%s]
##1012046 Unable to conver MEMNOR to MEMNO in function [%s]
##1012047 Aggregating on Attribute Dimension [%s] is currently not supported
##1012048 Calc Dim on Attribute Dimension [%s] is not supported
##1012049 Cannot clear data from Attribute dimension member [%s]
##1012050 Cannot DATACOPY on Attribute dimension member [%s]
##1012051 Batch calc error, FIX statement cannot contain Dynamic Calc member from dimension [%s]
##1012052 Unable to unfix blocks after calculation encounters an error.
##1012053 Calculation is cancelled by user.
##1012054 Batch calc error. All members that need to be calculated in dimension [%s] are Two Pass Calc and Dynamic.
##1012055 Expression [%s] evaluates to an empty set. [%s] is ignored
##1012059 Invalid function specification [%s] in RUN command
##1012060 Internal Error #[%s] occured in the Calculator. Aborting the operation.
##1012061 The CALC command [%s] can only be used within a CALC Member Block
##1012062 Substitution variable name [%s] exceeds the maximum length (%s characters)
##1012063 Substitution variable cannot process UTF-8 encoded data in non-Unicode configured application
##1012064 [%s] command has no impact when currency conversion tracking is turned off
##1012066 Error parsing SCAPerspective near calc script [(%s)]
##1012067 Calc script parsing error, dimension [%s] is not marked as a varying attribute dimension
##1012068 Calc script parsing error, independent dimension member [%s] is not at level 0
##1012069 Attribute member [%s] in Cross-Dimensional operation is currently not supported in calculation.
##1012070 Invalid CLEARDATA Command inside an exclude block
##1012071 Invalid DATACOPY Command inside an exclude block
##1012072 The Calc ALL command can not be inside an EXCLUDE block
##1012073 EXCLUDE member [%s] on line [%s] is excluded even it is an FIX member
##1012074 FIX member [%s] on line [%s] is excluded inside an EXCLUDE block
##1012076 Syntax error in DataExport command. Please provide a single character as the delimiter. Comma(,), space( ) and tab( ) are common delimiters
##1012077 Syntax error in DataExport command. Please provide a valid filename
##1012078 Syntax error in DataExport command. Please provide a valid DSN name
##1012079 Syntax error in DataExport command. Please provide a valid database table name
##1012080 Syntax error in DataExport command. Please provide a valid SQL user name for the relational source
##1012081 Syntax error in DataExport command. Please provide a valid SQL password for the relational source
##1012082 The option [%s] is not supported in DataExport command. File, BinFile and DSN are typical data export target options.
##1012083 Binary import of data failed due to block size mismatch.
##1012084 Unable to Open Binary File [%s].
##1012085 Unable to export data to SQL table [%s]. Check the Essbase server log and the system console to determine the cause of the problem.
##1012086 The record length exceeds the maximum limit of 32K. Try using different dense dimension as column header.
##1012087 Syntax error in DATAIMPORTBIN command. Please provide a valid filename
##1012089 Syntax Error in DATAEXPORTCOLHEADER option. Please provide a valid dense dimension name to be used as column header
##1012090 Binary Data Import Failed. Only [%s] blocks were imported.
##1012091 Binary Import error: Import filename too long.
##1012092 Binary data export: Failed to open file [%s].
##1012093 Syntax error in DataExportCond command. The condition list must start with a left parenthesis '('
##1012094 Syntax error in DataExportCond command. Please provide a valid member name for comparison
##1012095 Syntax error in DataExportCond command. Please provide a valid comparison operator:  ==, !=, <>, <=, >=, > or <
##1012096 Syntax error in DataExportCond command. The condition parameters must be values or valid member names.
##1012097 Syntax error in DataExportCond command. Connect the condition parameters with 'AND' or 'OR
##1012098 Error in processing Data Export condition. The sparse dimensions or dense dimensions on the row can only be compared with a value and not with any member.
##1012099 DataExport dry run message collection routine [%s] failed with status [%s].
##1012106 Calc String function [%s] must be followed by '('
##1012121 Error encountered when loading member [%s]'s calc string [%s], ignored
##1012123 Duplicate member [%s] specified on the X-Dimension variable[%s]
##1012134 Generation number [%s] must be an integer
##1012135 Level number [%s] must be an integer
##1012136 Named generation [%s] is not defined
##1012137 Named Level [%s] is not defined
##1012139 No [%s] member found in Account dimension
##1012141 Illegal match string [%s]
##1012142 Input [%s] is not a valid gen/level name or valid gen/level number
##1012143 @MATCH search string [%s]  should always be in double quote
##1012144 The calculation script contains a locale header not supported by the server locale. Your script cannot be run from a non-Unicode mode application on this server.
##1012145 The calculation script contains a bad or malformed locale header. Your script cannot be run.
##1012146 Batch calc error, with UPTOLOCAL set to ON, FIX statement does not contain any member from dimension [%s]
##1012500 The requested calc script [%s] not found
##1012501 Calculator internal error -- invalid input type [%s]
##1012550 Total Calc Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
##1012551 Converting database [%s]'s currency to [%s]
##1012552 Copying data from [%s]
##1012553 Copying data from [%s] with fixed members [%s]
##1012554 Clearing data from [%s] partition
##1012555 Clearing data from [%s] partition with fixed members [%s]
##1012556 Calculation canceled by user [%s]
##1012557 Clearing all data blocks from [%s] partition
##1012558 Clearing all data blocks from [%s] partition with fixed members [%s]
##1012559 Clearing upper level data blocks from [%s] partition
##1012560 Clearing upper level data blocks from [%s] partition with fixed members [%s]
##1012561 Clearing noninput data blocks from [%s] partition
##1012562 Clearing noninput data blocks from [%s] partition with fixed members [%s]
##1012563 Calculation is aborted due to floating point error [%s]
##1012564 Calculation is aborted due to floating point error
##1012566 Begin of LOOP -- looping following commands [%s] times
##1012567 End of LOOP -- actually looped above commands [%s] times
##1012568 Commit Blocks Interval was adjusted to be [%s] blocks
##1012569 Formula on (or backward dependence from) member [%s] forces calculation to execute in serial mode
##1012570 A circular or recursive dependency along dimension [%s] forces calculation to execute in serial mode
##1012571 Presence of variables or formulas with @XREF function forces calculation to execute in serial mode
##1012572 Calc script has a UTF-8 signature, no conversion needed
##1012573 Calc script has no UTF-8 signature, internal conversion triggered
##1012574 Datacopy command copied [%s] source data blocks to [%s] target data blocks
##1012575 Datacopy command removed [%s] target data blocks before copying the source data blocks
##1012576 Datacopy command skipped creating [%s] target data blocks with CopyMissingBlock OFF
##1012578 Clearing CCTrack on CURPARTITION members [%s]
##1012579 Total Calc Elapsed Time for [%s] : [%s] seconds
##1012580 Multiple perspectives are defined for varying attribute dimension [%s]. Only the last perspective in the calc script is accepted
##1012581 FIX statment evaluates to an empty set. Please refer to SET EMPTYMEMBERSETS command
##1012600 Member [%s] attempts to divide by Missing, Invalid, or Near Zero value (Message will not repeat)
##1012667 Your Server does not have a Currency Conversion Option, the Calc Script command [CCONV] is ignored
##1012668 Calculating [%s] with fixed members [%s]
##1012669 Calculating [%s]
##1012670 Aggregating [%s] with fixed members [%s]
##1012671 Aggregating [%s]
##1012672 Calculator Information Message: %s
##1012673 Calculator cannot handle concurrent updates of [%s] data blocks.  Please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry.
##1012675 Commit Blocks Interval for the calculation is [%s]
##1012676 Member [%s] attempts to execute @POWER/@FACTORIAL function. Arguments are out of range. (Message will not repeat)
##1012677 Calculating in serial
##1012678 Calculating in parallel with [%s] threads
##1012679 Calculation task schedule [%s]
##1012680 Parallelizing using [%s] task dimensions. %s
##1012681 Empty tasks [%s]
##1012682 Multiple bitmap mode calculator cache memory usage attempted to cross limit of [%s] bitmaps.  To ignore limit, do not set MultipleBitmapMemCheck to TRUE in essbase.cfg.
##1012683 Multiple bitmap mode calculator cache memory usage crossed limit of [%s] bitmaps.  Set MultipleBitmapMemCheck to TRUE in essbase.cfg to enforce limit.
##1012684 Multiple bitmap mode calculator cache memory usage has a limit of [%s] bitmaps.
##1012685 The calculator hash table optimization is obsolete.  Ignoring SET CALCHASHTBL/CALCOPTCALCHASHTBL command
##1012686 Calculation scripts are not supported in aggregate storage applications.
##1012687 Unable to allocate memory for this slave thread during parallel calculation
##1012688 Syntax Error in DataExport. The level of export can either be ALL, LEVEL0 or INPUT.The default option ALL will be used.
##1012689 Binary Data Import Completed. Total blocks: [%s].
##1012690 Data Export Completed. Total blocks: [%s]. Elapsed time: [%s].
##1012691 DataExport detects Dynamic Calc member [%s] in the range. Exporting Dynamic Calc data may slow down performance.
##1012692 DataExport Warning: FIX statement contains sparse Dynamic Calc member [%s]. Using FIX on sparse Dynamic Calc members is not allowed for INPUT level export. This FIX will be ignored by DataExport. You can change the DATAEXPORTLEVEL to ALL or remove the sparse Dynamic Calc member.
##1012693 DataExport Warning: FIX statement contains Dynamic Calc member [%s]. No Dynamic Calc members are exported with the DataExportDynamicCalc option set to OFF.
##1012694 DataExport cannot export Dynamic Calc members in binary mode. Dynamic Calc members will be removed from the final output.
##1012695 DataExport can not do batch insert to relational table. The ODBC driver and/or RDBMS doesn't support batch insert. Using record by record SQL export
##1012696 Total Number of Non-Missing cells exported: [%s].
##1012697 DataExport Warning: This DataExport operation will export a total of [%s] blocks. Exporting dynamic calc members from all blocks has significant performance overhead. Use DATAEXPORTNONEXISTINGBLOCKS OFF option to export data from existing blocks only.
##1012698 This DataExport operation will export data from existing blocks only. Any FIX on sparse dynamic calc members will be ignored. Use DATAEXPORTNONEXISTINGBLOCKS ON option to export data from all potential blocks.
##1012700 Dynamic calc processor cannot allocate more than [%s] blocks from the heap. Please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry
##1012701 Unknown block type during the dynamic calculation, neither an ESM block nor a heap block. Essbase internal error, Please report to Hyperion.
##1012702 The block in the dynamic calc processor block array is not marked correctly. Essbase internal error. Please report to Hyperion.
##1012703 Unknown calculation type [%s] during the dynamic calculation. Only default agg/formula/time balance operations are handled.
##1012704 Dynamic Calc processor cannot lock more than [%s] ESM blocks during the calculation, please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry(a small data cache setting could also cause this problem, please check the data cache size setting).
##1012706 Need to copy to Esm block during the dynamic calculation. Esm Block not found. Essbase internal error, Please report to Hyperion.
##1012708 For virtual time series [%s] retrival, the latest time period is not set
##1012709 For virtual time series, the latest time period setting [%s] is not a level 0 member of time dimension
##1012710 Essbase needs to retrieve [%s] Essbase Kernel blocks in order to calculate the top dynamically-calculated block.
##1012711 Clearing dynamic calc store data blocks from [%s] partition
##1012712 Clearing dynamic calc store data blocks from [%s] partition with fixed members [%s]
##1012713 Two-pass Member [%s] is not tagged as Dynamic Calc.
##1012714 Regular member [%s] depends on dynamic-calc member [%s].
##1012715 Regular member [%s] depends on member [%s] from transparent partition. Consider making this member Dynamic or replicating the dependents.
##1012716 Remote region [%s] is not validated correctly yet. Cannot continue the calc.
##1012717 Remote bitmap cache is [%s]
##1012718 For dynamic time series, the latest period [%s] setting has higher generation member than the time series member [%s].
##1012719 Index Keys Verified: [%s], Qualified: [%s]
##1012720 Index Scan Ranges: [%s], Index Hit Rate: [%s%%]
##1012721 Blocks Verified: [%s], Non-existing Virtual Blocks Verified: [%s]
##1012722 Blocks Aggr'd: [%s], Non-existing Virtual Blocks Aggr'd: [%s]
##1012723 Blocks Calc'd: [%s], Virtual Block Search Method: [%s]
##1012727 Dynamic calc cache sanity failed
##1012733 Dynamic calc cache compression buffer full
##1012734 Timed out waiting for blocks from the dynamic calc cache.
##1012735 Thread synchronization error when allocating from the dynamic calc cache.
##1012736 The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [%s] can hold a maximum of [%s] blocks.
##1012737 The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [%s], when full, will result in [%s].
##1012738 The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [%s] has a timeout of [%s] seconds when waiting for free blocks.
##1012739 The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [%s], upon timeout of a wait for free blocks, will result in [%s].
##1012740 The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [%s] uses a buffer of size [%s] bytes to store compressed released blocks.
##1012741 Allocation outside the dynamic calc cache is disallowed
##1012742 Two-pass calc skipped on member [%s] in attribute calc
##1012743 Formula calculator recursion limit [%s] crossed.  If server crashes due to excessive recursion, set CalcLimitFormulaRecursion to TRUE in essbase.cfg.
##1012744 Two-pass calcuation on member [%s] failed to get values from member [%s] in attribute calc. Increase the retrieval buffer size may solve the problem
##1012745 Formula on member [%s] from independent dimension [%s] is executed in two-pass mode in attribute calculation
##1012746 Varying attribute query error, upper level member [%s] from independent dimension [%s] has no level-0 descendants that have consolidating property (+ or -)
##1012750 Retrieve & Lock operation is not supported on attribute cells
##1012800 Slave [%s]: Consumed task [%s]
##1012801 Two-pass calculation is turned off in attribute calculation due to memory constraint
##1012851 DataExport dry run message logging routine [%s] failed with status [%s].
##1012852 DataExport dry run options logging routine [%s] failed with status [%s].
##1012853 DataExport cannot export data in binary mode without outline timestamp. Please save the outline using the current release to create a proper timestamp.
##1012854 The outline timestamp is not available. DataImportBin can not import data in binary mode without outline timestamp.
##1012855 Binary import of data failed due to mismatch in the outline timestamp
##1012856 Syntax error in DataExport command for binary export. The correct command syntax is: DATAEXPORT BINFILE <file_name>.
##1012857 DataExport Error: File [%s] already exists. Use a different file name or use the DATAEXPORTOVERWRITEFILE ON option to overwrite the file
##1012858 Syntax error in DataExportOptions command. The option block must start with a left brace '{'
##1012859 Syntax error in DataExportOptions command. The individual options must end with a semicolon ';'
##1012860 Syntax error in DataExportOptions command. The option block must end with a right brace '}'
##1012861 Invalid DataExport option [%s]. Refer to the DataExport documentation for valid options.
##1013000 Unable to Create Request Server Thread
##1013003 Database Outline Is Empty
##1013009 Administrator Has Temporarily Disabled User Commands
##1013011 Invalid Command %s Received in Request Manager
##1013013 Active Database Needed To Execute This Command
##1013014 User [%s] is Connected to Database [%s]
##1013015 Unable to Connect to Database [%s]
##1013016 Currency Database [%s] Has Been Set for Database [%s]
##1013018 Cannot unload database [%s] while user [%s] is performing database operation.  Wait for the user to complete the operation, or ask the user to abort it.  Log out all users and then unload the database.
##1013020 Cannot clear data for database [%s] while other users are connected
##1013021 Cannot clear data for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013022 All data of database [%s] has been cleared by User [%s]
##1013026 Failed to start Extractor thread
##1013028 Failed to start ReportWriter thread
##1013033 ReportWriter exit abnormally
##1013080 Already Connected to Server -- The previous connected request still running, try again
##1013091 Received Command [%s] from user [%s]
##1013094 No commands are allowed when an asynchronous operation is in progress
##1013095 You have been logged out by supervisor [%s], please login again
##1013096 Function Not Implemented In New Req Mgr
##1013100 User [%s] is Active on Database [%s]
##1013101 Cannot restructure. There are other active users on database [%s]
##1013102 The database [%s] is not defined in application [%s]
##1013104 [%s] is an invalid member name in database [%s]
##1013105 The database [%s] has no currency database set
##1013106 Your Server does not have a Currency Conversion Option, Please check with your system administrator
##1013107 Your Server does not have a SQL Connection Option, Please check with your system administrator
##1013108 Set Currency Database [%s] failed: see server log file
##1013110 Your active database has been stopped by supervisor
##1013111 Asynchronous process [%s] is at final stage, cannot cancel
##1013112 Cannot calculate database [%s] while other user [%s] is calculating, please try again
##1013113 Cannot unload database [%s] when it is still in use
##1013114 Cannot commit database [%s] when it is still in use
##1013115 Cannot clear data for database [%s] when it is still in use
##1013116 Database [%s] is Still in Active Use
##1013119 Cannot export database [%s] when it is still in use
##1013120 Cannot restructure on database [%s]. Please clear all user's exclusive locks and try again
##1013121 Cannot load alias. There are other active users on database
##1013122 Cannot remove alias. There are other active users on database
##1013123 Cannot clear alias tables. There are other active users on database
##1013124 Cannot commit database [%s]. Please clear all user's exclusive locks and try again
##1013125 Cannot export database [%s] while %s on the database
##1013126 User [%s] canceled database export
##1013128 Out of disk space, please free some disk space and try again
##1013129 Error [%s] in writing to disk, please check your logfile and try again
##1013131 Failed to start Asynchronous thread
##1013132 Cannot build dimensions. There are other active users on database [%s]
##1013133 Cannot build dimensions on database [%s]. Please clear all user's exclusive locks and try again
##1013134 User [%s] canceled database validate
##1013135 You need to upgrade your client application to work with CDF/CDM on this server
##1013136 Invalid login id - please login again
##1013139 Cannot unload currency database [%s] when it is being referenced by database [%s]
##1013140 User's log message: %s
##1013141 Duplicate disk volume name [%s] encountered in the disk volume settings for database [%s].
##1013142 Restructuring from update file not supported.
##1013143 Command [%s] scheduled on thread [%s]
##1013145 Invalid agent login id
##1013146 Invalid file name [%s].
##1013147 Database [%s] is in read-only mode for backup
##1013148 User [%s] canceled invalid block header locating
##1013149 No IBH diagnostic information available.
##1013150 IBH Getting Error: [%s].
##1013151 Number of IBHs exceeds [%s] percent of existing leaf blocks. The database reset is recommended.
##1013152 IBH Fix Error: [%s].
##1013153 No IBH is found from last diagnosis run.
##1013154 Invalid IBH fix code [%s].
##1013155 Number of IBH fixed: [%s]
##1013156 [%s] is an invalid dimension name in database [%s]
##1013157 Received Command [Import] from user [%s] using [%s] with data file [%s]
##1013158 Received Command [Import] from user [%s] with data file [%s]
##1013159 Received Command [Import] from user [%s]
##1013160 Received Command [DataLoad] from user [%s] with data file [%s]
##1013161 Received Command [Dataload] from user [%s]
##1013162 Received Command [Calculate] from user [%s]
##1013163 Received Command [Calculate] from user [%s] using [%s]
##1013164 Received Command [Report] from user [%s]
##1013165 Received Command [Report] from user [%s] using [%s]
##1013166 Received Command [Import] from user [%s] using [%s]
##1013167 Received Command [Calculate] from user [%s] using [%s.csc]
##1013168 An application running in Aggregate Storage mode is required for this operation
##1013169 Aggregate storage applications cannot be location alias sources
##1013170 Null Structure Received in Request Manager
##1013171 This command is obsolete. Client application must be upgraded to use this functionality
##1013172 The Client Dll version is older and is incompatible with the Server
##1013173 Error sending Mdx Ouput to the Client
##1013174 Unable to open viewfile [%s]
##1013175 No views in viewfile [%s]
##1013176 Corrupt viewfile [%s]
##1013177 Invalid character in viewfile name, [%s]
##1013178 Incompatible format of viewfile [%s]
##1013179 Aggregate Storage databases may only export level 0 data
##1013180 Export in column format is not supported for Aggregate Storage databases
##1013181 Cannot export database [%s] while [%s] is performing [Lock & Send] on the database
##1013182 Database [%s] does not have reference cube for [%s]
##1013183 Reference cube [%s] in database [%s] is already loaded
##1013184 Reference cube [%s] in database [%s] is already unloaded
##1013185 Reference cubes do not support attribute dimension(s) on the source database
##1013186 Reference cube [%s] in database [%s] is in use and can not be unloaded now
##1013187 Reference cube [%s]'s Size Limit Exceeds the Limit of [%s] Cells
##1013188 Reference cube [%s] in database [%s] is already loaded but invalid. Another refresh is being called
##1013189 Cannot unload database [%s] while user [%s] still has cached @XREF connections to the next source.
##1013190 Invalid argument in EssMergeDatabaseData API. The valid options are ESS_MERGE_DATABASE_DATA_ALL  and ESS_MERGE_DATABASE_DATA_INCREMENTAL
##1013202 Waiting for Login Requests
##1013203 Connected to Admin Pipe
##1013204 Client Commands are Currently Not Being Accepted
##1013205 Received Command [%s]
##1013206 SetActive Commands are Currently Not Being Accepted
##1013210 User [%s] set active on database [%s]
##1013213 Illegal Login Key [%s] in Clear Active - Canceled
##1013214 Clear Active on User [%s] Instance [%s]
##1013216 User [%s] still have a request in process - Will clear active when the request is finished
##1013217 Cannot commit database [%s] while %s on the database
##1013219 Failed to rename file [%s]
##1013220 Supervisor [%s] has forced user [%s] to logout
##1013221 Failed to create database, error code [%s]
##1013222 Cannot shutdown application [%s] while %s
##1013223 Cannot shutdown application [%s] while other users are restructuring
##1013224 Cannot shutdown application [%s] while other users are calculating
##1013225 Cannot shutdown application [%s] while other users are updating or reporting
##1013231 Unable to update database while in readonly mode for backup
##1013232 Failed to rename application [%s]
##1013233 Failed to copy application/database [%s/%s]
##1013234 Failed to copy application [%s]
##1013235 Failed to delete application/database [%s/%s]
##1013236 Failed to delete application [%s]
##1013237 Failed to create database [%s]
##1013238 Failed to create application [%s]
##1013239 Cannot transition the state of database [%s] between read-write and read-only modes while %s.
##1013240 Failed to conclude the copying of application/database [%s/%s].
##1013241 Failed to conclude the copying of application [%s] upon processing database [%s].
##1013242 Failed to generate the list of persistent database files belonging to application/database [%s/%s].
##1013243 User [%s] has been forced off database [%s] to clear exclusive locks
##1013244 User [%s] has a request in progress and will be forced off upon completion
##1013245 User [%s] does not have any locks active
##1013246 Unable to allocate memory stack
##1013247 Unable to Create System Daemon Thread
##1013250 Badly formatted import file [%s]
##1013251 Invalid structure type
##1013254 Hybrid Analysis spanning cannot be enabled on database [%s] in application [%s]. Check if the database has Hybrid Analysis and if span into relational source is enabled.
##1013255 Operation [%s] not supported for rpm
##1013256 RPM API returned status [%s]
##1013257 Not all mapped rpm members are linked for root [%s]
##1013258 Hybrid Analysis member [%s] has leaf ancestor that belongs to a dimension which doesn't span into Relational Source.
##1013259 Hybrid Analysis member [%s] does not have a matching leaf member in current essbase outline.
##1013262 eSSGetMappedRpmMembers returned status [%s]
##1013263 This request requires a new login connection. If you are using spreadsheets try to connect from a different sheet.
##1013264 Cannot unload database [%s] while user [%s] has an open transaction.
##1013265 Hybrid Analysis spanning cannot be set or cleared.  Spanning Hybrid Analysis Relational Source has been disabled. See the essbase.cfg file
##1013266 The Pending IO Access Mode must be either Buffered (1) or Direct (2), you used [%s]
##1013267 Failed to create database (IO Access Mode), error code [%s]
##1013268 Cannot copy application [%s] while %s
##1013269 Received Command [%s] on [%s]
##1013270 Database export completed ['%s'.'%s']
##1013271 Maximum number of export files (%s) exceeded
##1013272 Internal MaxL Error: this is a client side operation
##1013273 Database %s.%s altered
##1013274 Calculation executed
##1013275 Location Alias %s created
##1013276 Location Alias %s replaced
##1013277 Location Alias %s dropped
##1013278 Cannot export data for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013279 Unable to write to file [%s].  You may have run out of temporary disk space.  Free up some disk space and try again
##1013281 Cannot reset database [%s] while other users are connected
##1013282 Cannot reset database [%s] when it is still in use
##1013283 Cannot reset database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013284 Cannot restructure database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013285 Cannot load alias table for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013286 Cannot remove alias tables for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013287 Cannot clear alias tables for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013288 Cannot build dimenstions on database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013289 Command [%s] failed due to memory allocation failure
##1013290 Failed to logout user [%s]: timeout while waiting for requests to die
##1013291 Failed to logout user [%s]: user has requests running
##1013292 Operation not supported for aggregate storage applications
##1013293 Cannot delete unloaded aggregate storage database. Please load the database first
##1013294 A stopping size strictly greater than 1.0 is required for aggregate selection
##1013295 Server Request Fails with error code [%s]
##1013302 Estimation failed with status [%s]
##1013303 Invalid [%s] parameter [%s]
##1013310 Cannot recover free space for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013311 Cannot recover free space for database [%s] while other users are connected
##1013312 Cannot recover free space for database [%s] when it is still in use
##1013320 Performance statistics are not enabled
##1013321 Loading Unicode-encoded LROs to non-Unicode mode application is not supported
##1013322 There are no matching LROs to delete
##1013323 Cannot create trigger for database [%s] while other user has trigger locks on database
##1013324 Cannot create or replace trigger on database [%s] while %s on the database
##1013325 Cannot perform this operation - trigger operation is active in the database %s
##1013326 Cannot get File List for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013327 Cannot get File Info for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013328 Cannot get stats for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013329 Cannot get Database Information for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013330 Set currency database [%s] failed: not supported in aggregate storage mode
##1013331 Cannot delete spool file [%s] on database [%s]
##1013332 One or more spool files on database [%s] could not be deleted
##1013333 Cannot dump metadata for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013334 Cannot dump metadata. There are other active users on database
##1013335 ReportWriter canceled
##1013336 Your Essbase license has been removed.\nNo further requests will be processed.
##1013337 Your Essbase license has expired.\nNo further requests will be processed.
##1013338 Essbase has been unable to contact the License Server for over %s hours.\nLimited Essbase functionality is now available only to supervisor users.
##1013339 You have more users in security file than licensed.\nThe grace period to fix the problem is over.\nPlease check Essbase.log for details of violation.\nPlease contact Hyperion to purchase more users or delete/disable unwanted users.\nOnly terminate or security operations are accepted until the violation is fixed.
##1013341 Cannot compact outline for database [%s] while other user has locks on database
##1013342 Cannot compact outline for database [%s] while other users are connected
##1013343 Cannot compact outline for database [%s] when it is still in use
##1013344 Outline for database [%s] has been compacted by User [%s]
##1013345 Attribute-Only Restructure is obsolete
##1014004 Unable to Update Members Which Have Not Been Locked
##1014018 Members Currently Locked by another transaction
##1014024 The data may have been modified while you were accessing it. Please retry
##1014025 Unable to update database while in readonly mode for backup
##1014026 Requested lock is currently held by another transaction, and waiting is currently not allowed.
##1014027 Transaction [%s] is deadlocked with transaction [%s].
##1014028 Transaction [%s] is waiting for transaction %s.
##1014031 Essbase could not get a lock in the specified time.
##1014032 Essbase could not get a lock. Essbase will keep trying until it reaches the specified wait time.
##1014033 Failed to allocate lock manager event.  [%s] aborted
##1014034 Failed to create lock manager event.  [%s] aborted
##1014035 Failed to allocate lock manager waiter node.  [%s] aborted
##1014036 Lock request would block, but waiting is not allowed.
##1014039 Unable to perform a write operation to database [%s] while the database is in read-only mode.
##1014040 Failed to get the current thread's handle.  [%s] aborted
##1014041 Failed to get the current thread's base priority.  [%s] aborted
##1014042 Failed to get the current thread's high priority.  [%s] aborted
##1014043 Error encountered while waiting for a data key lock in database [%s].
##1015000 Missing Alias for Member [%s]
##1015001 Alias Already Exists:  Member [%s] Alias [%s] Not Loaded
##1015002 Base Member Name Not Found: [%s] Alias Not Loaded: [%s]
##1015003 Alias [%s] Greater Than Maximum Permitted Length
##1015004 Member Already Has An Alias:  Member [%s] Alias [%s] Not Loaded
##1015006 Base Member Name [%s] is ambiguous: Alias [%s] Not Loaded
##1015008 Alias [%s] Does Not Exist For Database [%s]
##1015009 Alias [%s] Already Exists For Database [%s]
##1015010 Alias [%s] For Database [%s] Is Active And Can Not Be Unloaded
##1015011 Alias [%s] For User [%s] Is Active And Can Not Be Unloaded
##1015012 List Of Alias Tables For Database [%s] Is Empty
##1015013 Alias [%s] For Database [%s] is Empty
##1015014 No alias table for database [%s]
##1015015 Cannot remove alias table [%s] from database [%s]
##1015016 No more alias tables can be added to database [%s]
##1015017 Invalid Alias for Member [%s]
##1015018 [%s] is an invalid member name in alias combination for member [%s]
##1015019 Too Many Aliases [%s] To Dump For Database [%s]
##1015020 Alias table name [%s] is too long
##1015022 Dynamic alias table removal is not supported in outline paging mode
##1016001 Invalid FORMATCOLUMNS Value [%s]
##1016002 Expected Numeric Character Position After SETCENTER, Not [%s]
##1016003 No Member Name Following PAGEONDIM Specification
##1016004 Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following PAGEONDIM Specification
##1016005 No Member Name Following PAGEONDIM Specification
##1016006 Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following PAGEONDIM Specification
##1016007 No Member Name Following SKIPONDIM Specification
##1016008 Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following SKIPONDIM Specification
##1016009 No Member Name Following SKIPONDIM Specification
##1016010 Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following SKIPONDIM Specification
##1016011 No Member Name Following UNAMEONDIM Specification
##1016012 Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following UNAMEONDIM Specification
##1016013 No Member Name Following UNAMEONDIM Specification
##1016014 Unknown Dimension Member Name: [%s] Following UNAMEONDIM Specification
##1016015 Expected COLUMN or ROW after CALC Specification [%s]
##1016016 Invalid Report Specification [%s]
##1016019 Abnormal Exit From Report Writer
##1016021 Max WIDTH Allowed is 200: [%s]
##1016022 Expected Legal Decimal Value for WIDTH: [%s]
##1016023 Expected 'Variable' or Legal Decimal Value (0 to 40) for DECIMAL: [%s]
##1016024 Expected 'Variable' or Legal Decimal Value (0 to 40) for DECIMAL: [%s]
##1016025 Expected Legal Decimal Value for SCALE: [%s]
##1016026 Expected Decimal Value Between 2 and 161 for NAMEWIDTH: [%s]
##1016027 Expected Positive Decimal Value for SKIP: [%s]
##1016028 Expected Positive Decimal Value for PAGEWIDTH: [%s]
##1016029 Expected Quoted String for TEXT Specification after Position [%s]
##1016030 Expected COLHDR Level for TEXT *COLHDR Specification [%s]
##1016031 Expected Decimal Column Number for 2nd *COLHDR Specification [%s]
##1016032 *MASK Option Not Allowed in MASK Specification [%s]
##1016033 *MASK Option in TEXT, but no MASK Defined]
##1016034 Requested *DATA Column is not Valid. Mbr: [%s] Col: [%s]
##1016035 Requested *DATA Output in TEXT, but This Member is not a Data Row [%s]
##1016036 Requested *DATA Column is not Valid at This Point--Mbr: [%s] Col: [%s]
##1016037 *DATA Command Output Too Wide--Max Width is [%s] - Truncated
##1016038 Requested TEXT *CALC Output Column is Not a Data Column [%s]
##1016039 Requested *CALC Data Column is not Valid at This Point--Mbr: [%s] Col: [%s]
##1016040 *CALC Must be Followed by Calc Row Name in Double Quotes, Not: [%s]
##1016041 *CALC Name [%s] Not Defined
##1016042 *CALC Command Output Too Wide--Max Width is [%s] - Truncated
##1016043 Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016045 No Text Followed INVALTEXT Specification: [%s]
##1016046 No Text in Double Quotes Followed UNDERLINECHAR Specification: [%s]
##1016047 No Text in Double Quotes Followed UNDERSCORECHAR Specification: [%s]
##1016048 Expected Positive Decimal Value for PAGELENGTH: [%s]
##1016049 Expected Decimal Value Between 0 and 100 for LMARGIN: [%s]
##1016050 Max Column Header Range Exceeded: [%s]
##1016051 Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016052 Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016053 Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016054 Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016055 Page Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016056 Requested Column Does Not Exist. Column # [%s]
##1016057 Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016058 Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016059 Requested Column Does Not Exist. Column # [%s]
##1016060 Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016061 Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016062 Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016063 Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016064 Col Header Report Output Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016065 Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016066 Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016067 Column Order Resulted in Attempt to Access an Invalid Data Column: [%s]
##1016068 Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016069 Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016070 Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016071 Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016072 Column Order Resulted in Attempt to Access an Invalid Data Column: [%s]
##1016073 Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016074 Report Output Data Record Too Wide--Truncated
##1016075 Max Columns Exceeded in Report Request: [%s]
##1016076 No Column Name Found After CALC COL in Report Specification
##1016077 Too Many Column Calc Definitions. Max is [%s]
##1016078 Column Calc [%s] Has Too Many Tokens--Max is [%s]
##1016079 Column Calc Referenced Calculated Row Name Which Doesn't Exist: [%s]
##1016080 Column Calc Reference to Row Calc [%s] Must Include Column Number, Not [%s]
##1016081 Invalid Constant in Column Calc: [%s] [%s]
##1016082 Maximum Constant Length in Col Calc is 50 Characters [%s] [%s]
##1016083 Column Calc: Expected Column Number or Constant (w/Dec Point): [%s] at [%s]
##1016084 Too Many Constants in Calcs--Max is [%s] Constant: [%s]
##1016085 Invalid CALC COL Column Number for [%s] : [%s] (Must be DATA Column in Original Order)
##1016086 Invalid CALC COL Syntax Following Column Name [%s]
##1016087 Requested Column [%s] in Column Calc For [%s] Doesn't Exist
##1016088 Requested Column [%s] in Column Calc For [%s] Doesn't Exist
##1016089 RANGE operator (:) Only Allowed as First Operator [%s] -- Set to #Invalid
##1016090 RANGE operator (:) May Not Refer to Constants (w/Dec Points) [%s] -- Set to #Invalid
##1016091 Requested Column [%s] in Column Calc For [%s] Doesn't Exist
##1016092 Invalid Syntax on Column Calc [%s] -- Set to #Invalid
##1016093 Expected Value Between 1 and [%s] for FIXCOLUMNS, Not: [%s]
##1016094 No Row Name Found After CALC Row in Report Specification
##1016095 Duplicate Row Calc Name: [%s] (May be Attached to Repeating Mbr)--Ignored
##1016096 Too Many Row Calc Definitions. Max is [%s]
##1016097 Invalid Calc Row Operator [%s] Encountered During Calc--Contact your software provider
##1016098 No Row Name Found After PRINTROW in Report Specification
##1016099 PRINTROW Row Calc Name: [%s] Not Defined
##1016100 No Row Name Found After CLEARROWCALC in Report Specification
##1016101 CLEARROWCALC Row Calc Name: [%s] Not Defined
##1016102 No Row Name Found After SETROWOPERATION in Report Specification
##1016103 SETROWOPERATION Row Calc Name: [%s] Not Defined
##1016104 No Operator Found After SETROWOPERATION  Report Specification
##1016105 SETROWOPERATION: Invalid Operation: [%s]
##1016106 Expected Character Enclosed in Double Quotes for BEFORE character [%s]
##1016107 Expected Character Enclosed in Double Quotes for AFTER character [%s]
##1016108 Too Many Row Calc Definitions Already Exist for this STORE. Max is [%s]
##1016109 Invalid ROW CALC Column Number for [%s] : [%s] (Must be DATA Column in Original Order)
##1016110 Expected Equal Sign ('=') With Calc Row [%s] Not : [%s]
##1016111 Too Many Values or Missing ']'to Right of '[' in Calc Row [%s] \nOnly [%s] Calc Row Data Columns are Set Up at this Point
##1016112 If You Need This Many Values Here, use FORMATCOLUMNS to Preset The Number of Columns
##1016113 Expected Decimal Number to Right of [ in Calc Row [%s]
##1016114 No Row Name Found After \
##1016116 Column Requested for  [%s] in Row Calc for [%] is Not a Valid Data Column
##1016118 Wrong {TEXT} format at [%s]
##1017000 No active database being set, can not connect to Currency Database
##1017001 The Application Database [%s] is not initialized
##1017002 The requested Currency Database [%s] is not loaded
##1017003 The Currency Database [%s] is not initialized
##1017004 The database [%s] is not properly tagged as a Currency Database
##1017005 No dimension of the Application Database [%s] is tagged as TIME
##1017006 The tagged ACCOUNTS member [%s] does not exist in Currency Database [%s]
##1017008 No dimension of the Application Database [%s] is tagged as COUNTRY
##1017009 Member [%s] of tagged ACCOUNTS dimension [%s] is not tagged with [<CNAME]
##1017012 No dimension of the Application Database [%s] is tagged as ACCOUNTS
##1017013 No dimension of the Application Database [%s] is tagged as CURPARTITION
##1017018 Removed [%s] data blocks
##1017019 Unknown Member [%s] in Currency Database [%s] for SETCRTYPE Command
##1017020 Member [%s] is not of TYPE dimension in Currency Database [%s] for SETCRTYPE Command
##1017021 Currency Database Not Set to Database [%s]
##1017022 Duplicate member name [%s] found in Currency Database [%s]
##1019001 Unable to Init Res Stack, Stack Ptr Not NULL
##1019002 Unable To Find Or Open [%s]
##1019003 Unable to Read Information From [%s]
##1019004 Unable to write information to file [%s], errno is [%s].
##1019005 Unable to Read [%s], Not a Recognized Format
##1019006 Unable to Read [%s], Created Using A Previous Version
##1019007 Unable To Read [%s], Type Does Not Match Name
##1019008 Reading Application Definition For [%s]
##1019009 Reading Database Definition For [%s]
##1019010 Writing Application Definition For [%s]
##1019011 Writing Database Definition For [%s]
##1019012 Reading Outline For Database [%s]
##1019013 Writing Outline For Database [%s]
##1019014 Unable To Write Information For Database [%s]
##1019015 Database Outline Already Loaded For Database [%s]
##1019017 Reading Parameters For Database [%s]
##1019018 Writing Parameters For Database [%s]
##1019019 Reading Data File Free Space Information For Database [%s]...
##1019020 Writing Free Space Information For Database [%s]
##1019021 Reading Database Mapping For [%s]
##1019022 Writing Database Mapping For [%s]
##1019024 Reading Outline Transaction For Database [%s]
##1019025 Reading Rules From Rule Object For Database [%s]
##1019026 Unknown member [%s] found while processing string [%s]
##1019028 Out of disk space, Unable to write information to file [%s]
##1019029 Can not read data. Page file volume [%s] from the index section differs from the volume defined by ARBORPATH [%s]
##1019030 Checking Data Indexes For Database [%s]
##1019031 Unable to write [%s]; database is in readonly mode for backup
##1019032 Unable to write to [%s]; database is in readonly mode for archive
##1019034 Reading Outline Change Log For Database [%s]
##1019035 Writing Outline Change Log For Database [%s]
##1019036 Dimension number [%s] for Database [%s] is invalid
##1019037 Member number [%s] for Database [%s] is invalid
##1019038 DB file is missing.
##1019039 Cannot write to file [%s] because object type [%s] is invalid. Make sure Essbase is properly installed and configured.
##1019040 Unable to write to file [%s] because the application is shutting down
##1019041 Unable to write information to file [%s], adWriteObject returns [%s]. See server logfile for details.
##1019042 Unable to move the file pointer to the location specified for file [%s], errno is [%s].
##1019043 Error Creating Outline Pool For Database [%s]
##1019044 Error Allocating Mem in Outline Pool For Database [%s]
##1019045 Reading Partition Definition File For Database [%s]
##1019046 Outline buffer cannot handle more than [%s] hole
##1019047 Outline buffer error. Hole position [%s] does not match with [%s] in the buffer
##1019048 Outline buffer writing error. [%s] bytes written does not match with hole size [%s]
##1019049 Outline buffer error. Cannot flush buffer with [%s] hole to a fragmented outline file
##1019050 Outline buffer error. File position [%s] does not match with [%s] bytes written
##1019051 Total adReadStruct Elapsed Time using outline buffer: [%s] seconds
##1019052 Total adOtlReadOutline Elapsed Time using outline buffer: [%s] seconds
##1019053 Total adOtlWriteOutline Elapsed Time using outline buffer: [%s] seconds
##1019054 Invalid Named Attribute Opcode For Member [%s]
##1019056 Object file path [%s] is too long.
##1019057 Unable to load database, locales [%s] and [%s] are not compatible
##1019058 Incompatible rule file. Duplicate member name rule file is used against unique name database.
##1019059 Invalid dataload rule file header. The generations/levels should be in ascending order and adjacent.The same dimension should not have both Generation and Level
##1019060 Unable to Complete Reading From [%s]: Out Of Memory
##1019061 Reading Rule SQL Information For Database [%s]
##1019062 Verifying Rules (for data load) For Database [%s]
##1019063 Unable to complete reading from [%s], the file is corrupt
##1020001 Bad Binary spreadsheet table
##1020002 Invalid Binary Spreadsheet token
##1020004 An error [%s] occurred in Spreadsheet Extractor.
##1020005 Report contains multiple title rows
##1020006 Title row must be first row with member names
##1020007 Not all dimensions represented for Update
##1020008 Report mixes title row with multiple members from a single dimension
##1020009 [%s] is not a valid member.
##1020010 No data was generated: Suppress Missing = [%s], Zeros = [%s].  Sheet not overwritten.
##1020011 Maximum number of rows [%s] exceeded.
##1020012 Maximum number of columns [%s] exceeded.
##1020013 The resultant report cannot be retrieved.  Your report heading cannot be interpreted.
##1020014 Your pivot operation has no effect on this report.
##1020016 Pivot ending point cannot be determined.
##1020017 Datapoint could not be determined.
##1020018 Cannot Cascade on member [%s].
##1020019 The sheet contains an unknown member: %s.
##1020021 Member [%s] is out of place. %s
##1020022 Member [%s] is out of place.
##1020023 Currently, multiple reports per retrieval is not supported.
##1020024 No valid members selected to Cascade upon.
##1020025 Pivot starting point cannot be determined.
##1020027 This operation would generate a nonsensical report.
##1020028 This operation would generate a nonsensical report.
##1020030 Token [%s] is out of place.
##1020031 This report cannot be retrieved.
##1020032 Data item found before member.
##1020033 Binary spreadsheet table error.
##1020034 Binary spreadsheet table token error.
##1020035 Item [%s] cannot be Cascaded upon.
##1020036 You cannot Cascade on more than one member from any dimension. [%s]
##1020037 Currency Command in Report and No Currency Database Set
##1020038 Member names must be present as row items to perform a pivot.
##1020039 You are not allowed to lock blocks or update at this time.
##1020040 Only one member per dimension is allowed. [%s]
##1020041 You do not have sufficient access to perform a read on this database
##1020042 You do not have sufficient access to perform a lock on this database
##1020043 You do not have sufficient access to perform a %s on this database
##1020044 The Spreadsheet Extractor does not support one dimensional databases.
##1020045 The resultant report cannot be retrieved.  Your report heading cannot be interpreted.
##1020046 No valid members to pivot.
##1020047 A column item [%s] conflicts with a row item [%s].
##1020048 You must have a column header in order to perform this retrieval.
##1020050 Your request cannot be performed.
##1020051 Maximum number of rows processed [%s] exceeded [%s].
##1020052 Spreadsheet Extractor internal error: [%s].
##1020053 Spreadsheet Extractor internal error: Invalid input spreadsheet table.
##1020054 Spreadsheet updates aborted.  Failed to write to update log files.
##1020055 Spreadsheet Extractor Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
##1020056 Your pivot operation cannot be performed on this report.
##1020058 Unable to close audit trail file [%s]. Possible causes are file does not exist or file is in use by another system operation. Make sure the file exists or that another system operation is not using it.
##1020059 Unable to open audit trail file [%s]. Possible causes are file does not exist or file is in use by another system operation. Make sure the file exists or that another system operation is not using it.
##1020060 Unable to write audit trail file [%s]. You may have run out of disk space in your Essbase application directory. Free up some disk space in your Essbase application directory.
##1020061 Unable to flush audit trail file [%s]. You may have run out of disk space in your Essbase application directory. Free up some disk space in your Essbase application directory.
##1020062 Cannot attach Linked Reporting Objects to a range of cells.  Create a Linked Reporting Objects only for a single cell.
##1020063 Valid Essbase data cell(s) must be selected prior to selecting the Linked Object Menu
##1020064 No linked partition defined within selected cell range
##1020065 Valid Essbase data cell(s) must be selected prior to performing Linked Object functions
##1020067 Cannot perform zoom action on dynamic time series member [%s].
##1020068 Invalid latest setting on dynamic time series member [%s].
##1020069 Cannot pivot last row.
##1020070 Cannot pivot last column.
##1020071 Members locked will be released before calculation can proceed.
##1020072 You are not allowed to perform a Lock or Send operation or be in Update mode while the Navigate without data option is selected.
##1020073 Filter access to the database does not allow you to access this data cell.
##1020074 Filter access to the database does not allow you to update this data cell.
##1020075 The resultant report cannot be retrieved.  A dynamic time series member in your report cannot be interpreted
##1020078 Report contains inner row member with ambiguous parent.
##1020079 Codeset conversion buffer too small.
##1020080 Your sheet contains an Attibute Aggregation member with no Attribute members present.
##1020081 Member combinations with Attribute members are not allowed when performing Linked Object operations.
##1020082 Spreadsheet Extractor Big Block Allocs -- Dyn.Calc.Cache : [%s] non-Dyn.Calc.Cache : [%s]
##1020084 Operations involving updates or Linked Reporting Objects are not supported in queries on Hybrid Analysis relational member [%s]
##1020085 Your spreadsheet attempts to lock one or more Hybrid Analysis relational cells. This Operation is not allowed.
##1020086 Zoom In operation at the same generation or same level as Hybrid Analysis Relational Member [%s] not supported
##1020087 Row number [%s] has invalid alias [%s] for the corresponding member.
##1020088 SSAUDIT turned off for database [%s] due to errors in opening Log File
##1020089 Ignoring span Hybrid Analysis option. Spanning into Hybrid Analysis Relational Source has been disabled. See the essbase.cfg file
##1020091 You must have a row header in order to perform this retrieval.
##1020092 Result Set Exceeded 64K Limit
##1020094 Attribute Zoom error. Attribute members not aligned properly after pivots.
##1020095 Currently sampling is not supported on level zero attribute members.
##1020096 Linked Reporting Objects are not supported in aggregate storage applications
##1020097 Spreadsheet Extractor internal error
##1020098 Duplicate name [%s] found in Grid, unable to resolve.
##1020099 The outline for this database has duplicate names. It is recommended that you upgrade to a  client that supports duplicate member names
##1020100 Duplicate name [%s] does not match its key [%s].
##1020101 Your report heading cannot be interpreted. The update cannot be performed
##1020102 Invalid grid. There is blank space in between Membername & alias
##1020103 Invalid Text [%s] found on %s. Please remove the text and retry.
##1020104 SSAUDIT turned off for ASO databases
##1020105 Spreadsheet contains attribute member [%s].  The aggregate storage send operation is only supported for stored input-level members.  Send operation aborted.
##1020106 All updates to derived cells are ignored.  For example, member [%s] is level [%s].  The aggregate storage send operation is only supported for stored input-level members.
##1021000 Connection With SQL Database Server is Established
##1021001 Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server.  See log for more information
##1021002 SQL Connection is Freed
##1021003 Connection String for [%s] is generated
##1021004 Connection String is generated
##1021005 Failed to Generate CONNECT string
##1021006 SELECT Statement [%s] is generated
##1021007 Failed to Generate SELECT Statement
##1021008 Failed to Allocate Memory for SQL Context
##1021009 Failed to Fetch the Next Record
##1021010 Failed to Allocate Memory for SQL Buffers
##1021012 Row: [%s]
##1021013 ODBC Layer Error: [%s] ==> [%s]
##1021014 ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [%s]
##1021015 Failed to Execute SQL Statement: [%s]
##1021016 Executed SQL Statement: [%s]
##1021017 Invalid SQL context
##1021018 Execution of SQL statement canceled by user [%s]
##1021019 Total Execution of SQL Statement Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
##1021020 Cannot read SQL driver name for [%s] from [%s]
##1021022 Failed to access SQL driver
##1021024 Failed to get the list of available SQL data sources. See server log for more information
##1021025 SQL driver [%s] for [%s] is in use already and does not allow multiple connections. Please try later
##1021027 Failed to get the list of SQL tables.  See log for more information
##1021028 Failed to get the list of table [%s] columns.  See log for more information
##1021030 List of tables is empty
##1021031 List of table [%s] columns is empty
##1021033 SQL data source name is not supplied for the connection string
##1021034 Table name is not provided. Failed to get the list of columns.
##1021035 Value in the column [%s] might be truncated to [%s] bytes
##1021036 Connection String [%s] is too long (exceeds [%s])
##1021037 SQL Config file syntax error [%s], ignored
##1021038 SQL driver for [%s] is in use already and does not allow multiple connections. Please try later
##1021040 Substitution Variable in Data Source Name detected. Using: [%s] as DSN
##1021041 Connection String is [DSN=%s;UID=...;PWD=...]
##1021042 Telapi is enabled to extract data from Teradata database
##1021043 Connection has been established
##1021044 Starting to execute query
##1021045 Finished executing query, and started to fetch records
##1021046 Starting to parse query, and obtain column information
##1021047 Finished fetching data
##1021048 Telapi to initialize the connection to Teradata database on server [%s]
##1021049 Telapi succeeded to connect to Teradata database
##1021050 Telapi failed to connect to Teradata database with error message [%s]
##1021051 Telapi failed to connect to Teradata database. No error information available.
##1021052 Telapi starts to fetch data
##1021053 Telapi received first record
##1021054 Error happened while Telapi retrieved data
##1021055 Telapi finished fetching data
##1021060 Could not query SQL Database server to get column information from table [%s]. Please make sure that the table exists with required number of columns
##1022001 Administrator Has Temporarily Disabled User Update Commands
##1022002 User [%s] Does Not Have Correct Access for Command [%s]
##1022003 Database Outline Must Be Loaded For This Command
##1023001 No matching region defined for the specified server,app,db: [%s]
##1023002 Remote connection loops back to current database
##1023003 DB [%s] does not exist in current application
##1023004 User [%s] canceled database replication operation
##1023005 Update of replicated partition elapsed time : [%s] seconds
##1023006 Partition [%s] received parse error generating definition for area [%s]
##1023007 Parse error in partition definition line [%s]
##1023008 Member [%s] specified in mapping does not exist
##1023009 Area [%s]: mapping contains too many NULL->member entries
##1023011 Unable to map remote member [%s]
##1023012 Area [%s] : unable to map sparse combination - skipping grid
##1023013 Area [%s]: multiple NULL->MBR mapping elements map to same dimension
##1023014 Area [%s]: multiple sparse combination members map to same dimension
##1023015 Area [%s] : dense dim member maps to dim specified by sparse combination
##1023016 Area [%s] : members specified for same dimension map to different ones
##1023017 Area [%s] : not all dims specified between sparse combination and grid
##1023024 Linked members do not have the same dimensionality
##1023025 Skipping member %s (remote name %s) not in local partition
##1023026 Area [%s]: dimension at source does not exist at target
##1023027 Area [%s]: unable to map grid - skipping data block
##1023028 On-the-fly currency conversion not supported for transparent partitions
##1023029 Internal Error: remote commit requested but no txn active
##1023030 Unable to commit remote site participating in distributed transaction
##1023031 Unable to commit local site participating in distributed transaction
##1023032 Area [%s] : dynamic calc member [%s] in sparse combination - skipping grid
##1023033 No write access to database %s
##1023034 No read access to database %s
##1023035 Insufficient access to perform operation
##1023036 Current database is not defined as a replication source for any other database
##1023037 This server is not licensed with the application partition option
##1023038 Error [%s] received initializing connection - see server log for details
##1023039 Error [%s] received terminating remote connection - see server log for details
##1023040 msg from remote site [%s %s]
##1023041 Current database is not defined as a replication target of any other database
##1023042 No areas defined for partition [%s]
##1023043 Replication of all data cells required since some blocks were removed since last refresh and timestamps are no longer available for these blocks
##1023044 Processing distributed request from [%s]
##1023045 Cached connection to remote site failed. Retrying...
##1023046 Incorrect number of dimensions in request from remote site; [%s] sent [%s] required; check member mapping between regions
##1023047 Warnings(s) found in partition definition(s) - see server log for details
##1023048 Error(s) found in partition definition(s) - see server log for details
##1023049 Error(s) found in partition definition(s).  Partition changes will not take effect - see server log for details
##1023050 Partition verification failed - see server log for details
##1023051 Partition [%s] contains no areas
##1023052 Partition [%s] is not valid
##1023053 Partition [%s] overlaps with partition [%s]
##1023054 Partition [%s] contains overlapping areas
##1023055 Partition [%s] already exists from database [%s]
##1023056 unable to process transparent request from [%s] because entire request was not mappable; check area and mapping definitions
##1023057 Cannot replace partition defn file while there are other active users on database [%s], check application log for details
##1023058 Transparent operation involving [%s] timed out.  Retrying...
##1023059 Replication operation generated %s warnings on %s - see remote server log for details
##1023060 Replication operation [Put Updates] generated %s warnings - see server log for details
##1023061 Replication operation [Get Updates] generated %s warnings - see server log for details
##1023062 Replicated partition source has sparse dynamic member [%s]
##1023063 Unable to map remote latest time period member [%s]
##1023064 Received RPC reqeuest [%s], Params [%s]
##1023065 Definition of slice [%s] has only dynamic cells on the target
##1023066 Unable to resolve location alias [%s]
##1023067 Location alias %s not found -- delete failed
##1023069 Location alias %s already exists
##1023070 String %s is too long -- location alias create failed
##1023071 Partition [%s] has definition [%s] using attribute members - partition will be ignored
##1023072 Partition [%s] has definition [%s] using base dimension members
##1023073 One or more attribute dimensions were mapped away
##1023075 HashBufferContents = [%s],[%s]
##1023076 Partitioning protocols mismatch between source and target databases
##1023077 Database [%s] has no dense dims - cannot store data
##1023078 Incorrect partition definition - Unicode-related mode of source and target applications must match
##1023079 Partition definition for slice [%s] does not parse
##1023080 Partition definition for slice [%s] uses attribute members in the definition
##1023081 Partition definition for slice [%s] has [%s] sparse virtual members
##1023082 Unable to process area for slice [%s]. See server log
##1023083 Area %s overlaps with area %s
##1023084 Member '%s' does not map to an existing member
##1023085 Member '%s' does not map to an existing member in area map [%s]
##1023086 Invalid user name for %s
##1023087 Invalid password for %s
##1023088 Area count of the partition does not match that of the remote partition
##1023089 Cell count mismatch: %s
##1023090 Invalid member '%s' in global map
##1023091 Invalid member '%s' in area [%s] map
##1023092 Dimension count mismatch in area %s
##1023093 Invalid default login for the linked area
##1023094 Attribute dimension [%s] does not exist on remote server
##1023095 Base dimension members in slice [%s] have different mappings for [%s] attributes
##1023096 Partition overlap error. Partition with [%s] with area definition [%s] disabled
##1023097 Server Types do not match. Remote server is in %s mode
##1023098 Replicated partition cannot be set up with a %s database of aggregated storage type
##1023099 Aggregate storage database cannot be a target in a partition definition
##1023100 Remote aggregate storage database cannot be a target in a partition definition
##1023101 Partition source is read-only. Ignoring this lock/send operation on source database.
##1023103 Partition to region [%s] will use optimized query format
##1023104 No matching partition defined for the specified server,app,db: [%s]. Please check that port number is specified for this connection in the partition file for server [%s]
##1023105 Partition between duplicate member and unique member database is not allowed
##1023106 Member [%s] is a duplicate member in the outline. Please specify a fully qualifed path.
##1023107 Partition to region [%s] will not use optimized query format
##1023109 User %s needs at least load database permission on remote database -- location alias create failed
##1023110 Partition [%s] contains member mapping errors
##1023111 Database [%s]'s Total Reference Cube Size Limit [%s] has been Reached
##1023112 Database [%s] already has reference cube [%s] in existence
##1023113 No Reference Cube Registration Found for this request
##1023114 Can not get the target's IP
##1023115 Database [%s]'s Size Exceeds the Reference Cube Size Limit [%s]
##1023118 Notification from Database [%s] to [%s] failed. The target reference cube may have stale (meta)data as result
##1023119 Refresh of Reference Cube on [%s] failed.
##1023120 Deregistration of Reference Cube [%s] failed.
##1023121 Invalidation from Source Database [%s] to Target [%s] failed.
##1023122 [%s] Reference Cube on [%s] is being utilized.
##1023123 Refresh on Source Database [%s] Failed with Error [%s]
##1023124 Skipped replication of #MISSING data
##1024000 Syntax error!  Null fixed region defined.
##1024001 Query execution aborted. This query requires a [%s]k buffer.  Set or increase the query buffer size to [%s]k.
##1024003 You do not have sufficient access to read from this database
##1024004 You do not have sufficient access to write to this database
##1024005 You do not have sufficient access to update data values on this database
##1024007 All members specified along one dimension were invalid. Request cannot be satisfied
##1024008 Grid Expansion enabled for this query.
##1024009 Member %s specified for external reference formula does not exist
##1024010 Members %s and %s added for external reference from same dimension
##1024012 Members %s and %s not in same dimension in external reference call
##1024013 Members %s and %s in same dimension in external reference call
##1024014 Invalid resource limit type specification [%lu]
##1024015 Request [%s] from user [%s] was terminated by an admin user
##1024016 Request [%s] from user [%s] was terminated since it exceeded the time limit
##1024017 Request [%s] from user [%s] was terminated since it exceeded the block limit
##1024018 <ASYM command is not supported in reports having <HYBRIDANALYSISON command
##1024020 Queries involving Hybrid Analysis relational members and Essbase formulas In Column Dimensions not supported
##1024021 The Hybrid Analysis Relational Member Cache for database [%s] can hold a maximum of [%s] relational members.
##1024022 Insufficient Member Cache to complete query. Consider increase HAMEMORYCACHESIZE in essbase.cfg file or break down your query into smaller pieces.
##1024023 Hybrid Analysis Relational Member Cache Error
##1024024 Error in Executing HybridAnalysis Request
##1024025 Invalid file name [%s].  [%s] aborted
##1024026 Maximum total query log file size exceeded. Query logging disabled.
##1024027 Maximum total query log file size exceeded. Query logging aborted
##1024028 No current dimension specified. Ignoring query logging spec: [%s].
##1024029 Missing token in query logging spec: [%s]. Setting ignored.
##1024030 Query logging enabled.
##1024031 Query logging disabled.
##1024032 Invalid dimension token in query logging spec: [%s]. Setting ignored.
##1024033 Missing Database Config File [%s], Query logging disabled
##1024034 Processing DB Configuration Command [%s]
##1024035 Using query log file: %s.
##1024036 Switching to new query logging file: %s.
##1024037 Invalid range token in query logging spec: [%s]. Setting ignored.
##1024038 No dimensions specified. Query logging disabled.
##1024039 HA logging enabled.
##1024040 Cannot log in tuple format with HA logging enabled. Reverting to cluster format.
##1024041 Invalid token in query logging spec: [%s]. Setting ignored.
##1024042 Error determining query logging file size. Query logging disabled.
##1024043 Error opening query logging file. Query logging disabled.
##1024044 Maximum file size config setting too large in spec[%s]. Setting ignored.
##1024046 Maximum total log file sizes too large in spec:[%s]. Setting ignored.
##1024047 Maximum total log file sizes too small in spec:[%s]. Setting ignored.
##1024048 Log file size exceeded. Query logging aborted.
##1024050 Invalid query logging log file path [%s] specified. Query logging disabled.
##1024051 Corrupt query logging file. Switching to new query logging file.
##1024052 File seek error, Query logging disabled
##1024053 Error converting string to UTF8. Query logging disabled
##1024054 UTF8 signature missing in cfg file. Query logging disabled.
##1024055 query log file path [%s] is too long - Query logging disabled
##1024057 Kernel perf test: completed [%s] queries in [%s] seconds
##1024058 Invalid query file [%s] line [%s]
##1024059 Grid Expansion is always enabled with FORCEGRIDEXPANSION setting . Query performance might be slower
##1030002 Invalid call sequence in ESSAPI function %s
##1030003 Unable to Allocate Requested Memory
##1030005 Maximum allocation size (%s bytes) exceeded
##1030006 You have exceeded the maximum [%s] connections for this session.
##1030007 NULL structure pointer passed to EssInit function
##1030008 NULL argument (%s) passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1030009 Name too long (%s) in ESSAPI function %s
##1030010 Invalid blank character in name (%s) in ESSAPI function %s
##1030011 Invalid character in name (%s) in ESSAPI function %s
##1030012 Improper access to ESSAPI function %s
##1030013 Local operation not allowed in ESSAPI function %s
##1030014 Invalid object type passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1030015 Combined object type not allowed in ESSAPI function %s
##1030016 Context to delete is not local
##1030017 ESSAPI function %s called while processing message
##1030018 Cannot create client identification file
##1030019 The Essbase API version (%s) for this application is incompatible with this version of the Essbase API (%s).
##1030021 Illegal structure ID
##1030022 Input in IP:port format (%s) but no Server Name present before ':'  when passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1030023 Input in IP:port format (%s) but no Port present after ':'  when passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1030024 Input in IP:port format (%s) but non digit port when passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1030025 API function (%s) is not supported in OPG mode
##1030026 Input in IP:port format (%s) Port can not be 0 when passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1030027 Port length must be less than or equal to %s characters (Including white space) when passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1030028 Port must be less than or equal to %s when passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1030029 MyAnalytics login function supported by Essbase server 9.3 and higher
##1030100 Cannot open file: [%s]
##1030101 Incorrect gen statement after member: %s
##1030102 Invalid member name: %s
##1030103 Invalid unary operator [%s] tagged on member: %s
##1030104 Unknown ATYPE [%s] tagged on member: %s
##1030105 Invalid tag command [%s] on member: %s
##1030106 [%s] function is OBSOLETE
##1030107 Object file path [%s] is too long.
##1030200 Cannot access object: %s
##1030201 Cannot create object: %s
##1030202 Cannot delete object %s
##1030203 Cannot rename object: %s
##1030204 Cannot create client directory: %s
##1030205 Client directory does not exist: %s
##1030206 Cannot create application directory: %s
##1030207 Application directory already exists: %s
##1030208 Application directory does not exist: %s
##1030209 Cannot create database directory: %s:%s
##1030210 Database directory already exists: %s:%s
##1030211 Database directory does not exist: %s:%s
##1030212 Object %s does not exist
##1030213 Cannot create local file: %s
##1030214 User [%s] cannot access calc script: %s
##1030215 Client or server is not Version 5.0.2 or later.
##1030216 Invalid file type specification (%s) passed to ESSAPI function %s.
##1030300 Cannot rename application %s to %s
##1030301 Cannot rename database %s to %s
##1030302 Error writing database outline
##1030303 No application specified for server rules object
##1030304 No application specified for server data object
##1030306 Can not convert local application to Unicode mode
##1030307 Invalid object type
##1030308 Could not open file
##1030309 Invalid rule file type
##1030310 Writing UTF-8 encoded rule file to non-Unicode server is not allowed
##1030311 UTF-8 encoded rule file cannot be converted back to non-Unicode
##1030312 Cannot write rule file, languages [%s] and [%s] are not compatible
##1030313 Invalid rule file handle passed to function %s
##1030314 Rule file editing supported only on UTF-8 clients
##1030315 Buffer must be at least four times input string length
##1030500 Number of SQL columns (%s) exceeded maximum (%s).  Extra columns have been truncated.
##1030530 Unable to list information for more than (%s) users due to operating system limitations.  Information for (%s) users not provided.
##1030531 Substitution variable definition is missing the variable name.
##1030532 Substitution variable [%s] exceeds the maximum length (80)
##1030533 Substitution variable [%s] can only have alphanumeric characters or '_'.
##1030534 Substitution variable [%s] value exceeds the maximum length (256)
##1030535 Invalid Shared Services Native User Password Option [%s]
##1030602 As of V5.0, explicit defragmentation of data freespace is unnecessary because defragmentation of data freespace is performed dynamically by the Essbase Kernel.
##1030700 No operation types specified for function [%s]
##1030701 Invalid operation type [%s] specified for function [%s]
##1030702 No data direction types specified for function [%s]
##1030703 Invalid data direction type [%s] specified for function [%s]
##1030704 Invalid area count (%s) passed to ESSAPI fn %s
##1030705 Invalid area information passed to ESSAPI fn %s
##1030706 Invalid file location %s
##1030707 Invalid input: %s from argument %s is NULL
##1030708 Invalid input: 0 as argument [%s]
##1030709 Invalid file handle specified for function [%s]
##1030710 No meta data direction types specified for function [%s]
##1030711 Invalid meta data direction type [%s] specified for function [%s]
##1030712 LRO File size exceeds size limit -  %s K bytes
##1030713 Invalid member count entered -  %s
##1030714 Invalid store object option entered -  %s
##1030715 Invalid object option entered -  %s
##1030717 Invalid object type entered -  %s
##1030718 Invalid object option for cell note entered -  %s
##1030719 Invalid object option for LRO files entered -  %s
##1030720 Empty cell note entered
##1030721 Invalid object option for URL link entered -  %s
##1030722 Empty URL location string entered
##1030723 Failed to initialize localization functions
##1030724 Failed to set locale information
##1030725 Failed to obtain locale information
##1030726 Application must be specified if database is specified
##1030727 Incompatible server. Please use 6.1 client to create CDF/CDM on this server.
##1030728 Please upgrade your client application. As of release 6.5 this API function is obsolete
##1030730 api function not supported by older server: %s
##1030731 invalid parameter passed in
##1030732 Incorrect header in Script
##1030733 Non-Unicode-mode application does not support script in Unicode
##1030734 Non-Unicode client attempting to synch a Unicode database in function [%s]
##1030736 Internal MDX API error while receiving cell values
##1030737 Internal MDX API error: invalid cluster
##1030739 Internal MDX API error: invalid cluster offsets
##1030740 Internal MDX API error: invalid property type
##1030742 Invalid cell offset [%s]
##1030743 Invalid dimension index [%s] for cluster
##1030744 Invalid member identifier type
##1030745 Invalid property
##1030746 Invalid tuple index [%s] for axis
##1030747 Invalid tuple index [%s] for axis [%s]
##1030748 Invalid tuple index [%s] for cluster
##1030749 Null MDX handle
##1030750 Null MDX query string
##1030751 Cannot get cells in dataless query execution mode
##1030752 Cannot get cell status unless the option is turned on
##1030753 Memory allocation failed - output grid too large
##1030754 Insufficient privilege for this operation
##1030755 Invalid Protocol type [%s]
##1030756 MDX query handle cannot be used because the context handle used to create it has been logged out. Free this query and create a new query using the current context handle.
##1030757 Older version of client detected. Please upgrade your client to version 9.0.0 or higher at the earliest.
##1030758 Invalid number of cells entered -  %s
##1030759 Insufficient buffer allocated. %s API requires atleast %s buffer to be allocated
##1030765 ASO Parallel Import: Import Thread for rule file [%s] failed with status [%s]. Check server log for more details
##1030766 ASO Parallel Import: Error creating worker threads
##1030767 ASO Parallel Import: Error joining worker threads
##1030768 ASO Parallel Import: Error deleting worker threads
##1030769 ASO Parallel Import: The number of rule files that can be used for parallel import is between 1 and 8
##1040002 Too many arguments supplied for this request
##1040003 No length specified for data type
##1040004 Invalid structure type.  An application protocol error might exist between server and client processes.
##1040006 No message database specified
##1040007 Cannot find message database %s, which is required for normal operations.  Make sure your PATH and ARBORPATH variables are pointing to the correct directories.  Make sure that %s exists in the ARBORPATH\bin directory
##1040008 Error reading message database %s.  %s could be corrupted, or it could be the wrong version.  Make sure that the file you are using is from the same Essbase version level as the .exe and .dll files
##1040009 Invalid message database format
##1040010 Invalid data type for conversion
##1040011 NULL network context passed to message function
##1040012 Invalid structure type
##1040013 Invalid structure field type
##1040014 RegOpenKeyEx() Failed
##1040015 RegQueryInfoKey() Failed
##1040016 RegEnumValue() Failed
##1040017 Host Name Not Available
##1040018 Bad hostname to adNetIsLocalHost()
##1040019 Message code [%s]; see server log for message text
##1040020 Error number [%s] generated, see application log file.
##1041000 Network error [%s]: Cannot Create Named Pipe
##1041002 Network error: Timed out waiting for connection, Error Code:(%s)
##1041003 Network error [%s]: Cannot disconnect named pipe
##1041004 Network error [%s]: Cannot send data
##1041005 Network error [%s]: The Network API timed out waiting to receive data from the Named Pipe.  Increase the NetRetryCount and/or NetDelay values in your ESSBASE.CFG file.  Make sure you update this file on both client and server, if they exist on different machines.  Restart the client and try again.
##1041006 Network error: Timed out waiting to receive message
##1041007 Network error: Cannot locate connect information for %s
##1041008 Network error: Cannot locate Essbase on server %s.  Verify that the %s is accessible using the Named Pipe and that the Essbase Agent is running on the server
##1041009 Network error: Cannot connect to server %s
##1041010 Network error: Cannot locate server %s
##1041011 Network error [%s]:InitializeSecurityDescriptor failed
##1041012 Network error [%s]: SetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed
##1041013 Network error: Timed out sending data
##1041014 Network error: NodeName required in ESSBASE.CFG for Named Pipe
##1042002 Network error [%s]: Cannot Terminate Socket
##1042003 Network Error [%s]: Unable To Locate [%s] In Hosts File
##1042004 Network Error [%s]: Unable To Create Local Socket
##1042005 Network Error [%s]: Unable To Bind Local Socket
##1042006 Network error [%s]: Unable to connect to [%s].  The client timed out waiting to connect to Analytic Services Agent using TCP/IP.  Check your network connections. Also make sure that server and port values are correct
##1042007 Network Error [%s]: Unable To Listen For Connections
##1042008 Network Error [%s]: Unable To Accept Connections
##1042009 Network Error [%s]: Unable To Create Host Server Socket
##1042010 Network Error [%s]: Unable to Bind Host Server Socket On Port [%s]
##1042011 Network error [%s]: Cannot Close Socket
##1042012 Network error [%s]: Cannot Send Data
##1042013 Network error [%s]: Cannot Receive Data
##1042015 Network error: Cannot Locate Connect Information For [%s]
##1042016 Network error [%s]: Connection has been closed
##1042017 Network error: The client or server timed out waiting to receive data using TCP/IP.  Check network connections.  Increase the NetRetryCount and/or NetDelay values in the ESSBASE.CFG file. Update this file on both client and server.  Restart the client and try again.
##1042018 Network error: Timed out waiting to send message
##1042019 Network error [%s]: Cannot initialize windows sockets
##1042020 Network error [%s]: Cannot initialize windows sockets
##1042021 Network error [%s]: Cannot initialize IBM sockets
##1042022 Network error [%s]: Cannot Get Host Name
##1042023 Network Error: file descriptor limit per process has been reached
##1042024 Network Error: file descriptor limit in the system has been reached
##1042025 Network error [%s]: Cannot Get Host Address
##1042026 No more server ports are availabe in the range [%s-%s] to start applications,\nIncrease the server port range
##1042027 Invalid value is specified for SERVERPORTBEGIN - using default value
##1042028 Invalid value is specified for SERVERPORTEND - using default value
##1042029 Invalid value is specified for SERVERPORTEND - using default value
##1051000 Received login request
##1051001 Received client request: %s (from user [%s])
##1051002 Unrecognized command: %s
##1051003 Error %s processing request [%s] - disconnecting
##1051004 Logins are currently not permitted
##1051005 Incorrect password for user [%s]
##1051006 Disconnecting user [%s] from application %s
##1051007 Invalid login id - request [%s] failed
##1051008 Invalid login id - logout failed
##1051009 Setting application %s active for user [%s]
##1051010 The system is temporarily busy - please wait
##1051011 System timed out (error %s)
##1051012 User %s does not exist
##1051013 User/group %s does not exist
##1051014 User/group %s already exists
##1051015 Invalid user/group name: %s
##1051016 Cannot rename yourself!
##1051017 Cannot delete yourself!
##1051018 Cannot rename to same name!
##1051019 Cannot alter your own access level
##1051020 Cannot log yourself out!
##1051021 You have been logged out due to inactivity or explicitly by the administrator.
##1051022 Password too short - must be at least %s characters
##1051023 Invalid type for user/group %s - ignored
##1051024 Unknown name %s in user/group list - ignored
##1051025 User %s is not permitted to access application %s
##1051026 User %s is not permitted to access database %s
##1051027 All logins are currently in use - please try again
##1051028 Cannot remove last administrator!
##1051029 Cannot change access privileges. User/group %s has higher access privileges than %s
##1051030 Application %s does not exist
##1051031 Application %s already exists
##1051032 Database %s does not exist
##1051033 Database %s already exists
##1051034 Logging in user [%s]
##1051035 Last login on %s
##1051036 %s unsuccessful attempt(s) since last login
##1051037 Logging out user [%s], active for %s minutes
##1051038 Filter %s does not exist
##1051039 Filter %s already exists
##1051040 Cannot copy filter %s to itself
##1051041 Insufficient privilege for this operation
##1051042 User %s has insufficient privilege
##1051043 Cannot delete application - object [%s] locked by user [%s]
##1051044 Cannot delete database - object [%s] locked by user [%s]
##1051045 Cannot delete application %s - you are not the application creator
##1051046 Cannot delete database %s - you are not the database creator
##1051047 Cannot load spreadsheet [%s], file corrupted or password protected
##1051048 Cannot rename a user who is currently logged in
##1051049 Your software evaluation period has expired.  A license of the product must be acquired to continue running.
##1051050 You must upgrade your client software to perform this function.
##1051051 Hyperion OLAP Server - started
##1051052 Hyperion OLAP Server - finished
##1051053 *** Unauthorized access - program terminating
##1051054 Starting autoload applications:
##1051055 Timed out - cannot start application %s
##1051056 Unknown application name %s - ignored
##1051057 Application %s is already loaded
##1051058 Timed out - cannot stop application %s
##1051059 Application %s is not loaded
##1051060 System password updated
##1051061 Application %s loaded - connection established
##1051062 Security file dumped to %s
##1051063 All connections for user [%s] have been logged out!
##1051064 *** Incorrect password!
##1051065 Creating sample currency databases
##1051066 Creating sample application and database
##1051067 Database is already in archive read-only mode
##1051068 Database is not in archive read-only mode
##1051069 All connections for user [%s] have automatically been logged out!
##1051070 InactivityCheck must be less than or equal to InactivityTime ... setting InactivityCheck to %s
##1051071 This version of Essbase (%s) is older than the version of the Essbase API (%s) you are using.
##1051072 Cannot create application: name is invalid.
##1051073 Cannot delete application: name is invalid.
##1051074 Differences found in license numbers: %s is registered, %s found in security file.
##1051075 Creating demo application and database
##1051076 Database %s is in archive read-only mode
##1051078 Received shutdown server request
##1051079 Unable to shutdown server
##1051080 You are not allowed to select an application.
##1051081 You do not have sufficient access to create or update this substitution variable.
##1051082 Substitution variable %s already exists
##1051083 Substitution variable %s does not exist
##1051084 You do not have sufficient access to delete this substitution variable.
##1051085 You do not have sufficient access to get this substitution variable.
##1051088 Duplicate disk volume name [%s] encountered in the disk volume settings for database [%s].
##1051089 User name and password can not be the same
##1051090 User Password has expired
##1051091 User has been locked out. Please contact your system administrator.
##1051092 User has not login the system for more than %s days. Please contact your system administrator.
##1051093 Please change the password now
##1051094 The new password can not be the same as the old password
##1051095 Failed to rename database [%s].
##1051097 Creating Samppart application and Company database
##1051098 Cannot rename the only administrator
##1051099 Creating Sampeast application and East database
##1051100 Failed to copy application %s. License restricted to one application.
##1051101 Creating East database
##1051102 Getting lock for Application %s failed
##1051103 Failed to Initialize the Application Specific Concurrency Control Structure for application %s.
##1051105 Failed to add application.  License does not allow this data storage type. Please refer to the Essbase Documentation for valid settings.
##1051107 Cannot copy database between applications with different storage types
##1051109 Password length exceeded limit
##1051110 Getting lock for User %s failed
##1051111 Failed to Initialize the User Specific Concurrency Control Structure for user %s.
##1051112 Meta Read Lock Failed
##1051113 Meta Write Lock Failed
##1051114 Cannot set database %s in archive read-only mode while application %s is loaded but has been set to not loadable
##1051115 Failed to copy application [%s]
##1051116 Failed to add application %s. Hard limit %s on the number of applications reached.
##1051117 Run out of file decriptors; the attempt to get the file descriptor limits before increasing them failed. Will sleep a while before retry ....
##1051118 Run out of file decriptors; and the attempt to increase the soft file descriptor limit has failed. Please shut down unused applications. Am sleeping a while before retry ....
##1051119 Run out of file decriptors; and the attempt to increase the hard file descriptor limit has failed. Please shut down unused applications. Am sleeping a while before retry ....
##1051120 System limit of opened files has been reached. Please kill some other processes. Am sleeping a while before retry ....
##1051121 Run out of file decriptors; the attempt to get the file descriptor limits before increasing them failed. Please shut down unused applications before retry.
##1051122 Run out of file decriptors; and the attempt to increase the soft file descriptor limit has failed. Please shut down unused applications before retry.
##1051123 Run out of file decriptors; and the attempt to increase the hard file descriptor limit has failed. Please shut down unused applications before retry.
##1051124 System limit of opened files has been reached. Please kill some other processes before retry.
##1051125 The soft file descriptor limit has been increased to %s
##1051126 The hard and soft file descriptor limits have been increased to %s and %s, respectively.
##1051127 Invalid login id in input
##1051128 Maximum number of users exceeded!
##1051129 Maximum number of filters per Essbase exceeded!
##1051130 Maximum number of filters per database exceeded!
##1051131 Logging out user [%s], active for 1 minute
##1051134 External Authentication Module: [%s] enabled
##1051136 External Authentication Server: [%s] not enabled
##1051137 External Authentication Server Connection Error: %s
##1051138 External Authentication Server Module [%s] Loading Fails.
##1051139 External Authentication Server Module [%s] Function Address Obtaining for [%s] Fails.
##1051140 External Authentication User Can Not Be a Group
##1051141 No Protocol Defined for Externally Authenticated User [%s]
##1051142 Password needed for ESSBASE Authenticated user.
##1051143 User [%s]'s External Authentication Connection Parameter Not Defined.
##1051144 External Authentication is Disabled
##1051146 Change User [%s] Password on External Authenticatin Server Failed with Statue [%s].
##1051147 User [%s]'s External Authentication Protocol [%s]'s Password Check Module is Not Loaded.
##1051148 User [%s]'s External Authentication Protocol [%s] Not Loaded
##1051149 Client Authenticated User [%s] Does Not Have Password to Change.
##1051150 Protocol is Empty !
##1051151 External Add-User Call Returns Error [%s].
##1051152 Password Check Failed from External Authentication Module [%s] with Error Message [%s].
##1051153 Changing Name of [%s] on Authentication Module [%s] Fails
##1051154 User [%s]'s External Authentication Protocol [%s]'s Rename Module is Not Loaded.
##1051155 Deleting User [%s] on Authentication Module [%s] Fails.
##1051156 User [%s]'s External Authentication Protocol [%s]'s Delete Module is Not Loaded.
##1051157 Externally Authenticated User Does Not Have Password to Set.
##1051158 Cannot change the last administrator to be externally authenticated.
##1051159 Cannot change the system administrator to be externally authenticated.
##1051160 Received Validate Login Session request
##1051161 Cannot rename application - object [%s] locked by user [%s]
##1051162 Cannot rename database - object [%s] locked by user [%s]
##1051163 Insufficient privilege for this operation on some applications where this operation is not performed
##1051164 Received login request from [%s]
##1051165 Incorrect password for login [%s]
##1051166 Received client request: %s [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051167 Received client request: %s for [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051168 Received client request: User/Group [%s] assigned to Group/User [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051169 Received client request: User [%s] assigned to Group/User [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051170 Received client request: Group [%s] assigned to Group/User [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051171 Received client request: Group [%s] assigned to Group [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051172 Received client request: User [%s] assigned to User [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051173 Received client request: User [%s] assigned to Group [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051174 Received client request: User/Group [%s] removed from Group/User [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051175 Received client request: User/Group [%s] removed from User [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051176 Received client request: User/Group [%s] removed from Group [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051177 Received client request: User [%s] removed from User [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051178 Received client request: User [%s] removed from Group [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051179 Received client request: Group [%s] removed from Group [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051180 Received client request: [%s] assigned to User/Group [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051181 Received client request: User/Group [%s] revoked access to Application [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051182 Received client request: User/Group [%s] granted access to Application [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051183 Received client request: User/Group [%s] revoked access to [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051184 Received client request: User/Group [%s] granted access [%s] to [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051185 Received client request: [%s and %s] assigned to User/Group [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051186 Received client request: User/Group [%s] granted access [%s and %s] to [%s] (from user [%s])
##1051187 Logging in user [%s] from [%s]
##1051188 Cannot set Essbase Authenticated user. Please use EssSetUser to do the job.
##1051190 Command not allowed on OS/390.
##1051191 Password error: %s
##1051192 Invalid application name: %s
##1051193 Invalid database name: %s
##1051196 Creating data mining demo application and database
##1051197 Creating DMF application and database
##1051198 Single Sign-On Initialization Failed !
##1051199 Single Sign-On Initialization Succeeded !
##1051201 Identity Mismatch from the Single Sign On Server
##1051202 Single Sign On Authentication Failed With Error [%s]
##1051203 Single Sign On External Authentication is Disabled
##1051205 Single Sign On function call [%s] failed
##1051206 Single Sign On returns null identity
##1051207 User [%s] is not Single Sign On Authenticated !
##1051209 No user using Single Sign On authentication has matching identity
##1051210 Cannot alter your own identity
##1051211 IBM DB2 OLAP Server for z/OS - started
##1051212 IBM DB2 OLAP Server for z/OS - finished
##1051213 Failed to add application %s. For permission to create Unicode-mode applications, the Analytic Server must be set to Unicode-mode.
##1051214 Creating sample_u application and database
##1051221 Creation of Datamining Object Management Application Fails with status [%s]
##1051222 Creation of Datamining Object Management Database Fails with status [%s]
##1051223 Single Sign On function call [%s] failed with error [%s]
##1051224 Can not load JVM from location in essbase.cfg  [%s]. Will try to load from library path
##1051225 JVM load failed  [%s]. Single Sign-On Initialization Failed !
##1051226 JVM load failed. JNI Entry point [%s] not found. Single Sign on Can not be Initialized
##1051227 No JVM location specified in essbase.cfg. Will try to load from library path
##1051228 Cannot create a non-Unicode-mode application from an Unicode-mode one
##1051229 \nESSLANG environment variable not set. Please set ESSLANG environment variable. (eg. For english in USA set ESSLANG=English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary Please refer to Essbase documentation for possible ESSLANG settings )\n
##1051230 \nESSLANG environment variable set to 'English' Defaulting to %s. For extended ASCII characters to work set ESSLANG to English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary\n
##1051231 \nIncorrect value specified for ESSLANG environment variable. Please set proper ESSLANG environment variable.  (eg. For english in USA set ESSLANG=English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary Please refer to Essbase documentation for possible ESSLANG settings )\n
##1051232 \nUsing %s as the Essbase Locale%s\n
##1051233 Successfully Created Datamining Object Management Application and Database.
##1051234 Failed to add database %s in application %s. For permission to add database to Unicode-mode applications, the server must beset to Unicode-mode.
##1051235 Failed to add application %s. Cannot create a Unicode-mode application of aggregate storage type
##1051236 Failed to add database %s in application %s. Aggregate storage applications are restricted to one database at a time.
##1051237 Failed to add database %s in application %s. Currency databases are not allowed in aggregate storage applications.
##1051238 Cannot copy currency database %s into aggregate storage application %s
##1051239 Row string length exceeded the maximum length of %s for filter %s. Filter create/alter failed\n
##1051240 Row string length exceeded the maximum length of %s for filter %s while migrating and filter row is truncated \n
##1051241 Error copying substitution variable to application
##1051242 Error copying substitution variable to database
##1051243 Exclusive operation security file compaction started. This may take a while
##1051244 Security file compaction completed
##1051245 UTF8 conversion of data mining object management application fails with status [%s]
##1051246 Creating aggregate storage sample application and database
##1051247 \nWARNING: License Key Expiration: The license key you are using will expire\nin %s day(s). Customers can obtain a new license key by contacting Hyperion\nby e-mail at support@Hyperion.com or from their local Hyperion office. If you\nare not a direct Hyperion customer please contact the distributor from whom\nyou licensed the software to procure a new license key
##1051248 \nERROR: License Key Expiration: The license key you are using has expired\nand a new key is required. Customers can obtain a new license key by\ncontacting Hyperion by e-mail at support@Hyperion.com or from their local\nHyperion office. If you are not a direct Hyperion customer please contact the\ndistributor from whom you licensed the software to procure a new license key
##1051249 Maximum connections [%s] for this port are currently in use - please try again
##1051250 Maximum connections [%s] for this user are currently in use - please try again
##1051251 The password expiration date requested for user [%s] is above the limits due to Year 2038 problem. Setting it to January 19, 2038
##1051252 Clients prior to Release 7.1.2 cannot copy a user with application access type other than Essbase.
##1051253 Invalid User Type %s Specified
##1051254 You can not have a type for a Group
##1051255 Invalid client application type %s specified
##1051256 A %s cannot access %s
##1051257 Essbase has been unable to contact the License Server for over %s hours. Essbase will not accept new requests until the problem is resolved. Limited Essbase functionality is now available only to administrator users
##1051258 WARNING: Cannot Contact License Server. Please make sure License server is up and running or Essbase access will be limited in %s hours
##1051259 Warning: maintenance expired for feature %s.
##1051261 You are no longer licensed to use %s.
##1051262 License for %s is expired.
##1051263 %s: Clock has been set back
##1051264 License has been upgraded for %s with the new maintenance expiration date of %s
##1051265 Internal error occurred in heart beat event %s. Please Contact Technical Support.
##1051267 WARNING NOTIFICATION license %s
##1051268 License for %s will expire on %s.
##1051269 Maintenance for %s will expire on %s.
##1051270 \nERROR: License server has been inactive for over %s hours, Essbase will not accept new requests until the problem is resolved. Limited Essbase functionality is now available only to administrator users
##1051273 The license server is running, but the Essbase license is no longer available. Please make sure the license server is running with the appropriate license files.
##1051274 There was an error detecting license server. Please contact Technical Support.
##1051276 Error from Licensing System. FLEXlm Error [%s]
##1051277 Connection to the License Server has been reestablished
##1051278 Failed to load %s application.  License does not allow this data storage type.
##1051279 Product type entered does not exist
##1051280 Invalid User Type Command %s Specified
##1051281 This user has no application access type set. Please contact your system administrator.
##1051283 Retrieving License Information Please Wait...
##1051284 The License Server is not accessible. You cannot start Essbase for the first time or migrate from a previous version when the License Server is not accessible.
##1051285 Cannot obtain license information. The License Server may be down or the essbase.cfg setting EssbaseLicenseServer is incorrect. Essbase is currently running with license information it had when it was last shut down. You have %s hours to correct the issue.
##1051286 License information retrieved.
##1051287 \nEssbase license will expire on: %s
##1051289 Can not modify application access type
##1051290 Extended license information not available
##1051291 Received client request: %s for product type [%s]
##1051292 Received client request: %s
##1051293 Login fails due to invalid login credentials
##1051295 The Essbase license is already in use, or the license file does not contain a valid server type. Please make sure the license is available or please contact Technical Support to validate your license file.\n
##1051296 The Essbase license is already in use, or the license file does not contain a valid license type. Please make sure the license is available or please contact Technical Support to validate your license file.\n
##1051297 WARNING: Cannot Contact License Server. Please make sure License server is up and running or Essbase access will be limited in less than one hour
##1051299 There is a Invalid feature in license file. Please Contact Technical Support.
##1051300 Cannot obtain license information. The License Server may be down or the essbase.cfg setting EssbaseLicenseServer is incorrect. Essbase is currently running with license information it had when it was last shut down. You have less than one hour to correct the issue.
##1051302 Essbase has been unable to contact the License Server for the first time. Essbase will not accept new login requests until the problem is resolved
##1051303 Essbase has been unable to contact the License Server for over %s hours. Essbase will not accept new login requests until the problem is resolved
##1051304 Essbase has been unable to contact the License Server. Essbase will not accept new login requests until the problem is resolved.
##1051305 You do not have a license to run on 64-bit platforms.  Please update your license file to include the 64-bit option or contact Technical Support to validate your license file.
##1051306 Failed to start application %s. License restricted to one application.
##1051307 Failed to Dump Security file with error [%s]
##1051400 Analytic Services has already been migrated to Shared Services Mode
##1051405 User [%s] has a privilege on database [%s] that is not supported in Shared Services Security mode. As a result, this user is failed to be  migrated to the Shared Services Security mode
##1051406 User [%s] has different database privileges across databases under one application [%s]. This is not supported in Shared Services Security mode. As a result, the most restrictive database priviledge is applied across the application. You can use the option under display user command to list such users that got affected
##1051407 User/Group [%s] Has been successfully migrated to Shared Services Server
##1051408 User [%s] is disabled to do any activities due to failure to be migrated to the Shared Services Security mode
##1051409 Group [%s] has group [%s] as its ancestor at Shared Services and not at Analytic services. This can potentially give more access to users in the group
##1051411 Can not Assign User [%s] to Group [%s] because the latter failed to be migrated to the Shared Services Server while the former succeeded
##1051412 Analytic Server is not in Shared Services Security mode
##1051413 Failed to get user's group(s) with Error [%s]
##1051414 Failed to set role for [%s] with shared services Error [%s]
##1051415 Analytical Services User/Group [%s] Exists in the Shared Services Server as Group/User
##1051416 User/Group [%s] is already in Shared Services mode
##1051417 Analytical Services Application Existence Check Fails against the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051418 Failed to migrate user [%s] to shared services because adding this user to a group(s) failed with Error [%s]
##1051419 Analytical Services Application [%s] Registration Fails against the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051420 Failed to set e-mailID for user [%s] with Shared Services Error [%s]
##1051421 Failed to set description for user [%s] with Shared Services Error [%s]
##1051422 Nativeness Check of User [%s] Fails against the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051423 Failed to set e-mailID for user [%s] because this is not a Shared Services native user
##1051424 Failed to get description for user/group [%s] with Error [%s]
##1051425 Failed to set description for user [%s] because this is not a Shared Services native user
##1051426 Failed to get roles for [%s] from Shared Services with Error [%s]
##1051428 Analytical Services CSS Initialization Fails with Error [%s]
##1051429 Analytical Services Product Existence Check Fails against the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051430 Failed to create Analytical Services project [%s] at Shared Services with Error [%s]
##1051431 Analytical Services Project Existence Check Fails against the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051432 Failed to add application [%s] to project at Shared Services with Error [%s]
##1051436 Analytical Services failed to get members of group [%s] with Error [%s]
##1051437 Failed to get emailID for user [%s] with error [%s]
##1051438 Failed to set user [%s]'s password against the Shared Services Server because this is not a Shared Services native user
##1051439 Failed to set user [%s]'s password against the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051440 Analytical Services user [%s] Authentication Fails against the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051441 User Name [%s] from the Shared Services Server is too long to be a valid Analytical Services user
##1051444 In Shared Services Security mode, a user's access can only be assigned at application level. When the Application has more than one database, trying to change access for one database, implicitly changes access privilege on all databases belonging to that application
##1051445 User [%s] Has Equal Database Privileges per Application. As a result, the Shared Services Server Roles for this User should be consistent with Analytical Services now
##1051446 User [%s] Still Has Unequal Database Privileges per Application. As result, the Shared Services Server Roles for this user is just the minimum among the databases of the application
##1051447 Analytical Services must be already in Shared Services security mode, to do this operation
##1051448 Failed to check whether this user/group is allowed to access this instance of Analytical Server with Error [%s]
##1051449 Analytical Services failed to get group with Error [%s]
##1051450 User [%s] Identity Mismatch from the Shared Services Server
##1051452 Shared Services Initialization Fails with Error [%s]
##1051453 User/Group [%s] has a privilege not supported in Shared Services mode. As a result, this user has failed to be migrated to the Shared Services Server
##1051454 User [%s]'s Group(s) Have not been Successfully Migrated to Shared Services Server
##1051455 Analytical Services failed to get roles for User/Group [%s] from the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051456 Failed to synchronize this User/Group [%s], because migration to Shared Services has failed for this user. Correct the cause of the failure and re-migrate this user or delete it
##1051457 User/Group [%s] is deleted from Analytical Services after synchronizing with the Shared Services Server as this User/Group's access to this instance is revoked
##1051458 User/Group hierachy Check Starts ...
##1051459 User/Group hierachy Check Completed Successfully and application Migration to Shared Services Starts ...
##1051460 Application Migration to Shared Services Completed Successfully and Group Migration Starts ...
##1051461 Group Migration to Shared Services Completed Successfully and User Migration to Shared Services Starts ...
##1051462 User Migration to Shared Services Completed Successfully and Refresh from Shared Services Starts ...
##1051463 Refresh from Shared Services Completed Successfully
##1051464 Analytical Services External (or Single Sign On) User [%s] does not exist at Shared Services
##1051465 Refresh from Shared Services Starts ...
##1051466 Adding User [%s] to Group [%s] Fails against the Shared Services Server because this is not a Shared Services native group
##1051467 Cannot open application instance registration template file [%s]
##1051468 Cannot create application instance registration file [%s]
##1051469 Invalid application instance registration file [%s]. Token [%s] not found
##1051470 Cannot read application instance registration template file [%s]
##1051471 Failed to remove Analytical Services Application [%s] from the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051472 Failed to remove Analytical Services Application [%s] from Project at the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051473 Renaming Analytical Services Application [%s] Fails against the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051474 A user/group with the same name [%s] exist in a provider other than Shared Services Server
##1051475 Only AuthenticationModule type CSS supported in Shared Services mode
##1051476 Failed to remove role for user [%s] againt the Shared Services server with error [%s]
##1051477 Failed to rename user/group [%s] against the Shared Services Server
##1051478 Target user/group name [%s] exist in Shared Services native directory
##1051479 Analytical Services in Shared Services security mode. A user can not be set to anything other than CSS
##1051480 Can not change EmailId/Description for User/Group [%s] that is not a Shared Services native user
##1051481 This login session has invalid CSS context. If you logged in before security mode was set to Shared Services, you need to login again
##1051482 Failed to set member users for the group [%s] at the Shared Services Server because this is not a Shared Services native group
##1051483 Failed to set user/group [%s]'s user/group list with Error [%s]
##1051484 Cannot change CSS Authenticated User to Another Authentication Type After successfully migrating that user to Shared Services
##1051485 Do not have privilege to re-register application [%s]. This application is not re-registered
##1051486 Group [%s] migration to shared services server fails due to member list mismatch at shared services compared to Analytical Services
##1051487 User [%s] has a privilege on database [%s] that is not supported in Shared Services Security mode. As a result, failed to set the privilege on this user
##1051488 User [%s]'s database privilege can not be different among different databases with in an application. Hence more restrictive access among the two is applied across both the databases
##1051489 User [%s] had Create/Delete User privilege before Shared Services migration. After migration, this privilege might be kept or lost depending on if the user on Shared Services Server has the Directory Manager Role
##1051490 Analytical Services failed to get user's identity with Error [%s]
##1051491 The default Shared Services Native Administrator [%s] Properties Can Not be Altered
##1051492 Can not modify access permissions on planning application [%s] in Shared Services mode
##1051493 Setting application id is allowed only for planning applications
##1051494 Re-Registeration not allowed on planning application [%s]
##1051495 A user/group with the same name [%s] exist at Shared Services
##1051496 Analytical Services failed to register product at Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051498 Failed to renew token
##1051499 Replace user command is not supported in Shared Services mode, Use Replace external user command
##1051501 Refresh after Shared Services migration from the Shared Services failed. The Analytical Service Shared Services migration is still considered as successful, but its security privileges might be out of sync with the Shared Services.
##1051502 Analytical Services failed to get roles list for [%s] from Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051504 Shared Services User [%s] exists at Analytical Services as a group. This user is ignored at the Analytical Services as this conflicting usage can not be supported
##1051505 Shared Services Group [%s] exists at Analytical Services as a user. This user is ignored at the Analytical Services as this conflicting usage can not be supported
##1051506 Getting project for application [%s] failed with Error [%s]
##1051507 Analytical Services failed to get user's parent group tree with Error [%s]
##1051508 Essbase User Addition of [%s] Fails against the Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051509 Forcing password change through Analytic Services not supported in Shared Services Security mode%s
##1051510 Setting the number of days before user(s) must change password through Analytic Services not supported in Shared Services Security mode%s
##1051511 Disabling/Enabling a user through Analytic Services is not supported in Shared Services Security mode%s
##1051512 Setting invalid attempts before a user is disabled through Analytic Services is not supported in Shared Services Security mode%s
##1051513 Setting number of inactive days before a user is disabled through Analytic Services is not supported in Shared Services Security mode%s
##1051514 Analytical Services failed to get roles for users and groups for applications during refresh/login sync/user sync from Shared Services Server with Error [%s]
##1051515 Analytical Services User/Group [%s] is disabled and consequently fails the Shared Services Migration
##1051516 \nError: Cannot create asynchronous Shared Services refresh thread.
##1051518 Analytical Services  global application does not exist at Shared Services
##1051519 Analytical Services  global application does not exist in any project at Shared Services
##1051520 User/Group [%s] has a privilege not supported in Shared Services mode. As a result, failed to set the privilege on this user
##1051521 User [%s] has a privilege on application [%s] that is not supported in Shared Services Security mode. As a result, this user is failed to be  migrated to the Shared Services Security mode
##1051522 Analytical Services failed to get group's member tree with Error [%s]
##1051523 Cannot open product registration template file [%s]
##1051524 Cannot create product registration file [%s]
##1051525 Invalid product registration template file [%s]. Token [%s] not found
##1051526 Cannot read product registration template file [%s]
##1051527 In Shared Services Security mode it is not possible to start Analytic Services when single sign on initialization fails.
##1051528 User [%s] does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation
##1051529 Logging in user [%s] with security privileges of user [%s]
##1051530 Application [%s] or its databases is being copied. Updating the application failed
##1051531 Database [%s] or its application is being copied. Updating the database failed
##1051532 Security file not found. Please re-install MyAnalytics. Re-installation will remove all the offline cubes
##1051533 Login request denied
##1051534 Failed to create user %s. Exceeded maximum user count for MyAnalytics
##1051535 MyAnalytics server needs to be initialized
##1051536 MyAnalytics server is already initialized
##1051537 Initialization of MyAnalytics server failed
##1051538 Request supported only on MyAnalytics server
##1051539 Unable to change language to [%s], reverting language back to [%s]
##1051540 Invalid security file found
##1051541 User/Group [%s] has a privilege that can only be read from Shared Services. As a result, failed to set the privilege on this user [%s]
##1051542 Memory allocation failed in function [%s]
##1051543 This user [%s] has a directory manager role that allows to create user/group. This role can only be changed directly at shared services and hence this operation does not revoke that privilege
##1051544 message on contacting or from application :\n%s
##1051545 User/Group [%s] is inactivated from the Shared Services Server
##1051546 Security file [%s] is corrupted. File backed up as [%s]
##1051547 Restored security file [%s] from backup security file [%s]
##1051548 Cannot attempt security file validation or recovery when security file is already read
##1051549 Can not convert Analytic Services to Shared Services mode when Analytic Services is not configured with Shared Services or the initialization process has failed
##1051550 Application [%s] or its databases is being copied. Unloading the application failed
##1051589 Received get token for user request
##1051590 Synchronization started for user/group [%s]
##1051591 Synchronization completed for user/group [%s]
##1051592 Entering Shared Services function call [%s]
##1051593 Exited Shared Services function call [%s]. Time taken [%s] microsec
##1051594 Identity migration started
##1051595 Identity migration completed
##1051596 Identity migration completed except [%s] users/groups failed to migrate
##1051597 Identity migration failed
##1051598 Identity migration function call [%s] failed with error [%s]
##1051599 Identity migration function call [%s] Failed
##1051600 Invalid log level [%s] specified
##1051601 Analytic Services is not configured for single sign-on or single sign-on initialization failed
##1051602 Finished acquiring directly provisioned user/group information from Shared Services
##1051603 Finished acquiring group structure information from Shared Services
##1051604 Finished acquiring user/group application information from Shared Services
##1051605 Identical name of user/group is not supported, user/group [%s] will not be added
##1051606 Invalid application Id format [%s]
##1051607 Invalid option [%s]
##1051608 Analytic Server cannot migrate from version 9.3.0 to
##1051609 Identity migration failed for user/group [%s]. Shared Services server reported this user/group is identical
##1051610 Identity migration failed for user/group [%s]. Shared Services Server reported this user/group has been deleted
##1051611 Identity migration failed for user/group [%s]. Shared Services Server reported this user/group is ignored
##1051612 Identity migration failed for user/group [%s]. Shared Services Server reported this user/group is ignored because of an ambiguous situation
##1051613 A count for the disk volume is specified [%s], but empty disk volume specified for database [%s].
##1051614 Single Sign-On token does not exist. User [%s] is an Essbase native user
##1052001 Error reading from server
##1052002 Error writing to server
##1052003 Timed out reading from server
##1052004 Timed out writing to server
##1052005 You have been forced to disconnect from the selected application
##1053001 Cannot open object file: %s
##1053002 Cannot create application directory: %s [%s]
##1053003 Application directory does not exist: %s
##1053004 Cannot create database directory: %s [%s]
##1053005 Database directory does not exist: %s
##1053006 Invalid object type
##1053007 Cannot rename object %s to %s
##1053008 Cannot create object %s
##1053009 Cannot delete object %s
##1053010 Object [%s] is already locked by user [%s]
##1053011 Object [%s] is not locked by user [%s]
##1053012 Object [%s] is locked by user [%s]
##1053013 Object [%s] unlocked by user [%s]
##1053014 Object %s does not exist
##1053015 Object %s already exists
##1053016 Cannot open temporary file
##1053017 Cannot open log file for application %s
##1053018 Operation not permitted on outline objects
##1053019 Cannot rename directory: %s [%s]
##1053020 Error writing file: %s
##1053021 Cannot copy object %s to itself
##1053022 Database [%s] is in read-only mode for backup
##1053023 User's log message: %s
##1053024 Cannot create temporary file
##1053025 Object [%s] already exists and is not locked by user [%s]
##1053026 Cannot delete spool file %s
##1053027 Cannot open spool file: %s for application %s
##1053028 Cannot get spool file: application name is invalid
##1053029 Cannot seek to specified offset in log file for application [%s]
##1053030 Seek failed to current offset in log file for application [%s]
##1053031 Seek failed to end of file in log file for application [%s]
##1053032 Offset to read more than file length for application [%s]
##1053033 File %s already exists. Use a different file name or use 'force' option to overwrite the file
##1054001 Cannot load application %s with error number [%s] - see server log file
##1054002 Loading application %s is not currently permitted
##1054003 Error %s loading application: %s
##1054004 Application %s is not loaded
##1054005 Shutting down application %s
##1054006 Cannot terminate application %s
##1054007 Application %s not responding
##1054008 Cannot load application %s - enable IOPL in CONFIG.SYS
##1054009 Application %s is currently not accepting connections
##1054010 Application %s is currently not accepting user commands
##1054011 Loading database %s is not currently permitted
##1054012 Invalid syntax in filter line %s
##1054013 Syntax error loading filters - operation canceled
##1054014 Database %s loaded
##1054016 Invalid file name [%s].  [%s] aborted
##1054017 Cannot read from file with handle [%s], [%s] failed
##1054019 Cannot modify settings for application [%s] while application is loaded and user who has modified the settings is logged in
##1054020 *** Missing command line password! [%s]
##1054021 Cannot modify settings for application [%s]. See server log for more information
##1054022 Cannot copy application [%s] while database [%s] is in archive or read only mode
##1054023 Cannot modify settings for application [%s] while database [%s] is in archive or read only mode
##1054025 Cannot rename application [%s] while database [%s] is in archive or read only mode
##1054026 Cannot create a new database in application [%s] while database [%s] is in archive or read-only mode
##1054027 Application [%s] started with process id [%s]
##1054029 Invalid parameter values for database file information request.
##1054030 Select for application %s failed, error %s
##1054031 The database [%s] must be migrated to the current version before you can do this operation.
##1054032 Essbase Alert function failed to register: [%s] not enabled
##1054033 Failed to convert application %s. Trying to convert to Unicode-mode application,but server is in non-Unicode-mode
##1054034 Cannot convert application [%s] when  [%s] is already in Unicode-mode
##1054035 object name [%s] too long for non-unicode configured application [%s]
##1054036 The [%s] is a Unicode-mode application. Non-Unicode clients (that includes all clients in  pre 7.0 releases of Analytic Services) are not allowed to access Unicode mode applications.
##1054037 object name [%s] cannot be more than 30 characters in Unicode mode application [%s]
##1054038 Cannot copy a database from Unicode-mode application %s to non-Unicode-mode application %s
##1054039 Invalid Locale Header Present in Data File
##1054040 Cannot copy a Filter from Unicode-mode application %s to non-Unicode-mode application %s
##1054042 Unable to open file [%s]
##1054043 Unable to write to event server file [%s]
##1054044 Event Service internal error
##1054045 Failed to create directory [%s] - Create it manually
##1054047 Event Server has been registered already
##1054048 Database [%s] has reference cubes or reference cube registrations being unloaded. Please try later
##1054049 Unable to write to file [%s]
##1054059 Host Name [%s] too long for Non-Unicode mode server
##1055001 \n%s %s system\n
##1055002 \n   Welcome to the Hyperion OLAP Server.\n\n   Before using this product, you will need to register your personal\n   details, including the name of your company or organization, your own\n   name (which will be used to create your user id),
##1055003 \n   The password must be at least %s characters long, and it can consist\n   of any number of letters or spaces.\n\n
##1055004 \nUser name and password can not be the same.\n\n
##1055005 \n\nYou have entered the following details:\n
##1055006 \n\tCompany name:     %s
##1055007 \n\tYour name:        %s
##1055008 \n\tSystem password:  %s
##1055009 \n\nThese will be used to create the initial system security information\nincluding the system administrator.\n
##1055010 \n\rAre these details correct? (1-yes,2-no):
##1055011 \n\nRe-enter your details\n\n
##1055012 \n\nRegistering user information\n
##1055013 \nCreating initial system security defaults...\n
##1055014 \n\r%s [%s]:
##1055015 \n\rPlease re-enter (must be between %s and %s characters)
##1055016 \nUnlimited login system\n
##1055017 \r\n*** Abnormal shutdown request entered ***\r\nShutting down all applications and exiting Essbase\r\n
##1055018 \r\n*** A fatal error has happened, Essbase is trying to shutdown ***\r\n
##1055019 \r\nShutdown request is aborted, Essbase will continue processing\r\n
##1055020 \r\nCannot stop application %s
##1055021 \nEssbase Default Storage type is Multidimensional\n
##1055022 \nEssbase Default Storage type is DB2 Relational\n
##1055023 \nEssbase Default Storage type is Oracle Relational\n
##1055024 \nEssbase Default Storage type is Undefined\n
##1055025 \nHyperion Essbase - System 9 %s- %s
##1055026 \nCopyright (c) 1991, %s, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the recipient's personal use, without the express written permission of Hyperion.
##1055027 \nSerial number:  %s\n
##1055028 \r\nRegistered to:  %s\r\n                %s\r\n\n
##1055029 Use essbase <password> -b to start in background
##1055030 Error:\t*** Incorrect password or user!\n
##1055031 \r\nPlease type the system password:
##1055032 \n\nStartup sequence completed\n
##1055033 \nSecurity is enabled
##1055034 \nSecurity is disabled
##1055035 \nLogins are enabled
##1055036 \nLogins are disabled
##1055037 \nAgent Threads - %s
##1055038 \nWaiting for Client Requests...\n
##1055039 \nError: Cannot allocate memory.
##1055040 \nError: Cannot create thread.
##1055041 \nError: Cannot create daemon thread.
##1055042 \n
##1055043 \nExecuting command: %s\n
##1055044 \n*** Usage: START application\n
##1055045 \n*** Usage: STOP application\n
##1055047 \n\n%s connections in use\n
##1055048 \nNo users connected\n
##1055049 %s ports available\n
##1055050 \nNo ports available\n
##1055051 \n\n%s ports in use\n
##1055052 \nEnter system password:
##1055053 \nUser [%s
##1055054 ] is not logged in!\n
##1055055 \n*** Usage: DUMP filename\n
##1055056 \nEnter old system password:
##1055057 Enter new system password:
##1055058 Re-type new system password:
##1055059 \n*** Passwords do not match!
##1055060 \n*** Password must be less than %s characters\n
##1055061 \n*** Password must be at least %s characters\n
##1055062 \nInvalid argument: %s\n
##1055063 \nDebugging Enabled\n
##1055064 \n*** Unknown user!\n
##1055065 \n*** Usage: LOGOUTUSER user\n
##1055066 \nCommands available are:\n\n
##1055067    START application - start an application\n
##1055068    STOP application  - stop an application\n
##1055069    USERS             - list all connected users\n
##1055070    PORTS             - list port usage\n
##1055071    LOGOUTUSER user   - forcibly logout a user\n
##1055072    PASSWORD          - change the Essbase system password\n
##1055073    DUMP filename     - dump current state of security to a file\n
##1055074    VERSION           - display the Essbase version number\n
##1055075    HELP              - display this text\n
##1055076    QUIT/EXIT         - exit program (stop all applications)\n
##1055077 \nERROR: Could Not Initialize Application specific Concurrency Control structure for application %s.\n
##1055078 ERROR: Invalid application index %s for Substitution Variable %s\n
##1055079 ERROR: Invalid database index %s for Substitution Variable %s\n
##1055080 \nERROR: Substitution Variable(s) corrupted in security file\n
##1055081 ACTION REQUIRED: Redefine the applications for all Substitution Variables\n
##1055082 ACTION REQUIRED: Redefine the databases for all Substitution Variables\n
##1055083 \n\n%s connections, including the special connection, in use\n
##1055084 \n\nThe special port is in use
##1055085 1 port available\n
##1055086 \n\n1 port in use\n
##1055087 \n\n1 connection in use\n
##1055088 \nDebugging Disabled\n
##1055089 Starting application %s \n
##1055090 \r\nStop all applications and exit Essbase [1-yes,2-no]?
##1055091 \n\n1 connection, the special connection, in use\n
##1055094 \n   Welcome to the IBM DB2 Olap Server for z/OS.\n\n   Before using this product, you should define in your z/OS system a \n   DB2 OLAP Server administrator user ID (e.g. DB2OLAP or OLAPADM).  \n   This user must be logged in at this point to continue with registration. \n   If this user is not logged in, you should exit from the program now.\n\n   If the administrator is currently logged in, please continue.\n\n  
##1055095 \nIBM DB2 OLAP Server for z/OS - Version 8.1 - %s\nPowered by Oracle Hyperion Essbase - System 9\n\nLicensed Materials - Property of IBM\n\n5655-H81\n\n(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2003 All rights Reserved
##1055096 Waiting for Client Requests...
##1055097 Essbase System Files:
##1055100 \nUS Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or\ndisclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.\n
##1055101    COMPACT           - Compact security file size\n
##1055102 ERROR: Named User Violation: Number of users defined [%s] is greater\nthan the number licensed [%s].\nPlease correct this violation immediately by contacting Hyperion at\n1 (866) GET-HYSL (438-4975) for North America customers or by e-mail at\nEssbase_Sales@hyperion.com to purchase additional named users.\nIf you are not a direct Hyperion customer, please contact the distributor\nfrom whom you licensed the software to purchase additional named users.\nAlternatively, you can remove users that are no longer needed
##1055103 \nError: Cannot create License Server Heartbeat thread.
##1055104 ERROR: Trying to define more number of %s than the number licensed [%s].\nContact your direct Sales representative or your Geography Support organization to purchase additional users.\nIf you are not a direct Hyperion customer, please contact the distributor\nfrom whom you licensed the software to purchase additional users.\nAlternatively, you can remove/disable users that are no longer needed
##1055105 WARNING: License Violation: Number of %s is greater\nthan the number licensed [%s]. Contact your direct Sales representative or your Geography Support organization to purchase additional users.\nIf you are not a direct Hyperion customer, please contact the distributor\nfrom whom you licensed the software to purchase additional users.\nAlternatively, you can remove users that are no longer needed
##1055106 License Violation: Number of %s is greater\nthan the number licensed [%s]. Contact your direct Sales representative or your Geography Support organization to purchase additional users.\nIf you are not a direct Hyperion customer, please contact the distributor\nfrom whom you licensed the software to purchase additional users.\nNo activities are permitted until you correct this violation
##1055108 Viewfile [%s] already exists
##1055109 Invalid null viewfile name
##1055110  and a secret system\n   password which you will need to use each time you run the product.\n\n   Be sure to choose a password which is easy to remember, but difficult\n   to guess (you may wish to write it down and keep it in a safe place).\n
##1055111  The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Hyperion shall not be liable for errors contained herein or consequential damages in connection with furnishing, performance, or use hereof.\nUS Patent Number 5,359,724\nUS Patent Number 6,317,750\nUS Patent Number 7,028,046\nUS Patent Number 7,024,417\n
##1055112 \nUnknown command: '%s'\n
##1056000 ***WARNING***: Named User Violation:\n Number of users defined [%s] is greater than the number licensed [%s].\n Please contact Hyperion Support to purchase more Named Users,\nor remove users that are no longer needed
##1056001 Unable to acquire parse semaphore
##1056002 Unable to release parse semaphore
##1056003 Unable to allocate memory
##1056010 Application %s created
##1056011 Application %s replaced
##1056012 Application %s dropped
##1056013 Application %s altered
##1056014 Application %s is not empty
##1056017 The rename command will cause a MAXL internal error.  Please restart MAXL and try the rename again.
##1056018 Applications altered
##1056020 Database %s.%s created
##1056021 Database %s.%s replaced
##1056022 Database %s.%s dropped
##1056023 Database %s.%s altered
##1056024 Database %s.%s does not exist
##1056025 Database %s.%s is in archive read-only mode
##1056026 Database %s.%s already exists
##1056027 Cannot set currency member, when currency database is not set
##1056028 Cannot rename data mining objects from database [%s] to database [%s]
##1056040 Cannot change pre-image access while commited mode is disabled
##1056041 Cannot change compression algorithm while data compression is disabled
##1056042 Cannot change commit rows while commited mode is enabled
##1056043 Cannot change lock timeout while commit mode is disabled
##1056050 Disk volume %s is not defined
##1056051 Disk volume %s already exists
##1056060 User [%s] created
##1056061 User [%s] replaced
##1056062 User [%s] dropped
##1056063 User [%s] altered
##1056064 Can't set password expiration for administrators
##1056065 User is not in group ['%s']
##1056066 All group association for user [%s] lost
##1056067 User [%s] does not exist. Group preservation request will be ignored
##1056070 Group %s created
##1056071 Group %s replaced
##1056072 Group %s dropped
##1056073 Group %s altered
##1056074 Grant succeeded for user or user group: ['%s']
##1056075 Cannot grant this privilege to a administrator
##1056076 Cannot find any applications on the system
##1056080 Calculation %s.%s created
##1056081 Calculation %s.%s replaced
##1056082 Calculation %s.%s dropped
##1056084 Calculation validation is not performed on aggregate storage applications
##1056090 System altered
##1056091 This statement is deprecated.  Use 'alter system logout session'
##1056092 Sessions logged out [%s]
##1056093 Directory does not exist [%s]
##1056094 Were not able to load application - '%s'
##1056095 Were not able to unload application - '%s'
##1056101 Function %s created
##1056102 Function %s replaced
##1056103 Macro %s created
##1056104 Macro %s replaced
##1056105 Function %s dropped
##1056106 Macro %s dropped
##1056107 Function %s already exists
##1056108 Macro %s already exists
##1056109 Function %s does not exist
##1056110 Macro %s does not exist
##1056113 Application %s must be loaded for this operation
##1056116 Application %s must have at least one database for this operation
##1056201 Source and target cannot be the same in CREATE AS
##1056202 Invalid currency specification in CREATE DATABASE AS
##1056210 Filter %s created
##1056211 Filter %s replaced
##1056212 Filter %s dropped
##1056213 message from server [%s]
##1056214 [%s] ports in use, [%s] ports allowed
##1056215 Mining Task with id [%s] is executing...
##1056216 Unable to open file ['%s']
##1056217 Filter %s altered
##1056218 Locks dropped
##1056219 No locks exist to drop
##1056220 User %s is not logged in
##1056222 Filter %s definition replaced
##1056223 This command requires the connected application in OPG mode
##1056224 User - ['%s'] cannot access calc script - ['%s']
##1056225 There was an error deleting the log file
##1056226 Session altered for user [%s]
##1056228 Cannot copy block storage to aggregate storage or vice versa. Copy will use same storage as original.
##1056229 Cannot repeat an option in a non-repeating list
##1056230 Algorithm created - ['%s']
##1056231 Algorithm replaced - ['%s']
##1056232 Algorithm dropped - ['%s']
##1056233 Mining Filter created - ['%s']
##1056234 Mining Filter replaced - ['%s']
##1056235 Mining Filter dropped - ['%s']
##1056236 Mining Result dropped - ['%s']
##1056237 Model dropped - ['%s']
##1056238 Mining Template dropped - ['%s']
##1056239 Mining Template created - ['%s']
##1056240 Mining Template replaced - ['%s']
##1056241 Column '%s' has invalid type - '%s'
##1056242 No Data was returned by Data-mining engine
##1056243 Pmml File dropped - ['%s']
##1056244 Pmml File created - ['%s']
##1056245 Pmml File replaced - ['%s']
##1056246 Invalid miner name returned - ['%s']
##1056247 Mining Model created - ['%s']
##1056248 Mining Model replaced - ['%s']
##1056300 Object %s altered
##1056301 Object %s dropped
##1056303 User %s needs a lock on existing object %s to proceed
##1056304 Source object %s does not exist
##1056305 MaxL does not drop objects of type partition_file
##1056306 MaxL does not rename objects of type partition_file
##1056307 MaxL does not copy objects of type partition_file
##1056308 Will not allow object copy between Unicode/Non-Unicode applications
##1056309 Rename will not overwrite existing object %s
##1056320 Trigger %s does not exist
##1056321 Trigger created - ['%s']
##1056322 Trigger dropped - ['%s']
##1056323 Trigger replaced - ['%s']
##1056324 Trigger '%s' altered
##1056325 All Triggers disabled
##1056326 The requested trigger_spool [%s] does not exist
##1056327 Trigger spools on database %s.%s dropped
##1056328 Trigger spool %s.%s dropped
##1056400 %s have a limit of %s bytes in an Unicode application
##1056401 %s have a limit of %s bytes in a non-Unicode application
##1056500 MaxL requires an aggregate storage application for this operation
##1056501 Tablespace %s.%s altered
##1056504 This operation is not supported for aggregate storage applications
##1056505 Database cannot use name of tablespace %s.%s
##1056507 Client application must be upgraded to use this functionality
##1056550 Unable to resolve hostname [%s]
##1056600 Users altered
##1056601 Groups altered
##1056602 Unable to spwan process for application [%s]. Please ensure that adequate memory is available.
##1056603 Error [%s] occured while starting application
##1060000 Invalid outline handle
##1060001 NULL Argument passed
##1060002 Invalid outline type
##1060003 Invalid sort type
##1060004 Invalid sorting compare function
##1060005 Too many members to sort
##1060006 The outline is a currency outline
##1060007 There is no accounts dimension
##1060008 There is no time dimension
##1060009 There is no country dimension
##1060010 Invalid member name (%s)
##1060011 Invalid consolidation type
##1060013 Illegal move of member
##1060014 Invalid member handle
##1060015 Illegal member name
##1060016 Duplicate member name
##1060017 Illegal currency member
##1060018 Illegal default alias name
##1060019 Illegal combinational alias name
##1060020 Illegal member combinational for alias
##1060021 Illegal dimension tag
##1060022 No time dimension defined
##1060023 Duplicate alias
##1060024 Illegal member formula
##1060025 Shared member not at level 0
##1060026 Shared member with no actual member
##1060028 Leaf member defined as a label member
##1060030 Illegal time balance value
##1060031 Illegal time balance skip value
##1060032 Illegal share value
##1060033 Illegal dimension storage value
##1060034 Illegal storage category
##1060035 Illegal alias table
##1060036 Invalid user attribute
##1060037 Cannot find user attribute %s
##1060038 The maximum number of alias tables has been reached
##1060039 Illegal alias table name
##1060040 Alias table %s already exists
##1060041 Cannot rename the default alias table
##1060042 Cannot delete the default alias table
##1060043 Invalid object type
##1060044 Cannot create temporary file name
##1060045 Invalid transaction type
##1060046 Could not open file
##1060047 Could not read from or Write to file
##1060048 Invalid restructure type passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1060049 Too many dimensions in a currency outline
##1060050 Member name already used
##1060051 Member name already used
##1060052 Too many dimensions to configure
##1060053 Outline has errors
##1060054 Cannot find gen or level name
##1060055 Invalid gen or level name passed to ESSAPI function %s
##1060056 Gen or level name already exists
##1060057 Dimension name expected
##1060058 Shared member cannot have a formula
##1060059 There is no alias combination
##1060061 Illegal gen or level value
##1060062 There is no alias for this member
##1060063 There is no formula for this member
##1060064 A shared member cannot have user-defined attributes
##1060065 The generation or level name is the same as a member or alias
##1060066 There is a generation or level name with the same name as the member or one of its aliases
##1060067 The source and destination alias tables are the same
##1060068 The file was opened in the wrong mode to make this call
##1060069 Illegal option
##1060070 Level 0 virtual members must have a formula associated with them
##1060072 When a single child member is Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store, the parent must also be Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store
##1060073 Virtual member has more than 100 children
##1060074 Dimension without children cannot be virtual
##1060075 Unknown DTS member
##1060076 Member in which to store data is type Dynamic Calc
##1060077 DTS member is not enabled for this generation
##1060079 Extended member comment exceeds maximum length
##1060080 Invalid Structure ID
##1060081 Attribute Dimension is not associated to the base dimension
##1060082 Base member's level is not matching with the association level
##1060083 Not an Attribute member
##1060084 Base member is invalid. It Might be Attribute or Aggregate type
##1060085 Attribute is not level zero
##1060086 Attribute dimension is already associated
##1060087 Not a sparse dimension(s)
##1060088 Attribute is not associated with the base member
##1060089 Non attribute dimension(s) exist(s) after attribute dimension
##1060090 Attribute association and disassociation is not allowed for shared/label only members.
##1060091 Attribute longname for member %s is longer than ESS_MBRNAMELEN
##1060092 NULL value for member name string
##1060093 Invalid setting for usGenNameBy in attribute specifications
##1060094 Invalid setting for usUseNameOf in attribute specifications
##1060095 Invalid setting for delimiter in attribute specifications
##1060096 Invalid setting for Date Format in attribute specifications
##1060097 Invalid setting for usBucketingType in attribute specifications
##1060098 Illegal numeric attribute value
##1060099 Illegal boolan attribute value
##1060100 Illegal datetime attribute value
##1060101 Attribute dimension can not be followed by Standard/base dimensions
##1060102 Illegal datatype for attribute
##1060103 Attribute members datatype is not matching with Attribute dimensions datatype.
##1060104 Attribute parent-child category illegal
##1060105 Attributes can not have associated UDAs
##1060106 Unknown global verification error
##1060107 Illegal operation for the member
##1060108 Illegal attribute value for level 0 attribute member
##1060109 Boolean/AttrCalc dimensions have invalid children count
##1060110 Illegal Attrcalc dimension/member name
##1060111 More than one AttrCalc dimension
##1060112 Invalid value being set for attribute memberinfo
##1060113 Invalid value being set for attrcalc dimension/member memberinfo
##1060114 Attribute Calculations dimension can not be created
##1060115 Attribute Calculations dimension/member name already used.
##1060116 Not a member
##1060117 Attribute calculations dimension is absent
##1060118 The error in operation has resulted in unrecoverable outline. Please abort! do not save.
##1060119 In the tree/subtree being traversed, Level 0 Attribute Member's long name %s already used.
##1060120 The member is invalid
##1060121 Probably associate an attribute member to an implied shared member
##1060122 Name [%s] too long for Non-Unicode mode server
##1060123 UTF-8 encoded outline file is not allowed for non-Unicode-mode application
##1060124 Comment [%s] too long for non-Unicode-mode server
##1060125 Invalid outline type
##1060126 Writing Unicode-encoded outline in a not Unicode-enabled client or a not Unicode-enabled server is not allowed
##1060127 UTF-8 encoded outline file is not allowed to be read in non-Unicode-mode client
##1060128 Cannot write outline, languages [%s] and [%s] are not compatible
##1060129 Unicode-encoded outline cannot be converted back to non-Unicode
##1060130 Outline API function (%s) is not supported in OPG mode
##1060131 Invalid input locale to the Outine API
##1060133 Add dimension: previous sibling must be a dimension
##1060134 Aggregate storage outlines do not support moves that create or remove dimensions
##1060135 Aggregate storage outlines do not support moves between attribute and non-attribute dimensions
##1060136 Aggregate storage outlines do not support moves between dimensions
##1060137 Outline [%s] is of type aggregate storage and cannot be saved to a non-aggregate storage application.
##1060138 Cannot set generation name to %s because it is a reserved generation name for the time dimension.
##1060139 Aggregate Storage Outlines do not support sorting of dimensions
##1060140 Cannot convert a currency outline to Aggregate Storage
##1060141 Dynamic Calc Two Pass Calc Member with non Two Pass Calc Parent
##1060142 Boolean attribute member name does not match boolean member name setting
##1060143 The product of the number of stored dimension levels in an aggregate storage outline must be less than 2^32
##1060144 Aggregate storage outlines only allow formulas in accounts dimension or dynamic hierarchies
##1060145 It is not possible to have a formula on a label member
##1060146 There must be at least two children to use the MULT, DIV, and PERCENTAGE consolidation
##1060147 Aggregate storage outlines require non level-0 members in accounts dimension and dynamic hierarchies to be either non-stored members or have internal/external formula
##1060149 Label-only members must span all of the uppermost levels.
##1060150 Aggregate storage outlines require all members of stored hierarchies to have ADD (+) aggregation, except for label-only members and their children
##1060151 Aggregate storage outlines require compression dimension or single dynamic hierarchy dimensions to have at least one level 0 member without formula
##1060152 Invalid attribute calculation member
##1060153 Aggregate storage outlines do not support Dynamic Time Series, ignored
##1060154 Aggregate storage outlines do not require users to set two-pass calculation on any member
##1060157 Illegal string attribute value
##1060158 Invalid perspective member
##1060159 Outline containing varying attributes not enabled for varying attributes
##1060160 Cannot change dimension independent status of dimension.  Active varying attribute associations with this independent dimension exist.
##1060161 Cannot specify varying attributes on an independent dimension.
##1060162 Independent members must be members of the specified independent dimensions
##1060163 Cannot use AssociateMember routine to associate base-dimension members enabled for varying attributes
##1060164 Independent dimension list must specify a set of unique independent dimensions
##1060165 Independent members must be level 0 members of the specified independent dimensions
##1060166 Independent members used in one base member's association list must be sorted in outline order
##1060167 Cannot delete independent dimension
##1060168 Cannot delete independent member that was ever used in a SCA association
##1060169 Independent member can not be a shared or label member
##1060170 Independent member is newly-created or moved, it can not be used in validity set until the outline is saved
##1060171 Outline contains Varying Attribute verification error on indepedent members, Please fix the error before trying this operation.
##1060172 Aggregate storage outlines only allow any shared member once in a stored hierarchy, including prototype.
##1060173 This stored hierarchy has multiple copies of same shared member.  Remove extra member or change hierarchy to be Dynamic.
##1060177 Cannot use DisassociateMember routine to disassociate base-dimension members enabled for varying attributes
##1060178 Cannot have more than 65535 changes over independent dimensions
##1060179 Aggregate storage outlines version 7.1 do not support shared members
##1060181 This outline version does not support member solve order
##1060182 Dimension not enabled for Varying Associations.
##1060183 Not an Attribute Dimension
##1060184 Operation requires a non-null independent member
##1060185 This outline version does not support multiple hierarchies
##1060186 Cannot create an outline with more than 255 dimensions.
##1060187 Solveorder must be between 0 and 127.
##1060188 Beginning independent member tuple must preceed or equal the ending independent member tuple in the outline.
##1060189 Shared member occurs before stored member
##1060190 Cannot Add Dimension - too many dimensions have been created and deleted.
##1060191 Cannot create opgwrite log file name
##1060192 In a dynamic hierarchy, only stored members can have attribute associations
##1060193 Member is duplicate to existing shared member
##1060200 Cannot uniquely identify a member, the name [%s] is duplicated
##1060201 Cannot identify a member, the name [%s] does not exist
##1060202 Dimension name must be unique
##1060203 Member name must be unique among its siblings
##1060204 The system alias table [%s] is read only
##1060205 The function only works with duplicate member name outline
##1060206 Alias table [%s] is unique name only, alias [%s] has been used
##1060207 Alias table [%s] is unique name only, alias [%s] has been used as a member name
##1060208 Alias table [%s] is unique name only, there is already an alias [%s] in the table
##1060209 Dimension [%s] is unique name only, there is already a member as [%s]
##1060210 Level [%s] at Dimension [%s] is unique name only
##1060211 Generation [%s] at Dimension [%s] is unique name only
##1060212 Can not convert duplicate member name outline to unique member name outline
##1060213 User defined member ID [%s] must be unique
##1060214 Can not convert unique member name outline to duplicate member name outline, update the format of outline first
##1060215 The API [%s] only works with duplicate member name outline
##1060216 Member needs to be moved
##1060217 The member name [%s] is duplicate with a dimension name
##1060218 The member [%s] does not exist
##1060220 Shared member is descendant of its prototype
##1060221 More than 20 duplicate member names in the path
##1060222 Varying attribute outlines must have BSO storage, not allow duplicate names, and not be a currency outline
##1060223 Duplicate name outline not supported by older server
##1060225 Unique identifier %s exceeds the maximum byte length [%s]
##1060226 Invalid date-time dimension definition due to [%s]
##1060227 Building date-time dimension failed due to [%s]
##1060229 Error parsing member name in formula
##1060230 Linked attribute members cannot exceed [%d] members for [%s] dimension
##1060231 Only one date-time dimension allowed
##1060237 Dimension has changed at the server since this outline was opened.  Reopen the outline.
##1060240 Building date-time dimension failed due to 54-wk year %d. Enforce week adjustments
##1060241 Building date-time dimension failed due to 53-wk year %d. Define \
##1060242 Building date-time dimension due to 53-wk year %d. Define \
##1060243 Invalid Aggregate Level Usage.  Primary hiearachies cannot have usage 'Consider Bottom Level Only', Secondary hierarchies cannot have usage 'Consider Top Level Only' or 'Never Aggregate to Intermediate Levels'
##1060244 Query Hint feature is unavailable in the Essbase Server version
##1060245 Compression Dimension feature is unavailable in the Essbase Server version
##1060246 Invalid dimension argument
##1060248 Invalid query hint number
##1060249 Invalid hierarchy type
##1060251 Migration between specified OPG versions not supported
##1060252 Formula must not exceed 65,534 bytes
##1060253 Cannot read MyAnalythics encrypted outline file
##1060254 Attributes are not allowed on the compression dimension
##1060256 Invalid argument (%s) passed. Not a date-time dimension member
##1060257 Invalid query id argument (%s) passed
##1060260 Failed to set time related generation names for the date-time dimension created
##1060261 Invalid query hint array size
##1060262 Failed to get all alias names due to failed alias identifier lookup
##1060263 Aggregate storage outlines require compression dimension to be a single dynamic hierarchy
##1070000 Index cache is full.  Please increase the index cache size for database [%s].
##1070013 Index cache size ==> [%s] bytes, [%s] index pages.
##1070014 Index page size ==> [%s] bytes.
##1070016 Invalid index Context.  [%s] aborted
##1070017 Invalid file id [%s].  [%s] aborted
##1070018 Invalid file handle [%s].  [%s] aborted
##1070019 Invalid file name [%s].  [%s] aborted
##1070020 Out of disk space.  Cannot create a new [%s] file.  [%s] aborted
##1070022 Cannot Get a Free Frame From the Buffer Pool. [%s] aborted
##1070023 Configured Disk Volume [%s]  does not exist.
##1070024 Main page has not been written since [%s] file is created.  Ignored
##1070026 Corrupted Node Page in the B+tree.  [%s] aborted
##1070028 Chsize failed.  [%s] aborted
##1070031 Invalid frames link, [%s] aborted
##1070033 Failed to allocate a fixed size memory pool.  [%s] aborted
##1070035 Recovering Database [%s] After Abnormal Termination...
##1070039 Not Enough Memory to Allocate the Index Buffer Cache.  Using default
##1070042 Recovering Free Space In The Data Files For The Database [%s]...
##1070043 Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the system
##1070045 File [%s] cannot be created because it already exists. [%s] aborted
##1070049 Requested Cache Size + Internal Adjustment = [%s bytes]; Available Virtual Memory: [%s Kbytes].
##1070051 Duplicate key [%s.%s] found in AVL-Tree.
##1070052 Key [%s.%s] not found in AVL-Tree.
##1070053 Attempt to delete key [%s.%s] from an empty AVL-Tree.
##1070054 Lookup of key [%s.%s] encountered an empty AVL-Tree.
##1070055 Invalid traversal order [%s] on AVL-Tree.
##1070056 Invalid lookup of AVL-Tree.  [%s] aborted.
##1070057 Database migration to the current version of Essbase is needed.
##1070058 Database migration cannot be performed while the database is in read-only mode
##1070059 Migrating the database index from V4 format to V6 format ...
##1070060 Converted [%s] index entries
##1070061 Index migration from V4 format to V6 format completed successfully
##1070062 Index migration from V4 format to V6 format failed
##1070063 Database restructuring cannot be performed while the database is in read-only mode
##1070064 Deleted [%s] index entries
##1070066 Cannot read from file with handle [%s], [%s] failed
##1070067 Invalid file name [%s].  [%s] aborted
##1070068 Recovering database [%s] during fatal error processing...
##1070069 Expanding the index freespace cache for database [%s] to [%s] index pages.
##1070070 Performing index file recovery for database [%s].
##1070071 Converting index file descriptors for database [%s].
##1070072 Migration has resulted in an empty database
##1070073 Restructuring has resulted in an empty database
##1070074 Database migration to an index page size of [%s] is needed.
##1070075 Sparse incremental restructuring is not supported during migration.  Apply all changes in the outline change log before attempting to migrate.
##1070076 Converted [%s] LRO index entries from prior V65 native version
##1070077 Locking the index cache pages into physical memory.
##1070078 Turning off cache memory locking due to lack of physical memory.  Using virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the index and data caches.
##1070079 Turning off cache memory locking due to insufficient privilege.  Using virtual memory to allocate the remainder of the index and data caches.
##1070080 Using direct I/O for the index and data files.
##1070081 Using buffered I/O for the index and data files.
##1070082 Using no-wait I/O for the index and data files.
##1070083 Using waited I/O for the index and data files.
##1070084 Migrating the database index from V5 format to V6 format ...
##1070085 Index migration from V5 format to V6 format completed successfully
##1070086 Index migration from V5 format to V6 format failed
##1070087 Migrating the database index to an index page size of [%s] ...
##1070088 Index migration to an index page size of [%s] completed successfully
##1070089 Index migration to an index page size of [%s] failed
##1070090 Unable to unlock physical memory allocated for the index of database [%s].
##1070091 Not enough memory to allocate the index buffer cache.  Using the minimum size.
##1070092 Waiting to swap an index cache page for database [%s].  Performance could potentially be improved by increasing the index cache size.
##1070094 Premature end of a file descriptor page chain for database [%s] was encountered.
##1070095 Migrating the database index from V6 Beta I format to V6 format ...
##1070096 Index migration from V6 Beta I format to V6 format completed successfully
##1070097 Index migration from V6 Beta I format to V6 format failed
##1070098 Error [%s] encountered while waiting to traverse the index for database [%s].
##1070100 A read from file [%s], %s.
##1070101 A write to file [%s], %s.
##1070102 An attempt to set the file pointer for file [%s], %s.
##1070103 Creation of file [%s] failed with error [%s].
##1070104 Extension of file [%s] failed with error [%s].
##1070105 Disk volume [%s] is being invalidated for database [%s].
##1070106 Invalidated disk volume [%s] is not being considered for file extension or file creation for database [%s].
##1070107 Disk volume [%s] is not being considered for creation or extension of [Index] files for database [%s].
##1070108 Disk volume [%s] is not being considered for creation or extension of [Data] files for database [%s].
##1070109 Disk volume [%s], %s, is out of space.
##1070110 I/O, File Descriptor and Volume Descriptor Validation is enabled for database [%s].
##1070111 Created [Index] file [%s].
##1070112 Created [Data] file [%s].
##1070113 Deleted [Index] file [%s].
##1070114 Deleted [Data] file [%s].
##1070115 Renamed [Index] file [%s] to [%s].
##1070116 [Index] file [%s], %s.
##1070117 [Data] file [%s], %s.
##1070118 Closing [Index] file [%s]: %s.
##1070119 Closing [Data] file [%s]: %s.
##1070120 Unable to generate the index file name for file [%s] for database [%s].
##1070121 Current size of file [%s] is [%s] bytes.
##1070122 Hit ratio on index cache
##1070123 Hit ratio on data cache
##1070124 Number of index page reads
##1070125 Number of index page writes
##1070126 Number of data block reads
##1070127 Number of data block writes
##1070128 Average index page density
##1070129 Total number of free blocks
##1070130 Ratio of free blocks
##1070131 Average free block size
##1070132 Hit ratio on data file cache
##1070134 Error encountered while waiting to fix an index page of database [%s].
##1070136 Database migration cannot be performed directly from V4 to the current version, use a V5 ESSBASE to convert from V4 to V5 first.
##1070137 You must restructure this database in an older version of ESSBASE before it can be used in the current version of ESSBASE (obsolete data blocks).
##1070138 Migrating the database index from V6.5 format to V7.0 format ...
##1070139 Index migration from V6.5 format to V7.0 format completed successfully
##1070140 Index migration from native format to Unicode format failed
##1070141 Index migration from a Unicode configuration may only go to a Unicode configuration
##1070149 Migrating the database index from V6.2 format to V6.5 format ...
##1070150 Index Migration from V6 format to V6.5 format completed successfully
##1070151 Index Migration from V6 format to V6.5 format failed
##1070152 Migrating the database index from non-Unicode-encoded format to Unicode-encoded format ...
##1070153 Index migration from native format to the Unicode format complete successfully
##1070154 Index migration from non-Unicode-encoded format to the Unicode-encoded format failed
##1070155 Converted [%s] LRO index entries from native format to the Unicode format
##1070156 Database is using Memory Mapped Disk I/O now
##1070157 Database migration to Direct IO cannot be performed while the database is in read-only mode.  Please restart the database in read-write mode
##1080004 Unable to set the transaction flag in the .ESM file.  [%s] aborted.
##1080007 Transaction Commit:  [%s] blocks will be processed
##1080009 Fatal error [%s] encountered during transaction commit.
##1080010 The Transaction Manager component of the Essbase Kernel must already have been initialized in order to begin a transaction.
##1080011 The Transaction Manager component of the Essbase Kernel must already have been initialized in order to commit a transaction.
##1080012 The Transaction Manager component of the Essbase Kernel must already have been initialized in order to abort a transaction.
##1080013 Fatal error [%s] encountered during transaction abort.
##1080014 Transaction [%s] aborted due to status [%s].
##1080015 Unable to create Transaction Cleanup Daemon thread.
##1080016 Error [%s] upon creating the event to start the Transaction Cleanup Daemon.
##1080017 Error [%s] upon setting the event to start the Transaction Cleanup Daemon.
##1080018 Error [%s] upon waiting for the Transaction Cleanup Daemon to start.
##1080019 Error [%s] upon deleting the Transaction Cleanup Daemon's Thread Context resources.
##1080020 Transaction Cleanup Daemon terminating due to error [%s].
##1080021 Invalid transaction handle [%s] passed to the Essbase Kernel for database [%s].
##1080022 Reinitializing the Essbase Kernel for database [%s] due to a fatal error ...
##1080023 Reinitializing the Essbase Kernel for currency database [%s] due to a fatal error ...
##1080024 Reinitializing the Essbase Kernel for currency database [%s] due to a fatal error ...
##1080026 Unable to recover database [%s] while the database is in read-only mode.
##1080027 Performing transaction recovery for database [%s] following an abnormal termination of the server.
##1080028 Performing transaction recovery for database [%s] during fatal error processing.
##1080029 Transactions for database [%s] have temporarily been disabled.  Please retry your operation later.
##1080030 The Transaction Manager component of the Essbase Kernel must already have been initialized in order to disable transactions.
##1080032 Forcibly aborting transaction [%s] while quiescing update activity on database [%s].
##1080033 TCT File opened (fd = %s)
##1080034 TCT File closed (fd = %s)
##1080035 TCT File read error (%s, %s)
##1080036 TCT File write error (%s, %s)
##1080037 Transaction [%s] aborted due to invalid transaction status [%s].
##1080038 Terminating the Essbase Application Server process due to a fatal error encountered by the Essbase Kernel for database [%s].
##1080039 Unable to create the Database Writer's thread.
##1080040 Error [%s] upon setting the event to stop the Database Writer.
##1080041 Error [%s] upon waiting for the Database Writer to stop.
##1080042 Database Writer terminating due to error [%s].
##1080043 Error [%s] upon creating the event to start the Database Writer.
##1080044 Error [%s] upon setting the event to start the Database Writer.
##1080045 Error [%s] upon waiting for the Database Writer to start.
##1080046 Error [%s] upon setting the event to stop the Transaction Cleanup Daemon.
##1080047 Error [%s] upon waiting for the Transaction Cleanup Daemon to stop.
##1080048 Transaction Cleanup [%s] begins.
##1080049 Transaction Cleanup [%s] ends.
##1080050 Transaction Cleanup cleaned [%s] index entries in [%s] index leaf pages.
##1080052 Transaction Memory Pages are Exhausted.
##1080053 Free space recovery skipped.  Estimated free space recoverable by RecoverDbFreeSpace: [%s] bytes
##1090000 Cannot create temporary file name
##1090001 Column Ordering is Incorrect (Column %s)
##1090002 Member Missing For Add As Of Child Dimension Setting For Dimension [%s]
##1090003 Dimension Invalid For Column [%s]
##1090004 Unable To Open File [%s]
##1090005 Unable To Read From File [%s]
##1090006 Revision Invalid For From File [%s]
##1090007 Member [%s] For Add As Of Child Dimension Is From Wrong Dimension
##1090008 Field Label (Column %s) does not match build method
##1090009 File [%s] Can Not Be Read, The File is Password Protected
##1090010 Error in File [%s] Which is a [%s] Spreadsheet
##1090011 Unable to Open Error File (%s)
##1090012 Unable to Process Rules File (%s)
##1090013 Cannot Open Data Source
##1090014 Initialization failed - Memory Error
##1090015 Error processing data file
##1090016 Illegal DUPLEVEL (Column %s)
##1090017 Column Contains Invalid Generation (Column %s)
##1090018 Error Initializing Outline Information
##1090019 Error Modifying Outline Information
##1090020 Dynamic Reference Initialization failed
##1090021 Error Initializing Dimension Field Name Information
##1090022 Processing Terminated - No Valid Build Fields
##1090023 Bad string length [%s] found reading outline
##1090024 Bad region type found reading region defn file
##1090025 Invalid slice map count found reading region defn file
##1090026 Bad data direction found in region defn file
##1090027 Unable to open file %s
##1090028 File %s has bad type
##1090029 Unable To Create File [%s]
##1090030 Advanced numeric method (Column %s) does not match attribute dimension type
##1090031 Range size must be greater than 0
##1090032 Base dimension (%s) not sorted for ranges
##1090033 Dimension in column %s is not a base dimension for (%s)
##1090034 ATTRPARENT column %s must precede a numeric or date/time attribute association column
##1090035 ATTRPARENT column %s gen value %s must match next column gen value
##1090036 There were errors validating the outline. Please check the error file.
##1090037 Initialization failed - There must be at least one dimension in the outline or in the rules file
##1090038 Object file path [%s] is too long.
##1090039 Name [%s] exceeds maximum length (%s) for Non-Unicode mode server
##1090040 UTF-8 encoded file [%s] not allowed for non-Unicode-mode server
##1090042 UTF-8 encoded partition definition file cannot be read by non-Unicode-mode Client
##1090043 Locales [%s] and [%s] are not compatible
##1090044 Delimiter [0x%x] in rules file out of range.  Changed to tab.
##1090045 Delimiter [0x%x] in rules file out of range.
##1090047 Building Dimensions, Available Memory: %s Kilobytes
##1090048 Building Dimensions Finished, Available Memory: %s Kilobytes
##1090052 Error Initializing Dimension Info node
##1090053 No previous column. (Column %s) must have a previous column
##1090054 Unique name outline does not support member ID
##1090055 Unable to Process Rules File (%s), created using a newer version
##1120000 Unable to lock file [%s].
##1120001 Unable to unlock physical memory allocated by the Essbase Kernel for database [%s].
##1120002 Unable to clear data while the database [%s] is in readonly mode for backup.
##1120003 Unable to recover free space while the database [%s] is in readonly mode.
##1120004 Free space recovery not necessary: free space information for the database [%s] is accurate.
##1120005 Unable to lock file [%s]. Please make sure other processes do not access Essbase files while Essbase server is running.
##1120006 Unable to lock file [%s]. Essbase will try again after a short delay.
##1120010 One of the data files for database [%s] may be locked by another program.
##1120011 The server will now shut down. The database will stay in read-only mode. Please make sure that no other program uses Essbase storage files and restart the server.
##1130212 Application is using [%s] bytes of memory, and is requesting a new memory block of [%s] bytes.  The memory has exceeded the limit or the application can't get a new memory block from the operating system.
##1130213 Application is using [%s] bytes of memory.  It is more than [%s] percent of the limit set in the memory config file.
##1130214 The memory limit for application [%s] bytes is too little. The minimum value is [%s] Kbytes
##1130215 Application is using [%s] bytes of memory, and is requesting a new memory block of [%s] bytes.  The application can't get a new memory block from the operating system.
##1140000 Invalid LRO Context.  [%s] aborted
##1140002 Invalid member name entered - %s.
##1140003 index entry for Linked Object not found.  [%s]
##1140004 mismatch linked object handle.  [%s] aborted
##1140005 Missing member name.
##1140007 Corrupted Node Page in the LRO B+tree.  [%s] aborted
##1140008 Object type can not be updated.  [%s]
##1140009 You do not have sufficient access to perform a %s on this database
##1140011 This server is not licensed with the Linked Object option
##1140012 Unable to [%s] linked object; database is in readonly mode for archive
##1140013 Invalid cell address entered.
##1140014 Unable to delete LRO file -  [%s]
##1140015 Invalid member count [%s], expected [%s] members
##1140017 Unable to add a linked object in [%s] due to object handle overflow.
##1140018 Attribute members not allowed in LRO operations.
##1150000 Cannot apply file [%s], error [%s] returned
##1150001 Cannot read from file handle [%s]
##1150003 Cannot create alias table [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150004 Cannot delete alias table [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150005 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot add dimension [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150006 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot delete dimension [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150007 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot update dimension [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150008 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot move dimension [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150009 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot rename dimension [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150010 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot add member [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150011 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot delete member [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150012 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot move member [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150013 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot update member [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150014 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot rename member [%s], error [%s] encountered
##1150019 There is 1 message in the application log identifying a change that was not applied during outline synchronization.
##1150020 There are %s messages in the application log identifying changes that were not applied during outline synchronization.
##1150021 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find location for adding member [%s]
##1150023 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find member [%s] to move
##1150024 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find destination for moving member [%s] with parent [%s]
##1150025 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find member [%s] to update
##1150026 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find dimension [%s] to rename
##1150027 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find dimension [%s] to move
##1150028 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find destination for moving dimension [%s]
##1150029 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find dimension [%s] to update
##1150030 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find location for adding dimension [%s]
##1150031 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find attribute dimension [%s] to associate with dimension [%s]
##1150032 OUTLINE SYNC: Cannot find attribute [%s] to associate with member [%s]
##1150033 OUTLINE SYNC: Attribute dimension [%s] deleted due to missing base dimension
##1150034 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Global Error -- Too many dimensions in currency outline
##1150035 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Global Error -- Attribute calculations dimension is absent
##1150036 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: No Global Error
##1150037 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Unknown Global Error
##1150038 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Member errors follow
##1150039 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: No errors
##1150040 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Member %s verification fails
##1150041 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal member name %s
##1150042 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Duplicate member name %s
##1150043 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal currency member %s
##1150044 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal default alias for member %s
##1150045 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal alias combination for member %s
##1150046 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal alias string for member %s
##1150047 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal tag for member %s
##1150048 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: No time dimension for member %s
##1150049 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Duplicate alias for member %s
##1150050 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal member formula for member %s
##1150051 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Shared member %s not at level 0
##1150052 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Shared member %s with no actual member
##1150053 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Accounts dimension is dense and time dimension sparse
##1150054 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Leaf member %s defined as a label member
##1150055 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Alias shared for member %s
##1150056 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal time balance value for member %s
##1150057 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal time balance skip value for member %s
##1150058 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal share value for member %s
##1150059 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal dimension storage value for member %s
##1150060 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal category for member %s
##1150061 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal storage category for member %s
##1150062 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Base member (%s) association level does not match base dimension association level
##1150063 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute dimension can not be followed by Standard/base dimensions
##1150064 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute member (%s) datatype is not matching with Attribute dimensions datatype.
##1150065 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute parent-child category illegal for member %s
##1150066 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute Dimension %s is not associated to the base dimension
##1150067 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Attribute member %s can not have associated UDAs
##1150068 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Boolean/AttrCalc dimension %s has invalid children count
##1150069 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal Attrcalc dimension/member name %s
##1150070 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Invalid value being set for attribute memberinfo of member %s
##1150071 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Invalid value being set for attrcalc dimension/member memberinfo
##1150072 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal datatype for attribute member %s
##1150073 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Illegal attribute value for level 0 attribute member %s
##1150074 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Shared member %s cannot have a formula
##1150075 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Shared member %s cannot have user-defined attributes
##1150076 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: There is a generation or level name with the same name as member %s or one of its aliases
##1150077 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Associated Attribute member %s is not level zero
##1150078 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Cannot add AttrCalc dimension %s, an AttrCalc dimension already exists
##1150079 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Member %s not an Attribute member
##1150080 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Dynamic Calc Two-Pass Calc member %s with non Two-Pass Calc parent
##1150081 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Boolean attribute member name %s does not match boolean member name setting
##1150083 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Member %s is shared.  Aggregate storage outlines do not support shared members
##1150085 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Member %s has an incorrect label tag.  Label-only members must span all of the uppermost levels.
##1150086 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Member %s has an incorrect aggregation operator.  Aggregate storage outlines require all members of stored hierarchies to have ADD (+) aggregation, except for label-only members and their children
##1150087 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Aggregate storage outlines require Accounts dimension to have at least one level 0 member without formula
##1150088 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Aggregate storage outlines do not support Dynamic Time Series, ignored
##1150089 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Aggregate storage outlines do not require users to set two-pass calculation on any member
##1150090 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Aggregate storage outlines require non level-0 member %s in accounts dimension to be either non-stored members or have internal/external formula
##1150091 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: It is not possible to have a formula on a label member
##1150092 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: There must be at least two children to use the MULT, DIV, and PERCENTAGE consolidation
##1150093 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: Invalid attribute calculation member
##1150094 Outline synchronization between different types of database is not allowed. Both ends must use the same storage type
##1150095 OUTLINE SYNC VERIFY: In a dynamic hierarchy, only stored members can have attribute associations
##1160000 The size of outline change records exceeds [%s], changes are not logged.  Please increase OutlineChangeLogFileSize setting to [%s]
##1198000 Hybrid Analysis is already initialized.
##1198001 Hybrid Analysis is not initialized.
##1198002 The database id %s is invalid.
##1198003 The query session id %s is invalid.
##1198004 Memory allocation failed, not enough free memory.
##1198005 DSN %s is not registered to ODBC.
##1198006 Connecting to metadata catalog %s as user %s.
##1198007 Unable to connect to metadata catalog %s as user %s.
##1198008 Reading model for metaoutline %s.
##1198009 Failed to open model for metaoutline %s.
##1198010 Reading metaoutline %s
##1198011 Failed to open metaoutline %s.
##1198012 Connecting to source database %s as user %s.
##1198013 Unable to connect to source database %s as user %s.
##1198014 Could not resolve member name %s.
##1198015 Dimension %s is not enabled for  Hybrid Analysis in metaoutline.
##1198016 Dimension %s not found in metaoutline.
##1198017 ARBORPATH not set.
##1198018 Callback function pointer %s is NULL
##1198019 Global C Error %s
##1198020 Universe comment syntax error: One of DSN name, user name or password to the OLAP Catalog or Data source was found missing
##1198021 Only one dimension can be the Accounts dimension.
##1198022 Only one dimension can be the Time dimension.
##1198023 Could not determine the metaoutline dimension id for outline dimension %s.
##1198024 Could not determine outline dimension for metaoutline dimension id %s.
##1198025 Syntax error in extended comment %s.
##1198026 Dimension id %s and %s do not match.
##1198027 The metaoutline dimension id %s is invalid.
##1198028 The metaoutline memberset id %s is invalid.
##1198029 Invalid outline dimension id %s.
##1198030 Dimension %s has no members.
##1198031 Could not determine member name for dimension %s.
##1198033 Member cache error.
##1198035 Member %s not found in outline.
##1198036 Query requires %s SQL queries.  The limit is %s.
##1198037 Node %s is not type ACCOUNTS.
##1198038 Member %s has no physical table information.
##1198039 Node %s has no consolidation operator.
##1198040 Node %s did not resolve to any SQL table columns.
##1198041 Failed to construct SQL for Accounts dimension.
##1198042 Failed to construct SQL query.
##1198043 Could not generate SQL for Memberset Count.
##1198044 Error generating SQL for member set.
##1198047 For TimeBalance Calculation %s cannot have opcode other than NOOP
##1198048 Parent is not in outline for member %s.
##1198049 No Matching relational hierarchy found for member
##1198050 Member operator %s not allowed.
##1198051 SQL columns mismatch (%s, %s).
##1198052 Query does not span Hybrid Analysis relational source.
##1198053 Could not find unused member name %s for dimension %s.
##1198054 Could not open the performance trace file %s.
##1198055 Error closing the performance trace file.
##1198056 Write to the performance trace file failed.
##1198057 Cannot connect to datasource %s as user %s. There are already too many connections.
##1198058 HA query cancelled by Essbase server due to Essbase timeout or user request.
##1198059 HA query row limit [%s] exceeded - query terminated.
##1198060 HA query timed out during SQLExecDirect or SQLFetch.
##1198061 Callback function CheckThreadCancelled() failed after governor signal.
##1198062 Failed to get information for ODBC error.
##1198063 HA Governor setting size overflow error - using UNLIMITED
##1198064 No visible measures or implicit measures specified for metaoutline %s.
##1198065 SQL query may be too long.
##1198067 HA error: %s
##1198068 ODBC message [%s]
##1198070 Dimension %s has user-defined member in HA storage.
##1198071 Bad data.
##1198072 Number of SQL Queries Generated during Essbase Query Session [%s] = [%s]
##1198074 Hybrid Analysis Nodes for Moduleid %s  Already Set .
##1198075 The metaoutline Moduleid %s is invalid.
##1198077 The metaoutline dimension id %s is Not HA Enabled.
##1198078 Empty Member Name [%s] in Report
##1198079 Hybrid Analysis Nodes for Measures Already Set .
##1198081 Hybrid Analysis Catalog %s version is older than the server. Please use EIS to migrate the catalog.
##1198082 Error Computing Generation for Member In Hybrid Analysis
##1198084 Sampling is not supported with SQL Server at this time
##1198085 Internal Error generating SQL. Report to Customer Support.
##1198086 Internal Grid Error . Report to Customer Support.
##1198088 Sampling is not supported with the descendants operator at this time
##1198089 HA Ignoring Config Setting HAMAXQUERYTIME Not Supported on Oracle - using UNLIMITED
##1198090 OPERATOR Not Supported For ASymmetric Grid Processing
##1198092 Could not match the result to any of the symmetric grids.
##1198093 Outline with Attribute Associations on Hybrid Levels not supported with OS390 data source
##1200000 Framework initialization failed, error code [%s]
##1200002 Compilation failed
##1200004 Program tree rebuild error [%s]
##1200005 Dependency checking error [%s]
##1200006 Unable to create execution control data structure
##1200009 Dummy message for msg builder
##1200010 The member range within @XRANGE function evaluates to an empty set
##1200314 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid array length specified
##1200315 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid object type
##1200316 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): internal calculator framework error
##1200317 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): index out of range
##1200318 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): stack full
##1200319 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): memory buffer full
##1200320 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid function code
##1200321 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): name redefinition
##1200322 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): bracket mismatch
##1200323 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): expression expected after [%s]
##1200324 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): operator expected after [%s]
##1200325 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): nothing to do
##1200326 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): semicolon missing
##1200327 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): identifier expected after [%s]
##1200328 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid declaration
##1200329 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid assignment
##1200330 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid variable name
##1200331 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid initializer
##1200332 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid number format
##1200333 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): no matching quote found
##1200334 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): wrong number of arguments in function [%s]
##1200335 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid argument in function [%s]
##1200336 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200337 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200338 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200339 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200340 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200341 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200342 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): procedure without [%s]
##1200343 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without procedure
##1200344 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200345 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200346 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200347 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): expected [(] found [%s] after function name
##1200350 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): construction requires more points in function [%s]
##1200351 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): spline data invalid (may be repeated points) in function [%s]
##1200352 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid weight in function [%s]
##1200353 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid data in function [%s]
##1200354 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): expected type [%s] found [%s] ([%s]) in function [%s]
##1200355 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): name already defined
##1200356 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid type
##1200357 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid size
##1200358 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): unexpected end of expression: [%s]
##1200359 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): illegal procedure variable name
##1200360 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid syntax
##1200361 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): unknown function [%s]
##1200362 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): [%s] without [%s]
##1200363 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid array size
##1200364 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): argument length mismatch in function [%s]
##1200365 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): infinite loop detected; execution cancelled
##1200366 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid arguments number in macro [%s]
##1200367 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid window size in function [%s]
##1200368 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): delimiter mismatch
##1200369 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): can not cross members from the same dimension
##1200370 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): attempt to cross a null member in function [%s]
##1200371 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): %s dimension undefined
##1200372 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): range not from %s dimension
##1200373 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): argument must be a valid generation or level name or number in function [%s]
##1200374 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid expression return type
##1200375 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid [%s] syntax
##1200376 Fatal error: core function [%s] undefined
##1200377 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid [%s] syntax
##1200378 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): empty [%s] block
##1200380 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid tag
##1200381 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid range
##1200382 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid dimension number in projection in function [%s]
##1200383 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid skip instruction in function [%s]
##1200384 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid execution mode
##1200385 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid macro syntax
##1200386 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): number of arguments expected
##1200387 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid member name
##1200390 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): basis member for allocation not supplied in function [%s]
##1200391 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid allocation method specified in function [%s]
##1200392 Allocation amount must include a member from every allocation range dimension. Calculation results may be unpredictable
##1200393 Round member must include a member from every allocation range. Calculation results may be unpredictable
##1200394 Allocation range is empty. Calculation results may be unpredictable
##1200395 Xref connection to data source [%s] timed out.  Restoring connection...
##1200400 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): scalar double argument expected in function [%s]
##1200401 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): single member argument expected in function [%s]
##1200402 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): single string argument expected in function [%s]
##1200403 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): single range argument expected in function [%s]
##1200404 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): single numerical argument expected in function [%s]
##1200405 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): operands have different dimensions in binary operator [%s]
##1200406 Error: attempt to redefine constant [%s]
##1200407 Cannot define [%s] function [%s]: function already defined
##1200408 Can not define [%s] macro [%s]: macro already defined
##1200409 Internal error: calculator stack contains a null object
##1200412 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): argument [%s] can not be [%s] in function [%s]
##1200414 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): number of dimensions [%s] does not match number of gen/level [%s] in function [%s]
##1200415 Internal error: unexpected end of program code
##1200416 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): Cannot assign [%s] objects of different length
##1200417 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): Cannot assign objects of different types ([%s] and [%s])
##1200418 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): Cannot assign objects of different sizes ([%s] and [%s])
##1200419 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): Attempt to assign an object of type [%s] where [%s] was expected
##1200421 Error encountered on or after line [%s]
##1200422 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): expected type [%s] found [%s] in function [%s]
##1200423 Exceeded [%s] iterations in [%s]. The result may be meaningless
##1200426 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): argument missing in function [%s]
##1200427 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid date format in function [%s]
##1200428 Arguments out of range when compiling a formula involving @POWER and constants. Returned value may be different from versions < 6.0
##1200429 Argument [%s] is out of range when compiling a formula involving @FACTORIAL and constants. Returned value may be different from versions < 6.0
##1200430 Division by zero occured when compiling a formula involving constants. Returned value may be different from versions < 6.0
##1200434 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid operator specified in function [%s]
##1200436 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): procedure should return a value
##1200437 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid mode in function [%s]
##1200438 Compiling formula for member [%s]
##1200439 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): name [%s] is reserved
##1200440 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid function signature
##1200442 Java Virtual Machine error
##1200444 Unable to register [%s] external java function [%s]
##1200445 External [%s] function [%s] registered OK
##1200448 [%s]
##1200449 Unable to register [%s] external macro [%s]
##1200450 External [%s] macro [%s] registered OK
##1200454 Can not lock external functions registry: [%s]
##1200455 Can not load class [%s] normally stored in [%s]
##1200456 Problem running [%s]: [%s]
##1200457 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): infinite loop in macro processing; current macro [%s]
##1200458 Can not define [%s] macro [%s]: function with this name already exists
##1200462 Macro [%s] will be deleted after server restart
##1200463 Function [%s] will be deleted after server restart
##1200467 Error %s formula for [%s]: status code [%s] in function [%s]
##1200468 Error: unknown function: [%s]
##1200469 Error: unknown macro: [%s]
##1200470 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid member name [%s] in function [%s]
##1200471 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): expression expected before [%s]
##1200472 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): too many parameters in function [%s]
##1200473 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): scalar boolean argument expected in function [%s]
##1200475 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): %s dimension undefined
##1200476 Can not create function list
##1200477 Can not load JVM. CDF functionality disabled.
##1200478 Can not load JVM from location in essbase.cfg [%s], OS status [%s]. Will try to load from library path.
##1200479 JVM load failed, info [%s], OS status [%s]
##1200480 Loaded and initialized JVM module
##1200481 Formula for member [%s] will be executed in [%s] mode
##1200482 Unknown custom definition [%s]
##1200483 Definition [%s] is not [%s]
##1200486 Can not find [%s] [%s], required to load JVM
##1200487 Wrong CDF/CDM name [%s]
##1200489 Cannot define [%s] function [%s]: macro with this name already exists
##1200490 Wrong java method specification [%s] (function [%s]): [%s]
##1200491 You need to restart the server to complete deletion of CDF/CDM with the same name
##1200492 Server must be restarted to update custom macros/functions
##1200493 Cross-members currently not supported in this type of expression
##1200494 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): Recursion limit [%s] reached
##1200497 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): unknown member name [%s] in function [%s]
##1200498 Error %s formula for member [%s] (line %s): function [%s] cannot be used in Hybrid Analysis
##1200499 Error %s formula for member [%s] (line %s): formula recursion limit reached
##1200500 Error %s formula for member [%s] (line %s): indirect assignments not supported in Hybrid Analysis relational source
##1200501 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): scalar dimension argument expected in function [%s]
##1200502 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): scalar generation or level argument expected in function [%s]
##1200503 Duplicate dimensions in a tuple in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200504 Invalid dimension specified for drill operation in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200505 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): operator [%s] is not allowed in this context
##1200507 Invalid index specified for drill operation in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200508 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): too few parameters in function [%s]
##1200509 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): axis set is empty [%s]
##1200510 Rewriting Aggregate Range Formula attached to member [%s]
##1200511 Incorrect connection specification - remote server configuration  \
##1200513 Oveflow detected reducing CALCTASKDIMS to 1
##1200514 Error %s formula for [%s] (line %s): invalid trailing instruction in function [%s]
##1200515 Unable to open file [%s]
##1200516 Unable to write to trigger persistence file [%s]
##1200519 Bad trigger Spool file name [%s]
##1200520 Bad trigger name -not valid [%s]
##1200521 Trigger Condition not valid
##1200522 Java Send Mail function [%s] not registered
##1200523 Not enough memory available to create trigger [%s]
##1200524 Total number of registered and disabled triggers [%s]
##1200525 Total number of registered and enabled triggers [%s]
##1200526 Trigger recovery operation failed. Issue the following trigger definition [%s] manually. Proceeding with remaining triggers
##1200527 Total number of triggers that failed to register  [%s]
##1200528 Trigger Functionality Currently Disabled
##1200529 Trigger internal error during recovery
##1200530 Unable to write to file [%s]
##1200531 Failed to create directory [%s] - Create it manually
##1200532 Error: Accessing a tuple beyond the range of a set in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200533 Error: Invalid Generation Number in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200534 Error: Invalid Level Number in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200535 [%s] Operation Failed for Trigger [%s]
##1200536 Trigger [%s] not found or currently [%s]
##1200538 Bad trigger definition
##1200539 Trigger command completed successfully
##1200540 Error: Accessing a member beyond the range of a tuple in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200541 Trigger [%s] not found
##1200543 Cleanup of trigger.trg file [%s]
##1200544 Argument to CURRENT function should be a named set
##1200545 One or more axes in MDX query have been skipped
##1200546 One or more axes in MDX query are repeated
##1200547 With CreateNonMissingBlk ON, formula [%s] on member [%s] is ignored.
##1200548 Dimension mismatch between input member and Generation/Level Object in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200549 Repeated dimension [%s] in MDX query
##1200551 Allocated TRIGMAXMEMSIZE: [%s] Bytes.
##1200552 Memory available to create trigger [%s] bytes
##1200553 Extract dimensions do not match input set dimensions in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200554 Members belong to different dimensions in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200555 Input member to function not from Time dimension in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200556 Attribute Dimension Member Expected in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200557 Invalid predicate in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200558 Invalid Date Format in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200559 Invalid Date Value in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200560 Invalid Object Type in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200561 Mismatching dimensions in function [%s]  on line [%s]
##1200562 Input objects at different generation in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200563 Calculated Members not allowed in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200564 Invalid Property in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200565 Property does not exist for given dimension in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200566 Unknown member in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200567 Invalid dimension count in Set in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200568 Negative value specified for count in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200569 Negative index specified in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200570 Invalid generation/level in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200571 Invalid index specified in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200572 Trigger not Licensed
##1200573 Invalid sum specified in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200574 Invalid percentage specified in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200575 Ignoring missing values in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200576 Ignoring negative values in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200577 Error: Slicer Axis set has more than one tuple
##1200578 Error: Slicer Axis is empty.
##1200579 Invalid value specified for count in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200580 Trigger [%s] exits: create trigger failed
##1200581 After update trigger execution failed for calc
##1200582 Trigger on update is not supported on aggregate storage database
##1200583 Cyclical dependency in formula for member [%s]
##1200584 Non-level-0 member [%s] does not have internal/external formula
##1200589 Input objects at different level in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200592 Cleanup of eventsvr.evt file [%s]
##1200594 Total number of registered event servers: [%s]
##1200595 Unable to open file [%s]
##1200596 Unable to write to event server file [%s]
##1200597 Event Service internal error
##1200598 Failed to create directory [%s] - Create it manually
##1200599 Missing perspective in batch script for varying attribute dimension [%s]
##1200600 Found pre-defined perspective in batch script for varying attribute dimension [%s]
##1200601 Not enough memory for formula execution. Set MAXFORMULACACHESIZE configuration parameter to [%s]KB and try again
##1200602 Skipping execution of higher solveorder formula [%s] needed for formula for [%s] - review the solveorders to get correct result
##1200603 Error %s formula at line %s: misplaced ELSE or ELSEIF
##1200604 Invalid formula for member [%s] (reason: depends on a member [%s] with higher solveorder ) will be ignored during execution
##1200605 Invalid formula for member [%s] (reason: depends on a member [%s] with invalid formula ) will be ignored during execution
##1200607 Unsupported Operator or Construct in the given MDX query
##1200608 Slicer Cardinality cannot be more than 1
##1200609 Generate syntax error: CurrentMember in Set2 can only refer to Set1 dimension
##1200610 INVALID Generation/Level in the given MDX query
##1200611 Duplicate dimensions in a tuple
##1200613 Internal error: Query is too large and cannot be executed. The product of member counts across all dimensions in the query exceeds 2^64.
##1200614 MemberRange aruguments must be at the same Generation
##1200615 Invalid ARA outline: No base member in Accounts dimension
##1200616 ALL option for INTERSECT/EXCEPT not supported for Oracle/MSSQLServer
##1200617 Formula for Member [%s] not found
##1200618 Unable to resolve duplicate member name [%s] on line [%s]
##1200619 Both the arguments should be provided for PeriodsToDate and Opening/Closing Period functions
##1200620 Only Members And Children Function is Supported on Accounts Dimension
##1200621 Error checking license information for class [%s] : [%s]
##1200622 CDF class [%s] requires a valid license. Please contact administrator
##1200623 Number of Tuples specified exceeded limit 50
##1200624 HIERARCHIZE with POST option is not supported
##1200626 Warning: Formula for member [%s] uses CurrentMember on the same dimension.
##1200627 SCAPerspective must have at least one independent dimension member.
##1200628 SCAPerspective independent dimension member [%s] is not at level 0.
##1200629 Invalid SCAPerspective independent dimension member [%s].
##1200630 Multiple perspectives are defined for varying attribute dimension [%s]. Only the last perspective is used.
##1200631 Member [%s] is not a Varying Attribute Dimension.
##1200632 Function [%s] not supported for BSO applications
##1200633 Function [%s] on line [%s] only supported for Time intelligent applications.
##1200634 Ran out of memory while executing function [%s] for member [%s]
##1200635 Error: Dimension mismatch between input member and Hierarchy Member in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200636 Formula or Calculated Member [%s] not allowed in function [%s].
##1200637 Connection to source database failed. Result set will contain all #MISSING data
##1200638 Internal error: Query output is too large and cannot be executed. Query results exceeds 2^32 cells.
##1200639 Value %s Conversion to String Using Format[%s] Fails
##1200640 Invalid Date specified in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200641 Negative Date specified in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1200642 Named Sets are Currently not Supported in ARA
##1200643 Query Returned No Data
##1200644 Only Layer or Index specification is supported by [%s] on line [%s]
##1200645 Invalid Arguments Passed to Power Function [ Negative Number Raised to a Decimal ]
##1200646 Internal error: Set is too large to be processed. Set size exceeds 2^32 tuples.
##1200647 NONEMPTYBLOCK keyword not supported for databases with transparent partitions.
##1200648 NONEMPTYBLOCK keyword not supported for queries with attributes.
##1200649 NONEMPTYBLOCK keyword not supported for ASO applications.
##1200650 Dynamic sparse members found during NONEMPTYBLOCK processing. All associated tuples will be added to output set.
##1200651 Internal error in function [%s]. String length exceeds %s characters.
##1200652 The nonemptytuple hint cannot to be processed for member [%s]
##1200655 Function [%s] not supported for dynamic hierarchies
##1200656 Attribute members not supported for function [%s].
##1200657 Warning: Non empty member directive [%s] for member [%s] will be ignored since it is from a different dimension.
##1200658 The formula for member [%s] is Complex. If possible, add a non-empty directive to optimize for sparse data.
##1200659 Expanding members for Leaves ([%s])
##1200660 Calculated Member [%s] on Time dimension not allowed for Time Intelligent Applications.
##1200661 Warning: Non empty member directive for member [%s] exceeds the maximum limit(%s) on nonempty members. The non empty directive will be ignored.
##1202000 Can not read/write registry file: status [%s]
##1202001 Can not read registry file: must have single root element
##1202002 Can not read registry file: invalid attribute
##1202003 Can not read registry file: equal sign expected after attribute name
##1202004 Can not read registry file: single or double quote expected
##1202005 Can not read registry file: unmatched quote
##1202006 Can not read registry file: can not find end of a tag
##1202007 Can not read registry file: can not find end of a processor instruction
##1202008 Can not read registry file: can not find end of a comment
##1202009 Can not read registry file: can not find end of a CDATA section
##1202010 Can not read registry file: incorrect tags nesting
##1202011 Can not read registry file: invalid tag
##1202012 Can not read registry file: undefined entity
##1202013 Error : can not find specified child element
##1202015 Substring ']]>' is illegal in definition/spec/comment
##1202501 Can not read registry file: invalid file format
##1202502 Error: external definition not found
##1202503 Can not read registry file: invalid CDF property found
##1202504 Name [%s] is already used by an internal Essbase function
##1202505 Cannot lock/unlock external functions registry
##1202506 You do not have sufficient access
##1202507 Invalid application name
##1202508 CDF/CDM registry file for application [%s] has been removed; you need to re-create all your CDF/CDM definitions
##1202509 Global CDF/CDM registry file has been removed; you need to re-create all your global CDF/CDM definitions
##1202510 Unable to remove CDF/CDM registry file for application [%s]
##1202511 Unable to remove global CDF/CDM registry file
##1202512 Invalid macro definition or function implementation info
##1203001 Data mining algorithm registry cannot be accessed
##1203002 Data mining algorithm registry is corrupted
##1203003 Error [%s] [%s]
##1203004 Data mining algorithm class [%s] not found
##1203005 Class [%s] is not a valid data mining algorithm
##1203006 Data mining algorithm [%s] has invalid signature
##1203007 Algorithm access denied: user [%s] is not authorized to perform this operation
##1203008 Operation failed: algorithm name [%s] already exists
##1203009 Operation failed: algorithm name [%s] not found
##1203010 Built-in algorithm [%s] cannot be modified
##1203011 Database name [%s] specified in the model record not found
##1203012 Model [%s] record has invalid format
##1203013 Error [%s] [%s]
##1203014 Model access denied: user is not authorized to perform this operation
##1203015 Operation failed: model name [%s] not found.  Operation requires a built model
##1203016 Model [%s] query failed
##1203020 Database name [%s] specified in the result record not found
##1203021 Result [%s] for [%s] has invalid format
##1203022 Error [%s] [%s] for [%s]
##1203023 Result access denied: user is not authorized to perform this operation
##1203024 Operation failed: result name [%s] for mode [%s] not found
##1203025 Result [%s] for [%s] query failed
##1203030 Template [%s] for mode [%s] not found
##1203031 Template [%s] has invalid format
##1203032 Error [%s] template [%s] for [%s]
##1203033 Template access denied: user is not authorized to perform this operation
##1203034 Operation failed: template name [%s] already exists
##1203040 Session [%s] has not been found
##1203041 Session [%s] record has invalid format
##1203042 Error [%s] [%s] in session [%s]
##1203043 Session access denied: user is not authorized to perform this operation
##1203044 Status of session [%s] unknown
##1203045 Session [%s] interrupted by the user
##1203050 Session [%s] has started
##1203051 Session [%s] is being deployed
##1203052 Session [%s] has been deployed
##1203053 Session [%s] is executing
##1203054 Session [%s] has finished
##1203055 Session [%s] has failed
##1203056 Deployment of session [%s] interrupted by the user
##1203057 Deployment phase of session [%s] failed
##1203058 Execution of session [%s] interrupted by the user
##1203059 Execution phase of session [%s] failed
##1203060 Accessor name [%s] not found in session [%s]
##1203061 Domain name [%s] not found in session [%s]
##1203062 Failed to create session [%s]
##1203063 Failed to setup domains in session [%s]
##1203064 Execution of build session [%s] failed
##1203065 Execution of apply session [%s] failed
##1203066 Execution of test session [%s] failed
##1203067 Execution of import session [%s] failed
##1203068 Execution of export session [%s] failed
##1203069 Execution of score session [%s] failed
##1203070 Domain [%s] fixed size mismatch in session [%s]
##1203071 Domain [%s] axes sizes do not match in session [%s]
##1203072 Invalid position specified in domain [%s] in session [%s]
##1203073 Invalid format for accessor [%s] in session [%s]
##1203074 Invalid operation for domain [%s] since its size is unknown in session [%s]
##1203075 Domain [%s] array size mismatch in session [%s]
##1203076 Invalid type for accessor [%s] in session [%s]
##1203077 Session mode [%s] id [%s]. The name [%s] conflicts with another task in progress
##1203078 Session [%s]:  Model [%s] already exists.  User not authorized to overwrite.
##1203079 Session [%s]:  Result [%s] already exists.  User not authorized to overwrite
##1203080 Mining task specification is missing
##1203081 Mining task has invalid specification
##1203082 Mode [%s] not supported
##1203083 Database [%s] not found in the task specification
##1203084 No accessors found in the task specification
##1203085 Accessor [%s] has duplicate domains
##1203086 No domains found in the task specification
##1203087 Expression is missing for domain [%s] in accessor [%s]
##1203088 Accessor [%s] has duplicate domain types
##1203089 Task [%s]: expression [%s] is invalid
##1203090 Task [%s]: operation [%s] is invalid
##1203091 Task [%s]: parameter name [%s] not found
##1203092 Task [%s]: parameter [%s] value is missing
##1203093 Task [%s]: parameter [%s] value [%s] is invalid
##1203094 Task [%s]: parameter [%s] is invalid
##1203095 Task [%s]: parameter [%s] is missing
##1203096 Operation [%s] session [%s]: invalid task mode [%s]
##1203097 Task [%s] session [%s]: create accessor [%s] failed
##1203100 Data Mining Framework returned an error: [%s]
##1203101 Dmf log file is not accessible
##1203102 Dmf log file has invalid format
##1203103 Dmf log file update failed
##1203104 Dmf server log file is not accessible
##1203105 Dmf server log file has invalid format
##1203106 Dmf server log file update failed
##1203107 Access denied: user [%s] is not authorized to perform this operation
##1203108 Data Type Definition file [%s] not accessible
##1203109 Error [%s] [%s]
##1203110 Specified request type not supported
##1203120 Transformation registry cannot be accessed
##1203121 Transformation registry is corrupted
##1203122 Error [%s] [%s]
##1203123 Transformation class [%s] not found
##1203124 Class [%s] is not a valid transformation
##1203125 Transformation [%s] has invalid signature
##1203126 Transformation access denied: user [%s] is not authorized to perform this operation
##1203127 Operation failed: transformation name [%s] already exists
##1203128 Operation failed: transformation name [%s] not found
##1203129 Built-in transformation [%s] cannot be modified
##1203130 Data Mining Framework initialization failed
##1203131 Can not load class [%s] normally stored in [%s]
##1203132 Function [%s] is not implemented
##1203133 [%s]
##1203134 Data Mining Framework failed to initialize with status [%s]. Data Mining functionality disabled.
##1203135 Starting the Data Mining Framework
##1203136 Data Mining Framework successfully initialized.
##1203137 Can not load JVM. Data Mining functionality disabled.
##1203138 Algorithm [%s] registered OK.
##1203139 Algorithm [%s] deregistered OK.
##1203140 Model [%s] removed from the system
##1203141 Result [%s] for the [%s] task removed from the system
##1203142 Template [%s] for the [%s] task removed from the system
##1203143 Template [%s] saved
##1203147 Data Mining Framework is not available. Please contact administrator
##1203148 Starting the Data Mining Framework in debug mode
##1203149 Session [%s] stopping. Please allow some time
##1203150 The Data Mining Framework has validated mining task [%s]
##1203151 Transform [%s] registered OK.
##1203152 Transform [%s] deregistered OK.
##1203155 Pmml file [%s] removed from the system
##1203156 Pmml file [%s] saved
##1203161 Operation failed: algorithm name [%s] is invalid
##1203162 Storage operation [%s] failed. Session: [%s] File: [%s]
##1203163 Task [%s] attribute [%s] value [%s] missing
##1203164 Task [%s] node [%s] name [%s] missing
##1203165 Task [%s] node/attribute [%s] name [%s] count mismatch
##1203166 Task [%s] node/attribute [%s] name [%s] mismatch
##1203167 The Data Mining Framework has loaded mining task [%s] for scoring
##1203168 Session [%s] misses a required domain
##1203169 Operation failed: model name [%s] is invalid
##1203170 Operation failed: transformation name [%s] is invalid
##1203171 Operation failed: template name [%s] is invalid
##1203172 Operation failed: result name [%s] is invalid
##1203173 Resetting accessor in session [%s] has failed
##1203174 Session [%s] already finished
##1203176 Mining model exported successfully
##1203177 Model imported from PMML
##1203178 Execution of [%s] session [%s] failed. Algorithm returned message [%s]
##1203179 Application [%s] data mining objects renamed to [%s]
##1203180 Database [%s] data mining objects renamed to [%s]
##1203181 Application [%s] data mining objects recovered
##1203182 Database [%s] data mining objects recovered
##1203183 Algorithm class [%s] requires a valid license. Please contact administrator
##1203184 Error getting Java class name: [%s]
##1203185 Algorithm class [%s] requires a valid license. Please contact administrator
##1220000 Target thread state is invalid to post. Can not wake-up target thread !!!
##1220004 Thread management self-test initiated
##1220005 Thread management self-test passed
##1220009 Thread exit function failed!!!
##1220010 Thread exit memstack free failed!!!
##1230000 Master: started slave [%s]
##1230001 Hi, I'm a slave.  tid [%s], mtid [%s]
##1230002 Unable to allocate memory stack for slave task
##1241001 Logged in to Essbase
##1241011 MaxL statement cannot be NULL
##1241021 No recently executed MaxL statement to describe
##1241022 No recently described MaxL statement
##1241023 No columns have been defined for output
##1241024 Possible string truncation in column %s
##1241027 Output column defined
##1241028 Output column defined with warnings
##1241041 Custom data type conversion function failed with %s
##1241042 Possible loss of data or precision in column %s
##1241043 Incompatible data types in column %s
##1241044 Records returned: [%s]
##1241045 Output columns prepared: [%s]
##1241071 Bad column number - %s
##1241101 Unexpected Essbase error %s
##1241102 Internal API error %s
##1241103 Argument number %s is too large
##1241104 Argument number %s is too small
##1241105 Badly formatted input file ['%s']
##1241106 Maxl: Function not yet implemented
##1241107 Database export completed ['%s'.'%s']
##1241108 Cannot create directory ['%s']
##1241109 Unable to open file ['%s']
##1241110 Internal Error: This is a server side operation
##1241111 $ARBORPATH is not set, check your environment settings
##1241112 Exceeding the maximum number of sources - [%s]
##1241113 Database import completed ['%s'.'%s']
##1241114 There were errors, look in %s
##1241115 Database %s.%s altered
##1241121 Partition definition is not valid: [%s]
##1241122 Partition exists
##1241123 Partition created
##1241124 Partition replaced
##1241125 Partition dropped
##1241126 Keyword [%s] cannot be used
##1241127 Duplicate alias encountered [%s]
##1241128 Partition does not exist - '%s'
##1241129 Bad area alias reference in the MAPPED clause - '%s'
##1241130 Partition validated
##1241131 Cardinality of source partition areas and target partition \
##1241132 Cardinality of member maps must match
##1241133 Outlines are synchronized
##1241134 Dangling Partition found [%s.%s]
##1241135 Invalid Host Name - [%s]
##1241136 Outline change files purged
##1241137 [%s] - Partition definition is not valid: [%s]
##1241138 Partition altered
##1241139 Invalid syntax: (refer to the [app/db] pair with renamed application or database first)
##1241140 Invalid syntax: (refer to the [app/db] pair which resides on renamed server first)
##1241141 Unable to connect to the remote database using user '%s'
##1241142 Invalid connection information for user - '%s'
##1241143 Model template export completed for ['%s']
##1241144 Algorithm template export completed for ['%s']
##1241145 Mining Task template export completed for ['%s']
##1241146 Mining Request number ['%s'] executed
##1241147 Sending Unicode commands to non-Unicode server may cause unexpected errors
##1241148 Miner Scoring completed
##1241149 Model data export completed for ['%s']
##1241150 MDX Query execution completed
##1241151 Query Returned No Data
##1241152 Invalid miner name returned - ['%s']
##1241153 Result data export completed for ['%s']
##1241154 Model export to pmml completed for ['%s']
##1241155 Mining Model replaced - ['%s']
##1241156 Mining Template replaced - ['%s']
##1241157 Mining Template created - ['%s']
##1241158 Mining Task with id [%s] is executing...
##1241159 Mining Model created - ['%s']
##1241160 Unable to start GC stream.
##1241161 Loading Unicode-encoded LROs to non-Unicode mode application is not supported
##1241162 Unable to create partitions on Unicode servers from non-Unicode clients
##1241163 Operation not supported for aggregate storage applications
##1241164 A stopping size strictly greater than 1.0 is required for aggregate selection
##1241165 Unsupported conversion for 'Create Outline'
##1241166 Unable to connect to database %s using user '%s'
##1241167 Database %s.%s is not on a block storage application
##1241168 Database %s.%s is not on an aggregate storage application
##1241169 Outline for database %s.%s replaced
##1241170 Aggregate storage applications cannot be the source or target of a replicated partition
##1241171 Aggregate storage applications cannot be the target of a transparent partition
##1241172 MDX query output is too large to display
##1241173 Unable to open temp viewfile [%s]
##1241174 Unable to create viewfile [%s]
##1241175 Unable to write to viewfile [%s]
##1241176 Zero views were found. Viewfile [%s] not created
##1241177 NULL value received for internal API string
##1241178 NULL value received for internal API number
##1241179 NULL value received for internal API parsetree
##1241180 Viewfile [%s] already exists
##1241181 Invalid null viewfile name
##1241182 MDX Statement execution completed
##1241183 Error writing to file %s. Insufficient disk space
##1242001 Invalid privilege or role
##1242002 (%s) Number is being truncated to %s bytes
##1242003 (%s) Number is being truncated to %s seconds
##1242004 session_idle_limit must be between %s and %s s
##1242005 invalid_login_limit must be between %s and %s
##1242006 inactive_user_days must be between %s and %s
##1242007 password_reset_days must be between %s and %s
##1242008 lock_timeout (app) must be between %s and %s s
##1242009 max_lro_file_size must be between %s and %s k
##1242010 retrieve_buffer_size must be between %s and %s b
##1242011 retrieve_sort_buffer_size must be between %s and %s b
##1242012 data_cache_size must be between %s and %s b
##1242013 data_file_cache_size must be between %s and %s b
##1242014 index_cache_size must be between %s and %s b
##1242015 index_page_size must be %s b
##1242016 implicit_commit must be between %s and %s blocks/rows
##1242017 lock_timeout (db) must be between %s and %s s
##1242018 Disk volume file_size must be between %s and %s k
##1242019 Disk volume partition_size must be between %s and %s k
##1242020 (%s) Syntax error near end of statement
##1242021 (%s) Syntax error near ['%s']
##1242022 Application name %s is too long
##1242023 Database name %s is too long
##1242024 Function or macro  name %s is too long
##1242026 Function or macro specification %s is too long
##1242027 Invalid character in function or macro name %s
##1242028 User name %s is too long
##1242029 Password is too long
##1242030 Comment is too long
##1242032 File name %s is too long
##1242033 One or more file names is too long
##1242034 Invalid character in variable name %s
##1242035 Variable name %s is too long
##1242036 Variable value is too long
##1242037 Location alias name %s is too long
##1242039 Invalid blank character in name ['%s']
##1242040 Invalid character in name ['%s']
##1242041 Invalid character in user/group name %s
##1242042 Filter name '%s' is too long
##1242043 Calc name '%s' is too long
##1242044 session_idle_poll must be between %s and %s s
##1242045 Server name is too long - '%s'
##1242046 Alias table name %s is too long
##1242047 Invalid date %s entered
##1242048 Object name '%s' is too long
##1242049 New object name '%s' is too long
##1242051 Trigger name %s is too long
##1242052 Null is not a valid application name
##1242053 Null is not a valid trigger name
##1242054 Null is not a valid database name
##1242055 Null is not a valid function or macro name
##1242056 Null is not a valid variable name
##1242057 Null is not a valid calc name
##1242058 Null is not a valid filter name
##1242059 Null is not a valid server name
##1242060 Null is not a valid file name
##1242061 Null is not a valid alias table name
##1242063 Null is not a valid user name
##1242064 Null is not a valid object name
##1242065 application cache_size must be between %s and %s mb
##1242066 file_location file_size must be between %s and %s mb
##1242067 file_location disk_size must be between %s and %s mb
##1242068 outline id must be between %s and %s
##1242069 view id must be between %s and %s
##1242070 number of views must be between %s and %s
##1242073 (%s) Number is being rounded up to nearest %s boundary
##1242074 (%s) Number is being rounded up to %s bytes
##1242075 precision must be between %s and %s
##1242076 total_size must be greater than 0
##1242077 Invalid application access type: [%s]
##1242078 resource_usage must be between %s and %s
##1243001 Output of arity %s attached
##1243002 Output columns described
##1243003 Record(s) fetched
##1243004 Maxl: Function not yet implemented
##1243005 Volume %s does not exist
##1243007 The requested location alias [%s] does not exist
##1243008 MaxL Internal Error caused by error [%s]
##1243009 Error communicating with servers [%s]
##1243010 Partition refreshed
##1243011 Custom definitions refreshed
##1243012 Invalid Host - [%s]
##1243013 Views built on database %s.%s
##1243014 Aggregates processed on database %s.%s
##1244011 Unable to allocate %s bytes of memory
##1244021 Database %s.%s must be loaded
##1244022 Application %s must be loaded
##1244023 Unable to get temp file
##1244024 Invalid Operation Mode [%s]
##1244025 Dangling Partition found [%s.%s]
##1244026 Error reading ddb file: %s
##1244027 Essbase received Null MaxL statement
##1250001 Error [%s] in Outline Paging: %s
##1250002 Open Error [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250005 Error [%s] Creating Environment For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250006 Error [%s] Opening Environment For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250007 Error [%s] Setting Cachesize For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250008 Setting Outline Paging Cachesize To [%sKB]
##1250009 Creating Outline Paging Environment
##1250010 Finished Loading Database Metadata for [%s] from [%s]
##1250011 Error [%s] Creating Outline Paging File Handle, Database Section: %s
##1250012 Error [%s] Opening Outline Paging File, Database Section: %s
##1250013 Read Error [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250015 Finished Loading Dimension Metadata for [%s] from [%s]
##1250016 Error [%s] in Outline Paging: %s
##1250017 Open Error [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250018 Read Error [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250023 Outline Paging Environment Opened Successfully
##1250024 Loading Database Metadata for [%s] from [%s]
##1250025 Error [%s] in Outline Paging: %s
##1250026 Open Error [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250027 Read Error [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250029 Write Error [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250030 File [%s] not found
##1250034 Error [%s] Setting Max Locks For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250035 Setting The Maximum Number Of Outline Paging Locks To [%s]
##1250036 Setting The Maximum Number Of Simultaneously Locked Objects Supported By OPG Environment To [%s]
##1250037 Setting The Maximum Number Of Simultaneous Locking Entities Supported By OPG Environment To [%s]
##1250038 Error [%s] Setting The Size Of The Outline Paging Logging Subsystem Region: %s
##1250039 Setting The Size Of The Underlying Outline Paging Logging Subsystem Region To [%sKB]
##1250040 Error [%s] Setting The Allocation Functions Used By Outline Paging Environment: %s
##1250043 Read error [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250044 Reading Outline Transactions For Database [%s]
##1250045 Invalid Update Command
##1250046 Fails to load Outline Paging Library: %s
##1250047 Write Error [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250050 Migrating Outline Paging File
##1250051 Unable to migrate opg database
##1250052 Unable to migrate a 7.1 beta1 opg database to 7.1 across platforms
##1250053 Outline file is newer version than this release can handle
##1250055 Error compacting Outline Paging File: %s, Version %s is too old. Please migrate the file.
##1250056 Migrating UDAs for dimension %s
##1250057 Migrating UDAs failed [%s] For Outline Paging File: %s
##1250059 Error compacting Outline Paging File %s. Compacted and original outline byte order do not match. Please compact it where it was created.
##1250060 Outline file is of older version,migration recommended
##1250061 Otl file path [%s] is too long.
##1260003 Unknown dimension[%s] specified
##1260004 Unknown member[%s] specified
##1260011 A Set element has a child other than Operator, SetVar or Tuple
##1260014 Invalid XML tag encountered
##1260018 Symbol %s Redfined
##1260021 Cube variable name %s is not defined
##1260022 Set variable name %s is not defined
##1260034 The feature[%s] is not supported in this version
##1260037 An error [%s] occurred while parsing input XML query
##1260039 MaxL DML Execution Elapsed Time : [%s] seconds
##1260041 Internal Error: MDX node stack overflow
##1260042 Internal Error: MDX node stack underflow
##1260043 Error in parsing MDX query
##1260044 Symbol %s Redefined
##1260046 Unknown Member %s used in query
##1260047 Calculated Member %s redefined
##1260048 Invalid definition of a Calculated Member %s
##1260049 Invalid definition for a Named Set %s
##1260050 The definition of %s conflicts with metadata outline
##1260051 The symbol [%s] is not referenced
##1260052 Syntax error in input MDX query on line %s at token '%s'
##1260053 The identifier '%s' on line %s exceeds maximum character limit
##1260054 Error: Dimension signature mismatch in function [%s] on line [%s]
##1260055 Mismatching types used in comparison on line %s
##1260056 Invalid type used in comparison on line %s
##1260057 The first argument to IN should be an attribute property
##1260058 The second argument to IN is invalid
##1260059 Boolean expression expected on line %s at token '%s'
##1260060 The cube name %s does not match with current application/database
##1260061 MaxL DML feature unavailable due to problem while initializing database
##1260062 Mismatching types used in Simple Case When Clause on line %s
##1260064 Comment not terminated. End of File encountered within a comment.
##1260065 Invalid dimension and property combination %s.
##1260066 Named Set %s referenced in its own definition
##1260067 Ignoring Cell/Member Properties in query
##1260068 Numeric value expression expected in Calculated Member definition on line %s at token '%s'
##1260069 The option %s is not currently supported
##1260070 Session segment cannot contain more than %s objects. Delete objects to make more space available.
##1260071 Session Named Set %s may not referenced in the definition of another session named set.
##1260072 Error in parsing ARA udm formula
##1260073 Cannot uniquely identify a member, the name [%s] is duplicated
##1260074 The identifier (truncated) '%s' on line %s exceeds maximum level limit
##1260075 Only one NONEMPTYBLOCK is allowed in query
##1260076 Invalid Hierarchy name %s on line %s. Valid hierarchy names are member names generation 1 for single hiearchy dimensions and member names at generation 2 for multiple hierarchy dimensions
##1260078 Mismatching types used in Else Clause on line %s
##1270001 Memory allocation failed
##1270004 Cannot complete operation: insufficient aggregate storage cache size
##1270005 Fatal error: invalid page encountered in aggregate storage file at location [%s]
##1270006 Failed to extend tablespace [%s].  Please see application log for details
##1270007 Failed to create tablespace [%s]: a tablespace by that name already exists
##1270008 Failed to create tablespace: ID space full
##1270009 Failed to remove tablespace [%s]: operation not allowed on this special tablespace
##1270010 Failed to create object [%s]: an object by that name already exists
##1270011 Failed to create file location [%s]: that file location is already used by this tablespace
##1270012 Failed to create file location: ID space full
##1270013 Failed to create object in tablespace [metadata]: operation not allowed for special tablespace
##1270014 Failed to create object: ID space full
##1270015 Failed to add file location to tablespace [metadata]:  operation not allowed for special tablespace
##1270016 Failed to create file: ID space full
##1270017 Failed to create tablespace: name too long
##1270018 Failed to create file location: path too long
##1270019 Failed to create object: name too long
##1270020 Internal error: Thread Local Storage operation failed
##1270021 Operation cancelled by user
##1270024 Fatal error at [%s], line [%s]; terminating the server
##1270025 Cannot proceed while cube build is in progress
##1270026 Cannot proceed while the cube is being cleared
##1270027 Cannot proceed while the cube is being loaded
##1270028 Cannot proceed: the cube has no data
##1270029 Cannot proceed: the cube already has data
##1270030 Cannot proceed: the cube has no aggregations
##1270031 Failed to select any new views or all views that you requested to build exist already
##1270032 The specified view list is invalid or the views were selected using a different outline
##1270033 The specified tablespace does not exist
##1270034 The specified file location does not exist
##1270035 Cannot alter tablespace: this tablespace is special
##1270036 Cannot add file location: file location directory [%s] already exists.  If this directory is not in use by another application, please remove it and try again
##1270038 Failed to create directory: [%s]
##1270039 Failed to remove file location: file location already has blocks allocated
##1270040 Data load buffer [%s] does not exist
##1270041 For better performance, increase the size of aggregate storage cache
##1270042 Aggregate storage data export failed
##1270043 Aggregate storage data export is done.
##1270044 Cube cannot have more than [%s] aggregates
##1270045 Successfully built [%s] new aggregate views. Elapsed time [%s] sec
##1270046 Selected [%s] new aggregate views. Elapsed time [%s] sec
##1270047 Data load buffer [%s] is currently in use
##1270048 Only add, subtract and store data loads are supported. Initial data load must be in add or store mode
##1270049 The data set is too small to perform this operation
##1270050 Invalid cache size specified. Minimal cache size is [%s] MB
##1270051 Failed to create thread. System error occured with error number [%s]: [%s]
##1270056 Cache size setting changed to [%s] MB. The change will not take effect until application restart.
##1270057 Requested file size limit is greater than maximum.  Setting file size limit to maximum
##1270058 Failed to create file in tablespace [%s]: no file locations exist
##1270059 Specified maximum disk size is not on 8MB boundary.  Rounding up to nearest 8MB
##1270060 Specified maximum file size is not on 8MB boundary.  Rounding up to nearest 8MB
##1270061 Specified maximum disk size is less than maximum file size.  File location will not be extended beyond maximum disk size
##1270063 Attempting to re-create all aggregate storage files
##1270064 Query tracking is not enabled or no queries were executed since the last reset of the tracking data
##1270065 Starting aggregate storage data migration from version [%s]
##1270066 Only level zero data will be migrated. Existing aggregate views will be removed
##1270067 Migration from version [%s] completed succesfully. Elapsed time [%s] sec
##1270068 Aggregate storage data migration from version [%s] failed
##1270069 Pre-selected view list must begin with input view; it must be followed by all existing aggregate views for query-based view selection
##1270070 Serial number [%s] in the page header doesn't match [%s] in the footer
##1270071 Page ID [%s] in the page header doesn't match page location [%s]
##1270072 Query is too large and cannot be executed because the product of member counts across all dimensions in the query exceeds 2^64
##1270073 Failed to read data from file [%s] at offset [%s]: end of file
##1270074 Failed to create file in file location [%s]: user-specified disk size limit or file count limit reached
##1270075 Failed to create file [%s]: a system file error occurred.  Please see application log for details
##1270076 Failed to open file [%s]: a system file error occurred.  Please see application log for details
##1270077 Failed to extend file [%s]: user-specified file size limit reached
##1270078 Failed to extend file [%s]: a system file error occurred.  Please see application log for details
##1270079 Failed to read file [%s]: a system file error occurred.  Please see application log for details
##1270080 Failed to write file [%s]: a system file error occurred.  Please see application log for details
##1270081 Failed to remove file [%s]: a system file error occurred.  Please see application log for details
##1270082 Failed to flush file [%s]: a system file error occurred.  Please see application log for details
##1270083 A system error occurred with error number [%s]: [%s]
##1270084 Cannot proceed while the cube is being exported
##1270085 Failed to write data to temporary storage area on disk. Please see application log for more information
##1270086 Restructuring converted [%s] input cells and removed [%s] input cells
##1270087 Restructuring converted [%s] and removed [%s] aggregate views
##1270088 Restructuring didn't require any cell or view changes
##1270089 Data load failed: input contains different values for the same cell [%s]
##1270090 Cannot proceed while the cube is in read-only mode for backup
##1270091 Unable to switch the aggregate storage system to read-only mode: an update is in progress
##1270092 Unable to perform update operation: storage is currently read-only
##1270093 Execution of parallel operation failed; check application log for the specific cause
##1270094 Operation didn't change any database cells
##1270095 Specified load buffer resource usage [%s] is above currently available value [%s]
##1270096 Specified load buffer resource usage [%s] is below minimum allowed value [%s]
##1270097 Data load buffer with id [%s] already exists
##1270098 Cannot proceed while the incremental data merge is in progress
##1270099 There's no incremental data or it is already merged. Specified merge is not necessary
##1270101 Merge data operation completed successfully. Elapsed time [%s] sec
##1270102 Merge and view build operations cannot be performed while data load buffers exist
##1270103 Buffer id [%s] is not valid
##1270104 Buffer ids must be between [%s] and [%s]
##1270105 Error while converting unicode string
##1270106 Persistent data does not match the outline. There is no member in dimension [%s] for member number [%s]. Data is corrupted
##1270300 Cache hit ratio
##1270301 Current cache size (KB)
##1270302 Current cache size limit (KB)
##1270303 Page size (KB)
##1270304 Page reads since last startup
##1270305 Page writes since last startup
##1270306 Max. key length (bytes)
##1270307 Number of aggregate views
##1270308 Number of input-level cells
##1270309 Number of aggregate cells
##1270310 Disk space allocated for data (KB)
##1270311 Disk space used by data (KB)
##1270312 Temporary disk space allocated (KB)
##1270313 Temporary disk space used (KB)
##1270314 Dimension [%s] has [%s] levels, bits used
##1270315 Max. key length (bits)
##1270316 Input-level data size (KB)
##1270317 Aggregate data size (KB)
##1270318 Number of incremental data slices
##1270319 Number of incremental input cells
##1270320 Number of incremental aggregate cells
##1270321 Cost of querying incr. data (ratio to total cost)
##1270500 Attribute dimensions are not supported
##1270502 Unsupported aggregation operator on member [%s]
##1270503 Member [%s] is shared; not supported with aggregate storage
##1270504 Member [%s] uses time balance calculation; not supported with aggregate storage
##1270505 Member [%s] violates the rules for label-only support with aggregate storage
##1270506 Outline generated too many warnings. Further warnings ignored
##1270507 Hierarchy [%s] is unbalanced. Balancing it may improve performance
##1270508 DTS member [%s] ignored
##1270509 Aggregation operator [~] assumed for member [%s]
##1270510 Two-pass calculation setting on member [%s] ignored
##1270511 Invalid outline: no stored members found in primary hierarchy [%s]
##1270512 Dimension member [%s] marked as having alternate hierarchies must also be marked label-only
##1270513 Dimension member [%s] marked as having alternate hierarchies must have a first child marked as stored hierarchy
##1270514 Member [%s] in alternate hierarchy has attribute association
##1270515 Total number of levels across all hierarchies in dimension [%s] exceeds limit [%s]
##1270516 Maximum view count [%s] exceeded
##1270517 Hierarchy [%s] is too complex: maximal width member number exceeds 64 bits.  See application log for details
##1270518 Member number for member [%s] requires [%s] bits to encode
##1270519 Member [%s] contributes [%s] bits to member number
##1270520 Total number of hierarchies in dimension [%s] exceeds limit [%s]
##1270521 Maximum view selection hint count [%s] exceeded.  Ignoring additional implicit formula hints
##1270522 Maximum view selection hint count [%s] exceeded.  Ignoring additional user-defined hints
##1270523 Shared, label-only or dynamic member [%s] encountered in user-defined hint.  Ignoring hint
##1270524 User-defined hint member [%s] is in dimension that has already been specified. Ignoring hint
##1270525 User-defined hint specifies all possible aggregate views. Ignoring useless hint
##1120110 Could not open the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file.
##1120111 No relational database name was supplied in the DB2 OLAP Server configuration file.
##1120113 DB2 OLAP Server has encountered an error. %s
##1120200 The cube could not be located in the Cube Catalog table.
##1120201 The number of start-up connections is greater than the maximum pool size.
##1120202 A database with the name [%s] already exists in the relational database for this application.
##1120300 Anchor dimension definition cannot be changed with data loaded. Outline changes rejected. Remove all data from the database and try again.
##1120301 No anchor dimension specified. Outline changes rejected. Specify an anchor dimension and try again.
##1120302 More than one anchor dimension specified. Outline changes rejected.
##1120303 Anchor dimension specified is SPARSE. The anchor dimension must be DENSE. Outline changes rejected.
##1120304 Not enough columns remain in the fact table to store the added dimensions. Outline changes rejected.
##1120305 Not enough columns remain in the fact table to store the anchor dimension members added. Outline changes rejected.
##1120306 A short name for the dimension could not be created. Rename the dimension and try again.
##1120307 A relational name for a fact column could not be created.
##1120308 DB2 OLAP Server could not select a suitable anchor dimension from those in the outline. Outline changes rejected.
##1120309 The system selected anchor dimension [%s] cannot be replaced by a user-specified anchor dimension with data loaded. Outline changes rejected.
##1120310 The system selected anchor dimension [%s] has been deleted with data loaded. Outline changes rejected.
##1120311 The system selected anchor dimension [%s] has been made SPARSE with data  loaded. Outline changes rejected.
##1120312 The system selected anchor dimension [%s] has been made SPARSE but no suitable replacement anchor dimension could be found. Outline changes rejected.
##1120313 The system selected anchor dimension [%s] has been deleted but no suitable replacement anchor dimension can be found. Outline changes rejected.
##1120314 The migration of database [%s] has begun.
##1120315 The migration of database [%s] has ended successfully.
##1120316 The addition of alias table [%s] has failed because its name is the same as a current relational attribute column name on dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1120323 Database [%s] in application [%s] was not started because the outline file does not match the outline stored in the relational database.
##1120501 Some relational database commits worked and some failed.  Database [%s] in application [%s] may not be valid.
##1120801 The outline restructure used up all the available [%s] bytes of memory. Increase the data or index cache by [%s] bytes to improve outline restructure performance.
##1120900 The relational database environment could not be initialized.
##1120901 An error was encountered when closing the relational database environment.
##1120902 Using default isolation level of cursor stability. The value specified in the configuration file is not valid.
##1120903 DB2 OLAP Server could not establish a connection to the relational database %s.
##1120904 DB2 OLAP Server could not establish a connection to the relational database %s.
##1120905 The relational database returned information when a connection was terminated.
##1120906 The relational database returned information when a connection was established.
##1120907 The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server disconnected.
##1120908 Failure to set the isolation level prevented a connection to the relational database being established.
##1120909 Failure to set the autocommit option prevented a connection to the relational database being established.
##1120910 The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server committed a transaction.
##1120911 The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server aborted a transaction.
##1120912 An SQL statement failed to execute.
##1120913 The relational database returned information when executing an SQL statement.
##1120914 The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server released an execution statement.
##1120915 DB2 OLAP Server could not obtain an execution statement from the relational database.
##1120916 DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error when attempting to lock a table in the relational database.
##1120918 DB2 OLAP Server was unable to lock a table because it is already locked.
##1120919 The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server locked a table.
##1120920 DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error while preparing to read data.
##1120921 DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error while preparing to read data.
##1120922 DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error while preparing to run an SQL statement to read data.
##1120923 DB2 OLAP Server detected an internal error while reading data.
##1120924 The relational database returned information when data was read.
##1120925 The relational database returned an error when data was read.
##1120926 The relational database returned information following an extended read.
##1120927 The relational database returned an error when processing an extended read.
##1120928 The relational database returned an error when preparing an extended read.
##1120929 The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a named data cursor.
##1120930 The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a named data cursor.
##1120931 DB2 OLAP Server encountered a column with an unsupported data type while copying a table.
##1120932 DB2 OLAP Server encountered a column with an unknown data type while copying a table.
##1120937 Database error information: %s.
##1120938 The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a result column count.
##1120939 The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a result set description.
##1120940 The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server requested a result set description.
##1120941 DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error while preparing an SQL string.
##1120942 The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server prepared an SQL SELECT statement.
##1120943 The relational database returned information when the DB2 OLAP Server read internal ID data.
##1120944 The relational database returned an error when the DB2 OLAP Server read internal ID data.
##1120945 DB2 OLAP Server encountered an internal error when attempting to allocate a new internal ID.
##1120946 DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error when attempting to query configuration information for the relational database.
##1120947 DB2 OLAP Server encountered an error because DB2 is not enabled for multiple concurrent connections.
##1120952 The relational database has encountered an error: %s
##1121000 DB2 OLAP Server failed to open the storage manager. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121001 DB2 OLAP Server failed to close the storage manager. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121002 DB2 OLAP Server failed to open an application. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121003 DB2 OLAP Server failed to close an application. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121004 DB2 OLAP Server failed to open a database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121005 DB2 OLAP Server failed to close a database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121006 DB2 OLAP Server failed to open a thread. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121007 DB2 OLAP Server failed to close a thread. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121008 DB2 OLAP Server failed to open a transaction. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121009 DB2 OLAP Server failed to close a transaction. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121010 DB2 OLAP Server failed to commit a transaction. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121011 DB2 OLAP Server failed to abort a transaction. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121012 DB2 OLAP Server failed to fix a block. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121013 DB2 OLAP Server failed to fix the next block. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121014 DB2 OLAP Server failed to read a block. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121015 DB2 OLAP Server failed to unfix a block. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121016 DB2 OLAP Server failed to set the database to a read-only state. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121017 DB2 OLAP Server failed to set the database to a read-write state. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121018 DB2 OLAP Server failed to clear data from the database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121019 DB2 OLAP Server failed to retrieve database information. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121020 DB2 OLAP Server failed to retrieve database runtime information. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121021 DB2 OLAP Server failed to free database information. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121022 DB2 OLAP Server failed to restructure a database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121023 DB2 OLAP Server failed to create a new database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121024 DB2 OLAP Server failed to delete a database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121025 DB2 OLAP Server failed to rename a database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121026 DB2 OLAP Server failed to copy a database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121027 DB2 OLAP Server failed to archive a database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121028 DB2 OLAP Server failed to validate a database. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121029 DB2 OLAP Server failed to create a new application. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121030 DB2 OLAP Server failed to delete an application. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121031 DB2 OLAP Server failed to rename an application. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121032 DB2 OLAP Server failed to copy an application. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121033 DB2 OLAP Server failed to link an object. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121034 DB2 OLAP Server failed to delete a linked object. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121035 DB2 OLAP Server failed to update a linked object. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121036 DB2 OLAP Server failed to get a linked object. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121037 DB2 OLAP Server failed to get the catalog of linked objects. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121038 DB2 OLAP Server failed to list the linked objects. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121039 DB2 OLAP Server failed to purge the linked objects. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121040 IBM DB2 OLAP Server  5679-OLP (C) Copyright IBM Corp., 1998. All rights reserved. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. US Government Users Restricted Rights. Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule contract with IBM Corp.
##1121041 DB2 OLAP Server failed to create a list of LRO flags. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121042 DB2 OLAP Server failed to free LRO memory. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121043 DB2 OLAP Server failed to retrieve the current database settings. %s (%s)  Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121044 DB2 OLAP Server internal error.
##1121102 DB2 OLAP Server could not continue because the [%s] entry in the rsm.cfg file is not a supported parameter. Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121103 DB2 OLAP Server could not continue because the [%s] parameter in the rsm.cfg file is not supported in the section for application [%s]. Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121104 DB2 OLAP Server could not continue because the [%s] parameter in the rsm.cfg file is not supported in the section for database [%s]. Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121105 DB2 OLAP Server could not continue because the value [%s] specified in the rsm.cfg file for parameter [%s] is incorrect. Report this error to your system administrator.
##1121200 The LRO object was not updated because the provided status did not match the status in the LRO table.
##1121201 The LRO object was not updated because the provided object type did not match the object type in the LRO table.
##1121202 The update or get LRO operation failed because the LRO object was not found in the LRO table.
##1121302 The removal of the relational attribute column [%s] failed because relational attributes exist in the column. The column must be empty before being removed. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121303 No relational attribute column name was found after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121304 No data type was found after the RELCOL keyword and relational attribute column name [%s] for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121305 The relational attribute column name [%s] specified after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s] is too long. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121306 No recognized data type was found after the RELCOL keyword and relational attribute column name [%s] for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121307 No size was found following a character data type after the RELCOL keyword and relational attribute column name [%s] for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121308 No matching single quote was found at the end of a column name after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121309 The column name [%s] after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s] does not conform to the naming convention for columns in the relational database. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121310 The column name [%s] after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s] is the same as the name of a current relational attribute column or an attribute column being deleted. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121311 The column name [%s] after the RELCOL keyword for dimension [%s] is the same as the name of a current alias table. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121312 No relational attribute column name was found after the RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121313 No data value was found after the relational attribute column name and RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121314 The relational attribute column name specified after the RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s] is too long. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121315 The column name specified after the RELVAL keyword for member [%s] is not recognized as an existing relational attribute column for dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121316 No quotes were found surrounding the character data after the RELVAL keyword and relational attribute column name for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121317 No matching single quote was found at the end of a column name after the RELVAL keyword for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121318 Character data following the RELVAL keyword is larger than the size specified for the relational attribute column for member [%s] in dimension [%s]. Outline changes were rejected.
##1121500 Current anchor dimension [%s] is dimension number
##1121501 Number of blocks currently fixed
##1121502 High water number of blocks fixed
##1121503 Number of blocks currently cached
##1121504 High water number of blocks cached
##1121505 Maximum number of cache blocks
##1121506 Block cache hit rate
##1121507 Number of keys currently cached
##1121508 High water number of keys cached
##1121509 Maximum number of cached keys
##1121510 Key cache hit rate
##1121511 Percent waste fact table space in unused columns
##1121512 Number of values per row in the fact table
##1121513 Maximum number of rows per block in the fact table
##1121514 Current number of connections
##1121515 High water number of connections
##1121516 Connection pool size
##1121517 Maximum connection pool size
##1121518 High water block cache size
##1121519 High water key cache size
##1180000 Autodelete group (%s) is not an Essbase/400 group.  Autodelete disabled.
##1180001 Cannot autodelete only supervisor!
##1180002 OS400UsersGroup (%s) is not an OS/400 Group User Profile, OS400UsersGroup disabled
##1180003 OS400UsersGroup (%s) is not an Essbase/400 group, OS400UsersGroup disabled
##1180004 OS400CommonGroup (%s) ignored. It is not an OS/400 Group User Profile
##1180005 OS400CommonGroup (%s) ignored. It is not an Essbase/400 group
##1180006 Autodelete group (%s) has been deleted, Autodelete disabled
##1180007 User (%s) holds lock on object (%s).  Autodelete skipped
##1180008 OS400UsersGroup group (%s) has been deleted, OS400UsersGroup disabled
##1180009 Attempt to rename OS400UsersGroup [%s] group disallowed
##1180010 Attempt to rename OS400AutoDelete [%s] group disallowed
##1180011 Attempt to rename OS400CommonGroup [%s] group disallowed
##1180012 Attempt to rename OS400 integrated user [%s] disallowed
##1180013 OS/400 Change Password validation error: [%s]
##1180018 Received Get NLS Info request
##1180019 NLS Configuration differs between client and server
##1180020 NLS Configuration cannot be verified with non-OS/400 Essbase server
##1180021 Total Calc CPU Time : [%s] seconds
##1180022 Calc Percent CPU: [%s]
##1180023 Free space management overflow. Sorting input data based on sparse columns before loading or using SQL ORDER BY clause to order on sparse columns in data load rule file may alleviate this problem
##1180024 %s error(s) logged during data load operation
##1180025 ESSCMD/400 exiting
##1180026 Too few arguments for %s command.  Each missing argument will be substituted with <ARGUMENT-MISSING>. This may cause the command to fail.  See subsequent messages (if any) to determine if this command was successful.
##1180027 You must login before using the %s command
##1180028 You must select a Database before using the %s command
##1180029 Error(s) logged during dimension build operation
##1180030 User (%s) is managed via Integrated Security.  This change must be made via OS/400 User Profile management interfaces



  1. Hi, I am getting the error ERROR - 1051426 - Failed to get roles for [Group] from Shared Services with Error [30:6519:Target application does not exist.]. Can you pls help

  2. Thanks for Information Our Online-Training-Informatica proven expert in all Hyperion Modules like Hyperion Financial Management, Hyperion Financial Data Quality, Hyperion Financial Reporting, Hyperion Essbase, Hyperion Planning, Smart view and Data Relationship management.Hyperion Essbase Online Training

  3. ##1051487 User [%s] has a privilege on database [%s] that is not supported in Shared Services Security mode. As a result, failed to set the privilege on this user.Please help me here if any one has answer for this ,i am new to this

  4. Error executing query: Error: Internal Essbase JAPI error. Cannot Execute Report. Essbase Error(1001211). Report error : the no of colums in the report exceeded the allowed maximum[256].

  5. When you get the error? What process are running ?

  6. ##1013116 Database [%s] is Still in Active Use - what are next actions/steps to take.
